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The Better Things In Life

Ok, this could be about Willow when Oz left, but I dunno. Tell me what you think!!!

By Ashley B
She stares at the Caravan below her window,
Tears softly falling onto the frame,
Why did he go,
When she loved him so,
He just up and left,
She paced restlessly, She cannot rest,
Her heart broke,
Why did he go without leaving even a note,
She loved him so much,
She needs his touch ,
He left her to pick up the pieces of her heart,
When he was the one to tear it apart,
She wants him back,
What is it that she lacks,
Why does she think she needs him back,
Her friends don't help her,
Or maybe she won't let them,
She wallows in her own misery,
Closing up into herself,
She takes his picture from the shelf,
And throws it onto the floor,
She looks at the door,
Hoping, Waiting, Watching, Wishing,
She stares at the Caravan below her window,
And watches it drive away without a backward glance,
She knows it will hurt,
But if she lets her friends in,
It will lessen soon,
Her tears will be dry in the morning and the pain will not be so harsh anymore,
She goes to bed and thinks of the better things in life.