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The Story of Wolf

Well, I realized I make many, many references to my personal vampire hunter, Wolf. Then I realized that you out there in Networld have no idea who he is. So here's a bit explaining him.

First off, before anyone accuses me of stealing the idea for a vampire hunter: Wolf is nothing like D. First of all, Wolf is completely human, with all the faults contained therein. Also, he can't seem to keep his mouth shut, unlike D who hardly speaks. And of course they are physically different. So though the worlds they inhabit do have many similarities, that's a pure coincidence. Almost all of my works involve a future torn apart by nuclear warfare, and most usually there's mutants or genetic experiments wandering around.

Wolf the Hunter was born in the auditorium of a dilapidated High School, during a drama class. I suddenly saw him very clrealy, and jotted down some things in a very small notebook. Then the assignment came. To write a movie or theater script, preferably longer than ten pages with stage instructions included. And so Wolf came into being.

Wolf is a Hunter. Hunter's are something I came up with, a special warrior clan devoted to wiping the world clean of vampires. They are not for hire, they would never accept monatary payment for their services. They give up everything they have, their home, their family, even their name. It is a role bound in tradition and rituals, and a position of honor.

Other than the Hunters, and a few bits of rather good dialogue, the script was tossed into the metaphorical wastebasket. A short story followed, but I was still not pleased. And so the novel began. Wolf has evolved, as has the world he lives in.

To give even more in depth information, I'm posting that first script I wrote. Bear in mind, it's old and I wrote it rather quickly. I am publishing the novel, but the script will never see the light of day, save for in Networld. So scroll down, and enjoy!

Oh, and I think it's needless to say that Wolf and Hunters and all of that are copywrited to me. I can sue you if you steal them.



(Wolf is crouching down, sniffing fingers in an empty street.)

Wolf: Blood. He's here. (Gets up, starts walking down the street. Beauty comes out.)

Beauty: You're the Hunter, Wolf? (Wolf turns.) There've been deaths, since you came. They blame you. They say you've lost your edge, that you chased a vampire here, that you've been chasing him for years. They say there's a price on your head, because you made a mistake. You killed someone you weren't supposed to.

Wolf: They say a lot.

Beauty: They say you were the best.

Wolf: He's here. I know he is. I'll find him myself, but it would make it easier if you'd tell me where he's hiding.

Beauty: I don't know where he is.

Wolf: Would you tell me if you did?

Beauty: Are you the best?

Wolf: They say I am.

Beauty: They say he's the best too.

Wolf: what about you? Do you have anything to say?

Beauty: I'm scared. I've been scared, since the killings started. It's bad here, life I mean. It's real bad. But it's worse, now. Everyone's scared. It started when...when we heard you were chasing him. Like I said, life isn't great here, but it wasn't this bad. I mean, there were killings, but it was gangs or drugs or something. You knew who and why.

Wolf: But you do know who's doing it, and why.

Beauty: A faceless killer's different.

Wolf: Different? How's it different? A killer's a killer.

Beauty: You'd know, wouldn't you?

Wolf: You sought me out for a reason. Why?

Beauty: I want to help.

Wolf: Help? Help! Go home little girl, you can be of no help to me.

Beauty: I won't go home. You don't know what it's like, living here. I'm scared, but I'm not a coward.

Wolf: It doesn't matter. Dead is dead, whether you're a coward or not. It isn't courage that flows in your veins, it's blood.

Beauty: Dead is dead! I'd rather die seeing it coming! God, I'm lucky to be alive. I'm an old woman!

Wolf: Than die in bed as old women should. Now leave me. I have a vampire to kill.

(Darkness. Wolf is in an alley, slumped against the wall, lighting a cigarette. Cut to black. Scene of a rich court. Nobles are milling about. Wolf is hanging off of a curtain, high up. His crossbow is out and it's aimed at a young woman. He pulls the trigger, and woman falls bleeding. Ash is standing behind women, and meets Wolf's eyes, smiles and dashes off. Cut back to alley. Wolf is smoking, gets up and starts walking.)

Wolf: I know you're out there, Ash. Show yourself.

(Crone is hunched in doorway. Gets up.)

Crone: There's nothing here for you. Take the girl and go.

Wolf: Pardon?

Crone: He's moved on. There was no death last night. He's gone.

Wolf: He's not gone. He's not going anywhere.

Crone: He moved on.

Wolf: He was here last night, and he did kill. He's here now.

Crone: He's gone, and you should be too.

Wolf: You get gone. I'm here for Ash,.

Crone: You're a dead man, Hunter. God has no mercy for dead men. (Crone goes into building. Wolf keeps walking. He hears a noise from an alley. Turns down it, drawing crossbow. Ash is feeding on Beauty.)

Wolf: Oh, for the love of...Drop her Ash. There's no where for you to go now. We end this here.

Ash: Come to kill me, have you Wolf? (Drops Beauty.)

Beauty: No, he's come to have tea and cookies with you!

Wolf: Shut up.

Ash: You had your shot at me Hunter, and you missed.

Wolf: I won't miss again.

(Holds up crossbow, ready to shoot. Ash kicks bow out of Wolf's hands and kicks Wolf in teh chest. Wolf falls back, grabbing for crossbow. Ash turns and leaps upwards. Wolf grabs crossbow, and aims it out at where Ash had been.)

Beauty: He's gone.

Wolf: What the hell are you doing?

Beauty: I wasn't doing anything! Besides getting killed!

Wolf: I told you to go home.

Beauty: I don't have a home. Unless you count the doorway of the tavern, which is where I was when I was lured out by that...that thing!

Wolf: You're bleeding.

Beauty: He bit me, Mr. States the bloody obvious!

(Wolf crouches next to Beauty, rips off piece of cloak and blots at wound.)

Wolf: You're lucky. A few more minutes and you'd be dead.

Beauty: Will I...I mean, I'm not a vampire, am I?

Wolf: No.

Beauty: Thanks.

Wolf: He'll kill again. He wasn't sated.

Beauty: When?

Wolf: Tonight. Come on, let's get you somewhere safe.

Beauty: But what are you going to do?

Wolf: About what?

Beauty: You said he'd kill again tonight.

Wolf: I can't save everyone.

(Fade to black, as Wolf helps Beauty down the street. Light fades up, Wolf is in graveyard, lighting a cigarette. Cuts to court scene, girl falling. Wolf puts out his cigarette and punches his fist against a gravestone. Stalks off. Cut to an alley. Beauty is crouched behind a dumpster, eating something. Ash appears, seemingly out of nowhere.)

Ash: What a pretty child.

Beauty: Go away!

Ash: Such strong words. Have you a strong body, to back them up?

Beauty I'm not afraid of you.

Ash: You lie with such ease.

Beauty: You don't know what you're talking about.

Ash: Would you be so brave if the Hunter weren't here? Would you be so strong? He saved you once, he won't save you again.

Beauty: Shut up!

Ash: I could kill you where you stand, girl.

Beauty: No you can't. It's daytime now. You're weak, in the day.

Ash: Are you so sure of that? Are you positive? (Starts advancing) You're defenseless now, and alone.

Beauty: I told you I'm, not afraid of you.

Ash: You're petrified. I can smell your fear. There's really no need to put up this brave front for me. I like my women cowed.

Beauty: I'm not your woman. I'm no one's woman.

Ash: Aren't you? You'd come running if the Hunter called.

Beauty: What do you know, huh? (Stands up shakily) You don't know anything!

Ash: On the contrary, my dear, I know a great many things. I know, for instance, that you're all alone and afraid. You've given up. You're...empty. If it weren't for the Hunter, you'd be nothing. But he gives you hope, doesn't he? When you heard Wolf the Hunter was coming, your little heart started leaping. You envisioned some great white knight on a shining charger, come to save you from your pathetic little life. Quite a disappointment, isn't it?

Beauty: No...

Ash: Such a sad, lost little girl.

Beauty: I'm not a little girl.

Ash: Perhaps not, but very soon you are going to be a dead girl!

(Ash leaps for Beauty, who whips out her lighter and flicks it on. Ash shrinks back, afraid of the lighter.)

Beauty: I'll burn you, I swear I will!

Ash: You will make the chase interesting. I shall leave you for now, my dear, but expect to see me again soon. (Ash disappears. Beauty holds out the lighter a bit more, than collapses, crying. Cut to black. Would is in Tavern, drinking. Beauty comes in, all shook up.)

Wolf: What are you doing here? I told you to go somewhere safe and stay there.

Beauty: He came for me again.

Wolf: When?

Beauty: Just now.

Wolf: Why aren't you dead?

Beauty: I scared him off.

Wolf: How?

Beauty: I had my lighter. The fire scared him away. What does it matter how I did it?

Wolf: Because he's an eight hundred year old vampire. He isn't scared away easily. He's playing with us. You said you were scared as soon as the killings started. Why?

Beauty: He has a pattern. He only kills young blond girls.

Wolf: It's all part of his game.

Beauty: What do you mean?

(Flash to death scene.)

Wolf: He's taunting me.

Beauty: Then it is true.

Wolf: Then what's true?

Beauty: That you...made a mistake.

Wolf: Everyone makes mistakes.

Beauty: Just kill him ,Wolf. Kill him.

Wolf: I will.

Night. Wolf and Beauty are in an alley, behind a dumpster. There is a blond prostitute at the mouth of the alley. Beauty is very close to Wolf.

Wolf: He's not coming.

Beauty: He is. (Leans against Wolf in an intimate fashion.)

Wolf: Beauty...

Beauty: Yes?

Wolf: Get off me.

Beauty: Why? Why don't you like me? I'm not pretty enough? Brave enough? What is it?

Wolf: It's nothing like that.

Beauty: Then what? Some simpering maid in some far off land who holds your love?

Wolf: Hunters aren't allowed love. It's a rule.

Beauty: Rules are meant to be broken.

Wolf: Not this one. Shh. He's coming.

Ash approaches prostitute.

Prostitute: Hey there. You looking for a little company tonight?

Ash: Perhaps.

Prostitute: How about some cheap company?

Ash: Money is of no concern to me.

Beauty: When do we move?

Wolf: We don't. I move when he's almost done feeding.

Beauty: What about the girl?

Wolf: What about her?

Beauty: You'll just let her die?

Wolf: It's one life for many. Hunters must make those choices.

(Meanwhile, Ash has begun to feed.)

Beauty: No! (Grabs Wolf's crossbow, cocks it, leaps out.) Eat dust, psycho!

Ash: Oh. You. (Drops prostitute, There is gaping wound in her neck.) I was willing to let you live, but it seems you wish to disregard my generosity. I will have to kill you now.

Beauty: Not if I kill you first.

Ash: You? You're no Hunter. You're a child with no grasp of the danger she's in. You're all alone now child, and it's nighttime now.

Beauty: That's where you're wrong. I'm not alone! Wolf, a little help would be nice? (Wolf is no longer behind dumpster.) Wolf? Wolf!

Ash: I told you he wouldn't save you again. Now come. AT least I'll make it pleasant for you.

Beauty: No!

(Ash begins to advance. Wolf appears behind Ash. Beauty fires the crossbow, with her eyes closed. Bolt hits Wolf in the shoulder. Wolf falls into Beauty, and Ash dashes off.)

Wolf: What the hell is wrong with you?

Beauty: What's wrong with me? He was charging me! What was I supposed to do? I didn't know you were gonna come charging out of nowhere!

Wolf: You didn't give me much choice.

Beauty: You're bleeding.

Wolf: You shot me!

Beauty: Come on. Let's get you somewhere you can clean up. We'll get him next time.

(The tavern. Beauty is bandaging Wolf's wound. The room is empty save them and the tavern keeper.)

Beauty: I'm sorry.

Wolf: For what?

Beauty: For shooting you.

Wolf: Don't be. You could have shot Ash.

Beauty: That's what I was trying to do.

Wolf: He's my kill.

Beauty: Why? What's so special about him?

Wolf: What do you know about Hunters?

Beauty: I don't know. Not much, really. You hunt vampires, why?

Wolf: Do you know how Hunters get their names?

Beauty: You're born with them?

Wolf: No. A Hunter isn't a Hunter until he's made his first kill. He has no weapons, no family, no name. He doesn't exist. A boy who wishes to be a Hunter goes out one day, into the badlands, unarmed, to kill a vampire. It is the first kill that is most important. He must kill a vampire with his bare hands, and nothing else, and in the vampires lands. Only then can he claim to be a Hunter.

Beauty: So how do Hunters get their names?

Wolf: After the first kill, a Hunter is allowed weapons. Eventually, he develops a style of fighting, and earns a name. I am Wolf because I don't toy with my prey, or draw out a kill. I am swift and deadly, and I never give up.

Beauty: SO that's why you won't give up on Ash.

Wolf: Giving up on Ash would be giving up my identity.

Beauty: But don't you have a home? A family?

Wolf: Not anymore. The boy I was died in the badlands, and the man I am was born. I may never return to the place of my birth, never use the name my mother gave me.

Beauty: I'm sorry. So...The stories weren't true?

Wolf: What stories?

Beauty: About you...making a mistake.

Wolf: No. Those are true. I killed a girl. I knew there was a vampire in one of the rim cities, and I was sure it was the daughter of the mayor. I killed her, in front of many spectators. One of which was the real vampire. I've been hunting him the past year. I won't chase him any longer.

(There is a knock at the door., Beauty opens it. There is a mob.)

Mob Leader: We're here for the Hunter.

Beauty: Why?

Mob Leader: If we give the hunter to the vampire, he'll leave us alone.

Beauty: You made a deal with the vampire?

ML: No.

Beauty: Then how do you know he'll leave us alone?

ML: That's the only reason he's still around. If we give him the Hunter, he'll go away. He'll have no reason to stay.

Beauty: You're so stupid! Ash won't just leave if you give him Wolf. He'll have all the more reason to stay!

Wolf: They won't listen to reason. Let them take me.

Beauty: No!

ML: A smart man.

Beauty: A dead man! What are you doing?

Wolf: I'm killing a vampire, Beauty. It's what I do. Stay here.

Beauty: That's it? Stay here, while you go off and get killed? We're in this together, don't you dare say we're not.

Wolf: Just stay here! (Turns to go out the door.)

Beauty: Wait! (kisses Wolf soundly.) For luck.

Wolf leaves with crowd. Beauty stares after him.

Tavern Keeper: He's a brave man.

Beauty: He's a Hunter.

Wolf has four guards with him. He has been chained.

Wolf: So where is he hiding?

Guard #1: Shut up!

Wolf: You don't know do you?

G#1: You keep quiet!

Wolf: She was right you know. He won't leave after he has me.

G#1: I will smash your face in!

Wolf: I'm sure. So what's the plan boys? Just leave me somewhere and hope I don't get away before he comes to get me?

G#2: Oh, we're gonna make sure you don't get away.

Wolf: I'm more resourceful than you think.

G#1: That's enough out of you. (Guard #3 clubs Wolf over the head from behind. Wolf falls, and is clubbed again for good measure. Guards run off. Beauty is still in Tavern, pacing.)

Beauty: I can't stand it anymore.

TK: Don't go out there!

Beauty: If I stay here, he'll die!

TK: He's going to die anyway.

Beauty: I know. (TK throws her some sort of large gun. Beauty cocks it and charges out into the night. Wolf is left in middle of main street. Beauty skids to a stop, kneels next to him and starts shaking him.) Wolf! Wolf, wake up! (Shoots off chains. Wolf is starting to come around. Ash appears with prostitute behind him.)

Ash: Well, well, well. What a pretty picture.

Wolf: We end this now, Ash.

Ash: Yes. We do. But you see, two against one just isn't very fair, so I took it upon myself to level the playing field.

Beauty: You're twisted.

Wolf: I won't play your games.

Ash: I have no games in mind, Hunter. Only fighting. You girl! Step forward. Let's see you back up your strong words.

(Prostitute steps forward, prepared to fight.)

Wolf: I told you to stay out of it.

Beauty: And I told you we're in this together.

Wolf: You're not a Hunter. You're going to die. Even with your gun...

Beauty: Have a little faith. (Tosses gun to the side, and meets prostitutes rush head on. Prostitute kicks Beauty, who falls backwards. Beauty grabs one of prostitutes legs, and flips her down. Beauty gets up, as does prostitute. Prostitute kicks Beauty upside the head, Beauty ducks and punches prostitute in the stomach, and trips her. Beauty swings around behind prostitute, grabbing her head and snapping her neck.)

Ash: Impressive. I truly didn't think you had it in you. Well, Hunter, it's our time now. I will enjoy killing you.

(Ash leaps at Wolf, who twists, grabbing at Ash and throwing him to the ground. Ash slides out and gets up, kicking Wolf in the face. Wolf slips backwards, grappling at his crossbow. She leaps on him, and Wolf just barely gets away. Wolf slips around, and grapples with Ash. He pins the vampire down and shoots him in the heart. Rolls off, exhausted.)

Beauty: We did it!

Wolf: I did it. (Gets up.) Why the hell did you throw the gun away?

Beauty: I had no right to a weapon.

Wolf: You're not a Hunter!

Beauty: I am now.

Wolf: No, you're not. You're a woman. Women can't be Hunters.

Beauty: Why not? I gave everything up, I did that just by talking to you. I killed a vampire with my bare hands in her own home.

Wolf: You don't give up, do you?

Beauty: No. We're perfect for each other.

Wolf: I beg to differ.

Beauty: We have to leave now.

Wolf: I have to leave now.

Beauty: I'm coming with you, at least for part of the journey. I can't stay here.

Wolf: Fine. But you have to earn your keep, and I am not going out of my way for you. You fend for yourself. There's no glorious sunset for us to ride off into, girl. There's only the dark.

Beauty: I'm not afraid of the dark.

Wolf: You will be. (Throws her her gun and turns, heading offstage. Beauty pauses a moment, then looks at gun and follows. Cut to black, credits.)

The End