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As you neared the end of the corridor the light begin to fade away. You could barely make what was around you now. The light was nearly gone. Suddenly you hear rustleling coming from in front of you. It begins to get louder. Somethings comeing! AND FAST! As you withdraw your weapon you feel something hit you hard. You look up and try to move to your feet. You're one the ground and something is on top of you. It has long black hair and and a pale humanoid face. It stares you dead in the eyes and begins to speak, "What is it that you come for? Bah! It doesn't really matter, my master will have you hanged or worse for your trespassing..." It had a very masculine voice and as it spoke it used one of its fingers to caress your face. This creature wasn't huge but it was strong as hell. Finally it grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet. He grinned and began pulling you deeper into the darkness. The faint smell became clearer, it was lavender and the music was blaring now! There were loud rapid drums and metallic screeches. The drums intertwined with the beating of your heart. You could only hope a strong warrior such as yourself could withstand whatever perils that are placed on you...Although if this wasn't the master then he, she or it must be a most powerful creature. This strange creature pushed back a blood red curtain and threw you inside the room it unveiled....You gasped as you looked around at all that you saw....

Page 1 Entrance
Page 2 Corridor
Page 4 Back Door