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The Movie

Basically, this is a must have on any Vampire Hunter D site. Just a quick recap of the movie, characters and major events.

On characters: I have come across many different spellings and variations of character names. I'm using the ones that I am most comfortable with.

The Vampire Hunter D is consindered anime horror. It revolves around the young woman Doris, who is bitten by a vampire, and the hunter she hires. Doris is a simple peasent girl, who is bitten by the local count, Magnus Lee. She hires the mysterious hunter D to rid the village of the count, and offers herself as payment. D takes the job, but not the payment.

The arrogant mayor's son Grecco discovers what has happened, and offers to protect Doris if she wil marry him. Doris refuses, and Grecco reveals to the town that she has been bitten. in fear, they shun her and banish her to her ranch. Only her younger brother Dan and a family friend (Dr. Fearing) are on her side. And of course, D.

It is soon revealed that Doris wasn't simply a midnight snack. The Count is bored with his immortal life, and wishes to spice it up a bit. He sees Doris as entertainment, and decides he wishe to marry her. But the counts daughter Lamika has other ideas. She is aghast at the thought of a simple human peasent being brought into the noble family, and tells her father as much. She vows she'd kill herself before allowing a peasent to be her stepmother. Aided by the mutant servant Rei, Lamika attacks Doris' ranch but fails.

Doris is kidnapped, and D rushes to her rescue. He overcomes many of Magus Lee's henchman, though he nearly loses his own life. During this, it is revealed that D is not all that he appears. He is a dhampir, a human vampire crossbreed. The count is pleased by this, enjoying to have a worthy advisary. D is able to rescue Doris, but the count vows he wil get her back.

D also angered Rie, Lee's mutant henchman who's only wish is to be brought into the nolbe house. The count has been hanging immortality over Rei's head, taunting him with it. Rei decides that immortality will be his, if he destroys D. The count gives Rei the Time Deciever Lamp, which is deadly to any with vampire blood. Rei kidnps Doris' brother, to force D into a duel. But the lamp is stolen by Grecco, and replaced with a fake. D fights Rei, and wins. He manages to cut of Rei's hand, and rescue Dan.

Meanwhile, Dr. Fering has convinced Doris to leave the ranch to go to a sanctuary against evil. She trusts her friend, and goes with him. What she doesn't know is that Dr. Fearing now serves the count. He attacks, and Doris just manages to escape alive. But Lamika is determined to uphold her family's honor, and approaches Doris with the intent to kil her. She kills Fering, and is about to do in Doris. She changes her mind at the last minute, but Grecco shows up, and uses the Time Deciever Lamp to place Lamika in a coma. He threatens Doris, trying to pressure her into marrying him. D and Dan show up, and Grecco is shot. Dan and Doris return to the ranch, leaving Grecco and Dr. Fering for dead.

It is obvoius now that Doris is developing feelings for D. She offers herself to him again, but he is torn by his dhampir nature. Despite his good nature, he still feels the vampiric bloodlust. He barely manages to stop himself from biting Doris.

Meanwhile, Rei has taken back the lamp from Grecco's dead body.(Made so by himself) He challenges D again, and wins. In a purely venegful move, Rei cut's off D's left hand. Luckily for D, that is his symbiot hand. The symbiot is able to reattach himself to D, and bring him back to life. Doris and Dan have already been taken to the Counts castle by now, and D sets out to rescue them. Lamika still will not give up, and pleads with her father not to let Doris into the family. Lee, in a fit of rage and cruelty, reveals that Lamika's mother was an ordinary peasent, traumatizing the girl. Rei demands that Lee make good on his promise, and the Count denies him. Rei is incensed, and attacks the count. Lee kills him easily.

The weding is proceeding as planned. The final step is for Count Lee to turn Doris into a vampire. Just as he's going to the task, D breaks in. The count attacks without fear, for vampires are stronger than dhampirs. But D is stronger that average, and overpowers the count. s the count is dying his eyes fall on a picture of Count Dracula (considered a go by vampires). The resemblance between Dracula and D is unmistakable, but the count is to late to save himself. The castle begins to crumble, and D offers to take Lamika with him. He offers her a new life, but she refuses. She was raised a noble, and will die a noble. D consents to her wishes, and leaves her to her fate.

D leaves the next morning, attemtping to sneak away. He is still fighting with his dual nature. Dan and Doris run after him, begging him to come back. He rides away without even looking back.