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Kori Anders is the youngest princess of a planet called Tamaran. She was made Tamaran's heir becaue when her older sister, Blackfire, was born, she did not possess the gift of flight yet, while Kori (better known as Princess Starfire,) like normal Tamaranian madiens, could fly moments after birth. Blackfire never gave up her grudge against Starfire, feeling that she had stolen Tamaran's future throne away from her. When the girls were teenagers, Blackfire sold Starfire into slavery to an alien race, and Starfire was shipped away. She ended up escpaing the ship and crash landed on a planet called Earth. She was discovered there by a young team of superheroes called the Teen Titans, who took her in. Despite the fact that she did not speak a word of English and knew nothing of the customs of typical Earth life, Starfire formed a close bond with the Titans, particularly their leader, Robin. The Titans taught her English and helped her understand life on Earth, and eventually they took her on as an official member of the team. Starfire is the most chipper and effervescent of the Teen Titans, her positive attitude tending to rub off on others. Starfire has an extraordinary gift for hope and believes there is good in all people. She is endlessly trusting and still a bit naive to the ways of the world. Despite her naivette, Starfire is very wise and knows the best ways to get through to people. Starfire loves her friends dearly and will do anything to protect them. Though she is pure an innocent and harless at first glance, Starfire packs quite a punch in battle with her alien powers, the ability to shoot bursts of green light and energy called Starbolts from her hands and eyes. Starfire is a feirce warrior, typical of the Tamaranian race, and is the last person you would want to tick off. Though Starfire takes some time to forgive, when she does, she forgives completely and there is never again a mention of what made her hurt. Starfire does not hold grudges and is a caring and understanding member of the team.

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