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First of all you need to realize that your own personal view of Christianity has been shaped by your experiences within the culture you were raised. If you were to go back 100 years, you would find that the people of that era would be outraged by the way that we worship in our modern churches today. Even the "proper Christian attire" of today would have been considered outrageous back then.

Every culture experiences Christianity in a different way. The truth of the Bible does not change, but the way that it is presented to us does. In our world today, there are some who come from a dark background, and they may not feel comfortable in a traditional church setting. Not everyone sees the world as all butterflies and rainbows.

By expecting everyone to conform to your view of how Christianity should be experienced, you are putting a limit on what God can do. You are saying "My way and my experience is the true way, and something that I don't agree with or understand can't possibly be from God."

Can we all just agree on the truth, and give each other freedom to use our own creativity to share the gospel with others in our own unique way? If we were all blind, would it matter anyway? I believe that is how God sees it. He doesn't care about the way the message is presented so much as he does about the message itself and the heart of the one who delivers it.

Think about it!

Images and Content copyright by Boris the Goth 1999-2004 and should not be copied or duplicated without permission.