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The "whose that guy" FAQ!

Wait a darn moment...that guy on the front page isn't Sirius Black!

Your right. That isn't.The model I am using for Sirius Black for this website and in my own imagination is Davey Havok from the punk band AFI.I find him as a suitable model for Sirius around the ages of 17-21, and, when you imagine a few changes, a good model for the OOTP era.

When ever I think of Sirius Black, I think of him excally as J.K Rowling describes him, as a man with "a mass of filthy, matted hair hung to his elbows. If eyes hadn't been shining out of the deep, dark sockets, he might have been a corpse. The waxy skin was stretched so tightly over the bones of his face, it looked like a skull. His yellow teeth were bared into a grin. It was Sirius Black.", it dosn't matter if Johnny Depp had played his role, that frightening image will alway be the true Sirius Black to me.

So why this punk rocker?

In my mind Davey Havok makes for a perfect model for Sirius around OOTP, if one only imagines him older, and less beautiful, and with out the lip ring. He has the same angular, gaunt face that is illistrated in OOTP, the same long black hair, pallid skin, and even the way his eyes stand out from his face reminds me of Sirius. Several times J.K Rowling makes mentions of Sirius having vestiages of handsomeness in his wasted face, and in my imagination I feel that Davey Havok closley illistrates the beauty that Sirius would have had before Azkaban.

Prove it!

No problem! Imagine that you have never seen Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in the movies and take a look.

I am not crazy...look!

See a resmblance...I sure do!:)

You just hate Gary Oldman!

No, I love Gary Oldman. He's a truley talented actor, he scared the wits out of me in Dracula, I wanted his character to die horribly in Air Force One, he made me want shiver and lock all the door and turn on the news to make sure there where no prison escapees in Harry Potter. They couldn't have cast a better actor to play the imfamous Prisoner of's just the costune and his apperence that dosn't sell me. When ever I watch Harry Potter I unfortantly think Gary Oldman is Sirius only becuse of his accurate potrayal of him and becuse they say it is him...but as for a apperence the only thing I can think of is "crazy Gary Oldman with alota tattos!"

He looks like Sirius to me.

I just can't agree. Sirius at that time era has black elbow length hair, deathly pale skin, a gaunt and sunken, skull like face, and is emaciated.The Gary Oldman Sirius has shoulder legnth,dark brown and gray hair, Gary simply dosn't have a gaunt facal structure, his facal structure is to round for the Sirius Mary GrandPre accuratly illistrates, he dosn't look as pale as the books describe him (in fact he looks alittle tan), nor as thin.Rowling is very through on her descriptions of characters, she will describe any of there major features...and would have said if he had a beard and tattoos. (Although it is a wonder...why would he be in Azkaban for twelve years and not have a beard...J.K would have mentioned it, as she mentoned that he was unshaven in Goblet of Fire, but she mentioned as a sure sign that this was unlike him and he wasn't taking care of himself...nitty gritty details like this drive a Sirius freak like me nuts!)Take a look below to see my point of view illistated.

freaky Gary Oldman that has alot of tattoos...not Sirius Black.

The resemblance is very slight. Therefore I will use other pepole to illistrate the Sirius I see from the books. My model is by no means a perfect illistration, just a potryal I can be satisifed with.

You just think Davey Havok is hot!

*blushes* Why yes...yes I do.But it isn't every picture of him that I think " Wow! He looks like Sirius" in fact there are very few of them. Most of the time he looks just like himself,like a punk rocker dressed gothic, wearing make up. That isn't remotly Sirius Black. only when he looks sad or deep in thought do I see him as Sirius.

Your in love with Sirius and you want to see him as a hot guy.

I do love Sirius, he's probley my favorite character of all time but I am not *in love* with Sirius, he's just a fictional character. My mind changes who plays him becuse I am not satisfied with his image in the movie, but like I said I make mental changes to the models. I think of Sirius excally how Rowling describes him...there isn't alot hot about filthy hair and yellow teeth. Besides, I am Snape girl at heart...I've already got my hottie from the Potter world!:P

So who else do think looks like Sirius?

several pepole.Click on thier name to see them in their Sirius Black likieness.For most of them the resmblance is slight, and only present in one role but it's still there. They are... Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails,Rudolf Martin, Michael Wincott, D from the Anime "Vampire Hunter D,and Hugh Jackman.

Thanxs for listening!:)

a sirius matter is maintained and copyright © 2004-2005 by sarah kestrel. all written material contained within this site is copyrighted and not to be used without permission by sarah kestrel, with the exception of book excerpts, interviews and lyrics.

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