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About Me
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I guess this is a list of my favorite hobbies. Even though I don't see how websites can be my hobbies. But these are some of the things I'm interested in.

  • Music - I love music. Mostly Rock music but Rap and R&B is ok too. This is a cool website for any type of music.
  • Rock - Rock music is probably  my favorite type of music, since that's mostly all I listen to. This is a group I like below.
  • Animes- Other than music, animes are probably one of my interest. I love watching and drawing all kinds of animes. Below is a cool anime show.
  • Reading - I like reading when I have time to read. Here's a good website to find the BEST books.
  • Gothic - Like I said before I'm gothic. Here's is like a good online gothic club.

    This is a pic of Goku that I drew. (Go ahead, click on it)




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This site was last updated 12/05/03