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The Logo Combined With The Aten

The Image Itself

• Situated to the right on the inner picture this symbol is the source of light with in the whole picture.
• The Aten is an Egyptian god. The Aten was an aspect of the sun similar to the god Ra. Generally, it is portrayed as a plain disc with rays running down from it, each ray terminating in a hand. In this version the rays run in all directions and the ends of the rays are beyond the end of the image.
• The Cruxshadows logo consists of a Greek cross, with a field of light on the left and a field of darkness on the right. It is contained within two concentric circles. A further explanation of the logo can be found here
• This is not the first time that the Aten has appeared in Cruxshadows artwork- it also appears in its form of the winged disc in the ankh symbol in the Mystery artwork and in the alternate Cruxshadows logo- which combines the winged disc and the Cruxshadows cross logo.

Interpretations in terms of “Wishfire” and the “Angel Cycle”

• The most obvious between the Aten and the “Angel Cycle” is the song Aten-Ra on the Mystery album, which refers to The Aten, its links to Ra and to various other gods. Egypt and its gods have always been a theme throughout Cruxshadows work from Telemetry onwards, with gods appearing at various points throughout the album. Characters and gods are either observed by the narrator or the narrator becomes that figure and speaks from their perspective. The fact that the Aten is singled out as a character that the narrator actually worships and the fact that its symbol appears in much of the artwork suggests that the character is important to the “Angel Cycle” as a whole.

• The Aten is, in this image, acting as the sun or the light source. The Cruxshadows logo is joined with the Aten. Rogue has made the point that “when all is flooded with light the cross will still render a shadow; a place the light can't reach” Source. the fact that the Cruxshadows logo- with it shadowed side, is part of the light source, is possibly the light source itself raises some interesting ideas.

• To Rogue the word (and symbol) Cruxshadows means “those who are made outsiders by society, but who through their actions or ideas, become true insiders". The very fact that these insiders/outsiders have become the light source itself suggests a raising of the status of the outsider, a demonstration of their power.

• Another way of approaching this concept of the Cruxshadows as the light source is in terms of the band and the music itself. By producing the music the Cruxshadows illuminate their unique fictional world. The Cruxshadows are the light which brings life to the characters and ideas of the rest of the picture.

• It is interesting to note at this point that the rays of the Aten are most concentrated where they head towards the observers eye (adding to the emphasis of the area) and least concentrated around the satellite- the rays do not touch the satellite at all.

The Observer : The Zodiac Circle : The Nebula : The Satellite : The Logo : The Moth : The Zodiac : The Frame : The Hieroglyphs : The Snake

The Image in Terms of the Album ‘Wishfire’ : The Image in Terms of the ‘Angel Cycle’ : The Image in Terms of Previous Art-Movements

Wishfire Image Index
