Am I goth?? I've liked vampires since a realitivly young age, black has always been my favourite colour, I started liking mythology and ancient egypt at a very young age...but I am not a goth! but it is in a way that which makes me goth. Ok that was probably confusing, but the way I see it, "goth" has less to do with the way you look, and more the way you think/live. Goth in its self seems to be a term given to people to dont want to be put into a group.
So what is the goth way of thinking, well many people seem to tell you that there are many different types of goth....and maybe this is true to some extent, but nobody can be thrown into on group, THAT is the very thing being goth is agenst. So the common types people seem to think of are
"Vampire"-kinda obvious
Romantic- Sort of victorian, tragedy love death novels, lots of roses
Victorian- again...obvious
Cyber Goth- The "nerds" of the scene, always seen with technology and often flashy things
Punk-Goth- morbid punk?
I'm sure there are others, but remeber, I dont fully believe in these..."types of goths".
As I have said, "goth" is about the way you think, or live...and I have a stereotype of my own, its seems many goths are people that are smarter than averages, or have had someone smarter to show them the things that make goths. I believe this to SOME extent because it takes a smarter person perhaps to see how pointless somethings in life are, or how beautiful something like single a rosebush in a grass plain can be. HHMM, so far I'm rather dissapointed with this definition, maybe I will rewrite it later, but for now, I will leave you with this conclusiong.....there is no such thing as "goth" except what it means to each individual.
There is so much more to write, I'm sure. Why do goths dress the way they do? Well...they dont! I know some people who...act as goth as you can be, yet they can wear jeans and a tshirt to school. Though these people are rare. It does seem the goths clad themselves in a certain way. I'll admit, when I was younger, I wanted to dress that way...because, well it was different, shocking, and I though it was cool. Now I do a way precevied as goth, but I only do it now for myself...I'm not even really trying to stand out, its what I've become used to, and I cant stand to see myself in jeans and such.
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