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For those who have fallen in love!

by MagicalObizuth

This information is presented as speculation, I do not claim it to be fact.

Sirius is simply impossible not to love in some way, weather you’re hopelessly devoted to him, love him as Harry Potter’s Godfather, as a secondary character, or love to hate him. (In that case you’re probably a Snape fan). Perhaps those of you “siriusly” devoted ones have wondered if only there was some way you could be in the Potter world, what exactly would he be in relationship? Well, as I have spend countless hours writing fan fiction on the very subject (Goddess you would never guess me in a million years as a Snape girl!), and have analyzed his character, relationships and his actions, and based on his assumed zodiac sign (Leo) I can tell you!

First things first!

Romantic Past - Sirius has no known romantic past. He probably never found “the one”. However Rowling has conformed that in his youth he was too busy being a rebel to ever get married. This however does not rule out the possibility of children!

Sirius/ Remus? - I have absolutely nothing against male/male pairings, but I find this one highly unlikely. I think a lot of people misinterpret that hug in POA, I feel it was simply two close friends greeting each other after along time and *a lot* of pain. A lot of people will say Sirius and Remus going together to get Harry’s Christmas present could mean that they are a couple, but consider the fact that Remus is very poor, he can’t even afford new robes. He probably went in with that gift because of that fact. I do not find this pairing very likely because Sirius, in his youth strikes me as being a ladies man… I mean why else would he having a flying motorcycle when he could probably Apperate? Remus seems to be the type to want to have a traditional relationship, a beautiful wife, a white picket fence, with lots of little ones running around. Sirius and Remus have very little contact with each other though out the books, they seem to acknowledge each other because they where once the greatest of friends, but everything has become so complicated that there is probably no way they could ever learn to trust each other again.

Now what you really want to know, what would Sirius be like in love?

A relationship with Sirius would defiantly be an interesting one! He has the possibly of being the love of a life time or the most terrible person his mate has ever meet, or if one where to catch him in his youth, just another one night stand.

In his youth he was reckless, careless, detached and dangerous, these qualities and failure to commit in any relationship go hand in hand. He likely put his good looks and charming personality into full use. There was nothing very gentlemanly about him, he probably took women to his room and then sent them away without cab money and a empty promise to owl them. However, deep inside he was likely doing all this to find love, and, because of his traumatic childhood, this was the only way he knew how.

If Sirius ever found that one woman to make him believe in love, he likely fell head over heels in love at first sight, and knew to treat her differently, she would have become a Goddess to him. In a relationship his ladies man personality would likely disappear and he would become fiercely loyal and passionate. His trait for showering his loved ones with gifts, and protecting them with every ounce of his energy would be magnified times ten. He would protect her to the death without a thought. He would give the world to this lucky woman and be at her side constantly…possibly to the point of annoyance, or even possessiveness. His mate would probably have to warn him to back off, and stubbornly he would do so. Once he fell in love he would likely remain that way for life. Sirius would be extremely passionate, romantic, devoted, understanding, funny and would want to plan ahead for the future. It would be likely that he would pop the question within a year of the relationship.

However Sirius, like everyone would have his faults. He might be overly protective, to the point of controlling, overly cautious of his mates other relationships, and infinitely jealous. He is resistant against change, but might not hesitate to make his mate change for him. If he believes that he isn’t his mates everything that he might just make himself that by isolating her from family and friends, or doing things to that person to make her feel as dejected as he feels. However he doesn’t seem like the type to resort to insults or physical abuse, unless she did something gravely wrong in his eyes, it would have to be something as bad as what Peter did to release the murder within him.

If the faults of the relationship where not to large or could be over come Sirius would be very good with marrage and children. As seen with his relationship with Harry, he would make a very strong father figure, would be very full of good advice and would want to spend his every waking moment with family. He and his mate would die happily at a ripe old age with lots of children and grand children.

It would be far easier to become the love of his life after Azkaban, after having twelve years of his life stolen away, if he could recover from the trauma he would want nothing else in the world more than marriage and children, not even freedom. If he were in a relationship at that time he would possibly pop the question within a few months, and Apperate his mate off to LA and get married the moment she said yes. She would be all the more precious to him.

Once more this information is presented as speculation, it is not fact!