Hey today sucked.... kinda like my friend slit his wrists on friday and i cant see him only family members! and everyone at skool is gonna find out tommorrow bcuz the counselor is going to come in and talk to the class about suicide and everyone knows that my friend has slit his wrists bfore... If all of the preps find out rumors will float around and i fukin hate when that happens! Im trying to protect marcus from the rumors right now cuz last time he did this everyone found out n shit!I also had to talk to the counselor today because she thinks that im going to try to commmit suicide also... Somehow my teacher found out about me cutting my hand with a compass now alot of people kno... sometimes i cant help myself when im soo mad and frustrated i cut my self... its just wut i do when im mad or frustrated with the world or the situation around me.. Kinda like how people punch a punching bag or go scream into a pillow.. I cut myself... Hopefully by next week marcus will be back in skool i cant wait to talk to him cuz school is way different without him.. On monday me and makenna and grace wrote notes to him because his parents were going to pick it up after skool. Then yesterday some fuking parent (i think sams mom) called in and said that 3 girls in my class were having a porn site!! omg we're only 12 shit noone i kno has a porn site at my age... well i have to go im tired of typing more tommorrow or later...