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Whoo-hoo!Alrighty this is Kass, and this layout is from DayDream graphics.Isn't it lovely?My blackout site pissed me off so I'm just relocating everything here.Gloria partly owns..both sites now I guess. ^_^ Be warned, it may take me a few days to get everything sorted out but hopefully it shouldn't take too long, ne'?


Alright, I apologize for yet another site-move but it was actually needed this time since some files were corrupt beyond belief and I just couldn't sort out between things I needed and didn't so..neh. X.x Hopefully this site will be more organized than previous ones and perhaps we'll eventually get hosted once we have everything together. (I have some sites I plan on applying too.)

Site by: Kassidy & Gloria
Layout By Anime
Image from Nocturne
