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The Moth

The Image Itself

• The moth is situated above the logo and to the left of the snake.
• The moth is a black and white species and rests with its wings open.
• The shadows beneath the moth suggests that it is in front of the rest of the image, as if it were resting on a window or the glass of a monitor screen.

Interpretations in terms of “Wishfire” and the “Angel Cycle”

• The moth itself has never actually been mentioned in Cruxshadows lyrics, although butterflies and insects have appeared in the lyrics at various points.

• Moths generally represent destruction, decay and “a downward spiral”, they also have a tendency to head towards lights, which confuse them and often injury them. This relates to the idea of destructive temptation discussed in the nebula section.

• The fact that the moth seems to be resting above the rest of the image adds to the idea of the televison monitor discussed in the the observer section.

The Observer : The Zodiac Circle : The Nebula : The Satellite : The Logo : The Moth : The Zodiac : The Frame : The Hieroglyphs : The Snake

The Image in Terms of the Album ‘Wishfire’ : The Image in Terms of the ‘Angel Cycle’ : The Image in Terms of Previous Art-Movements

Wishfire Image Index
