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Beholdeth the Great Purple Monkey Teachings



Our Beloved Purple Monkey guides us all through life as well as death. But HOW do we know how to follow his way? Here is where you shall find the answer.

To first walk in His Divine Path one must first cleanse themselves of all materialistic life. Yes, this means discarding that Mustang and designer namebrand clothes and trading them for your own two feet and leaves. Yes, it will be hard at first, but what awaits you after life shall be worth it. Wouldn't YOU like to walk in the Valley of Yellow Bananas with The Great Purple Monkey?

Second, a reading of the Great Purple Scriptures is needed. For what way to learn the way of the Purple Monkey than from the Great Purple Monkey Himself? Study the scriptures, understand it's meanings, and apply them to your own nonmaterialistic life. Proverbs such as "Let it not be one of my Children that eats the Banana from the Forbidden tree for the one who does will be doomed to a life of Coconuts." (Purple Scriptures 12.523)

When you have done this, a cerimonial shrine to the Great Purple Monkey is in order. For how can one be Spiritually Complete without shrine to the Great Purple Monkey to call their own? As it is said by the Great Purple Monkey himself, "Honor Thine Shrine and Purple Monkey." (Purple Scriptures 23.843)