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Welcome to A Sirius Matter, the fanatic's website for all things Sirius Black!

1/18/05 - Just added the "Sirius in Love?" page. I am going back to school tommorw, therefore updates are about to become scarce. Maybe I'll use the time to try to get some traffic. ;) -sXk

1/06/05- added a few more songs. Thats about all.-sXk

1/05/05 - I AM AN AUNT! =*) My sissy had her baby...lil Willow Jade!=*) Sorry, I feel the need to announce it to the world.Anyway, I started scrolling though my Ipod...I have a playlist of songs that help me when I am writing Sirius fan fic (I gotta new story idea...darn it I am not ever a 1/4th of a way done with the first!)and went on a crazy search to see if other pepole think some of the songs I feel remind me of him,reminded others. Turns out yes! So I am making a song section. I just started on it. Hope my spelling isn't to horrid, but it will get spell checked evetully. -sXk

1/03/05 - Added some more interviews...there not great. Did you know Gary Oldman didn't even read the other two books (GOF and OOTP) before he took the role as Sirius?!?!? Sorry...but you gotta have back story on your character! Sirius isn't just the Prisoner of Azkaban/Godfather of Harry. Anyway, I may update more, I dunno. Yes I am well aware I am talking to myself at the moment.:) I'll get some vistors one day.:) -sXk

This page is very much in its infancy stage! Here's what you can expect to see in the coming months...

*~*Character Stats*~*
Character Analyasis
Sirius in love?
Fan Fiction
*~*Songs about Sirius*~*
*~*Interviews mentioning Sirius*~*
I am still mourning
About the mistress

Mail me pleeeassse!
a sirius matter is maintained and copyright © 2004-2005 by sarah kestrel. all written material contained within this site is copyrighted and not to be used without permission by sarah kestrel, with the exception of book excerpts, interviews and lyrics.

the photographs used on this site are copyright © by their respective owners and labels. sarah kestrel recognises and makes no attempt to supersede or profit from these copyrights.