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undefined ~*~Baali Clan*~*~


Cold, cruel, callous, and utterly evil, the Baali are
the “boogie-men” other Kindred tell their Childer
about to scare them. This line originated in Mesopotamia
and is generally thought to have been eradicated
centuries ago by a coalition of the other clans who couldn’t
stomach the Baalis’ depraved practices.Baali are devil worshippers
and only embrace the most intelligent, driven, and callous of kine.
They wait for the day when their Dark Masters will roam the earth,
making it into a virtual hell.But until that time, they will do all
they can to corrupt as many mortals and Kindred to the Forces of Darkness
as possible.Baali is hated and cursed by all other races of the Kindred
for what we are.The ignorant always hate and fear what is greater then they.
In the Ancient Times, the Baali had their place, along with all the lesser other
brethren of Blood.Baali was a great and powerful Lord, more powerful than any other
of the Children of Cain.Through his studies of magic and treating with the forces Below,
Baal accumulated knowledge of many hidden and secret things.He generously offered to
share this knowledge with the others of the Second City, but they superstitiously
feared what they could not understand.Before the Betrayal, the Baali walked the
night as any other Kindred.We were rightly respected and feared by the other clans
for our knowledge, but we taught what we knew to whomever would listen.
For all our generosity, we were used very poorly.And so we went into hiding.
We quickly passed into legend, becoming a monster’s monster:
that which stalks the night stalkers, something to frighten new childer with.
As these things happen, we became more terrible and repulsive with each retelling,
until we were all but unrecognizable, even to ourselves.Yet all the while,
we were in the shadows, watching them.The Tzimisce created their aeries in
the Carpathians, and we watched them lay the foundations.Set and Osiris played
their petty games on the Nile, and we laughed at the slaughter.But
A long time ago in Mesopotamia, the Baali bloodline grew forth into the night.
Considered even more purely evil than the Setites, whom only want for the resurrection
of their dead god,the Baali want nothing short of feeding the world itself into the fire of hell.
Zealous in their belief that eventual utter darkness will ascend, and that all vampires serve the
forces of evil, whatever form it may take.During the early Dark Ages, before the inquisition,
the Baali was active and well organized.But an alliance of clans, in rare show of unity, broke
the infernal web, which the Baali had constructed.Every last member have at least some
knowledge of the occult and unseen, as the clan only embrace
intelligent, driven and utterly callous persons.
On top of that there's an old saying, "Thy shall search wide and far.
And still it shall be a quicker search to find a unicorn's horn, than a
Baali not on the road of Demons." Dedicated to demon rule on earth,
they all work towards the goal of establishing this hierarchy.
But as it is each member wants to be the summoner of these infernal masters,
these spawns inner strife and conflict.They work in secret and sharing
their work with none; older members are even more competitive than younger ones.
Every elder lay his plans in isolation, since each one seek to become the summoner.
He who becomes the summoner will rule eternally as the demons regent, or so the Baali claims.

Clan disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence and Dark Thaumaturgy.

Their particular weakness is their vulnerability towards religious symbols; crosses,
Stars of David and the like, and suffers double damage from True Faith

**If you want to read more on this clan click on the clan symbol**