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Prisoner of Azkaban stills

POA stills are kinda hard to come by...and stills with Sirius in them are rarer still. Therefore I've gathered all the ones I've found here.

None of these stills are mine, if you want credit for them or want me to take them down than please email me and I would be happy to do so!
A enormous thanks to In Memorium Sirius Black and Last Amberga for the majority of the stills.

Why have we stopped? Looks cold Lupin the kickass! Scary Draco the Yum What is so scary about a hippogriff?!? Buckbeak One of my favorite parts I wanna hippogriff! WOO HOO! Amazing how his hair never grows in Azkaban GRR!ARRG! Wonder if Lupin was in love with Lily? Dumbledore and the Hottie Da doing doing doing! Da doing doing doing! I loved this part so much Tell those spiders Ron Mmmm Hermoine the Slayer He's hot but WOW he can whine! Gotta love Hagrid So sweet Aww! Look at the cute little Padfoot! Or vicious little Padfoot! Ahh! No, Only one will die tonight! Going to kill me Harry? Is it just me or did they try to pair these two up in the movie? I'VE DONE MY WAITING! 12 YEARS OF IT! IN AZKABAN! The room just got lot hottier! Look at you two quarreling like an old married couple...*SO!* slashy! Why don't you go play with your chemistry set? *dies laughing* Not you...your rat! I WOULD HAVE DIED! I WOULD HAVE DIED RATHER THAN BETRAY MY FRIENDS! The tail I could live's the fleas, their murder. Aww *cries* Yea...go hug a transforming werewolf...that will that protect the kids... THIS HEART IS WHERE YOU TRULEY LIE REMUS! THIS HEART...*rolls eyes* how SLASHY!>( *sigh* My hero! Screwed Prongs! Hahaha! Rons whining yet agian! Gotta love the Time Turner! I hope Hermoine and Ron don't end up togther...Harry is worlds better for her! EXPECTO PATRONUM Ha! I'll be out of here in 24 hours! Ouch My favorite part of the whole movie...I wish this had been in the books. Besides your meant to be here *cries* I expect your tired of hearing this but you look so much like your father. You really are the brightest witch of your age Woo hoo! I am the best character in Potter and you know it! One of few images of Sirius that I like

a sirius matter is maintained and copyright © 2004-2005 by sarah kestrel. all written material contained within this site is copyrighted and not to be used without permission by sarah kestrel.

the photographs used on this site are copyright © by their respective owners and labels. sarah kestrel recognises and makes no attempt to supersede or profit from these copyrights.