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None of these avatars are mine, and when I found them I assumed that they where up for grabs.If any of these are yours and you want me to credit you or take them down than please email me (addy on front page) and I will be happy to do so. Enjoy!:)

Much thanks goes to In Memorium Sirius Black and to Dramatic Personae



The Malfoys and Slythrin

Other Potter related avatars

a sirius matter is maintained and copyright © 2004-2005 by sarah kestrel. all written material contained within this site is copyrighted and not to be used without permission by sarah kestrel, with the exception of book excerpts, interviews and lyrics.

the photographs used on this site are copyright © by their respective owners and labels. sarah kestrel recognises and makes no attempt to supersede or profit from these copyrights.