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The Hieroglyphs

The Image Itself

• The main information I have on this at the moment is the following quote from an email from Rogue-
Phantoms Siren- "i cant work out what the hieroglyphs say and i thought they would be significant since they are on the Mystery artwork as well."
Rogue- "They are - but they follow an anglicized patern versus a typical trilateral, or glyph to letter to word to transalation method. Typically words related to the title and or them is used. "

•The individual symbols can be translated as follows-

First symbol- "Long 'A' sound." Source
Second Symbol-"Menhed. A scribes pallet. Writing was a very important skill to the ancient Egyptians. It was practiced by a group called scribes. The writing equipment used by scribes consisted of a palette, which held black and red pigments, a water jar, and a pen. To be a scribe was a favorable position, even some kings and nobles are show proudly displaying scribe palettes." Source
Third Symbol- A/E/O Source

The Observer : The Zodiac Circle : The Nebula : The Satellite : The Logo : The Moth : The Zodiac : The Frame : The Hieroglyphs : The Snake

The Image in Terms of the Album ‘Wishfire’ : The Image in Terms of the ‘Angel Cycle’ : The Image in Terms of Previous Art-Movements

Wishfire Image Index
