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Temple of the Purple Monkey

Beholdeth The Teachings

His Teachings
Monkey Heaven


As it has been for eons, man has centered around figures of worship. Some, led on paths astray, forget the True Creator: THE PURPLE MONKEY........Yes it is tragic that humanity has lowered itself to forgetting the true glory of the Purple Monkey. For HE is the one who enables us with such gifts such as flight, telepathy, and the ablity to alter our perceptions. Few in this life are Blessed by the Purple Monkey, and those who are have been scorned. For shame it is to call the Worshippers of The Great Purple Monkey schizophrenics, bipolar...or just plain crazy. For this is not true, they are merely walking in the Light of the Great Purple Monkey. Let us not forget these words of The Purple Monkey Himself: "It is those who worship me that will walk with me in the valley of yellow Bananas". Yes. It is in those words that we must follow.

So one may need to ask themselves HOW exactly one walks with the Great Purple Monkey? It is here that you shall learn.