The French Maiden’s Delicacy Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned
“Bury me softly in this womb…
I give this part of me for you… Sand rains down and here I sit… Holding rare flowers… In a bloom…” She was in her pajamas, which was basically a pair of cut-off black denim shorts and a worn-out Metallica t-shirt, in her hotel room. The blankets were pulled up around her form, a plate of escargot sitting beside her. The snails were half-eaten, and somewhat pushed to the side. After eating four of them, she found herself not hungry or in the mood for anything but music. She eventually leaned over and put the plate of snails on the floor near the wall beside her bed. She cuddled down into the blankets and sighed quietly, staring blankly at the black television screen. “Down in a hole and I don't know if
I can be saved… See my heart I decorate it like a grave… You don't understand who they thought I was supposed to be… Look at me now a man who won't let himself be…” ------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Down in a hole, feelin’ so small…
Down in a hole, losin’ my soul… I'd like to fly… But my wings have been so denied…” It was time for her radio interview and she was so looking forward to it. (Note: sarcasm) She rocked back and forth in the office chair across from the radio DJ who had a way too big of an ego while on air but was actually a pussy cat when off. Figures. She leaned forward on the half-desk before her, adjusting the massive headphones on her ears and leaning in towards the microphone that hung over her. Her uninterested gaze was hidden beneath the brim of her baseball cap, shadowing down to her nose. Every so often her fingers would fall down to the ash tray in front of her to grasp the cigarette and draw from it. DJ Frank Dizzle: “Welcome back. And we’re here with our special guest. From the NWA-TNA: Gwenivere! (A few people in the audience around the sound studio walls cheered and applauded. Gwenivere just nodded slightly, drawing from her smoke again.) Now, Gwen, how did you get into wrestling? Gwenivere: (sighing a little bit.) “How did I get into wrestling? Well, I grew up in a household with six men and one woman. My mother died shortly after I was born, leaving me to be brought up by my father and five brothers; me being the youngest, of course. So naturally, we would always play fight and such. Somehow, we all managed to get contracts with La Ligue de Lutte D'amateur Française which is The French Amateur Wrestling League, or F.A.W.L. This happened after I had turned eighteen.” “Down in a hole and they've put all the stones in their place…
I've eaten the sun so my tongue has been burned off the taste… I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth… I will speak no more of my feelings beneath…” Dizzle: “What was it like in the F.A.W.L.?” Gwenivere: “Interesting to say the least. There weren’t all too many women wrestling, so I broke the gender barrier there like I did in the NWA-TNA. I really had no choice. Well, I did. The C.E.O. of the F.A.W.L. said I could either be a manager or a referee or fight men. Naturally, I chose the latter.” Dizzle: “And what made the management of the NWA to ask you to join their federation?” Gwenivere: “Hard to say really. Could have been the last match I had in the F.A.W.L. or my overwhelming… charm and grace.” With that, she lit up another cigarette and snorted slightly. This caused the people around her to chuckle softly and applaud. “Down in a hole and they've put all the stones in their place…
I've eaten the sun so my tongue has been burned off the taste… I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth… I will speak no more of my feelings beneath…” Dizzle: “So what do you have to say about your match against your former friend, Jeff Hardy?” Gwenivere: “Jeff Hardy was never my friend. He was just… some guy who has come and gone in my life. Like so many others, he thinks a little bit of mind-game will put me out and put me down for the count. But unfortunately, for him anyway, he is sadly mistaken. A little pressure on my heart is nothing more than a pick to ice. You can keep clawing away at it, but nothing ever becomes of it because the ice just keeps reforming. Yes, I lost last week to Lita and Shane. Yeah, I’ve BEEP-up a lot. But as for trying to hurt Shane, Lita, Angelica and all those other people that are somehow involved with Omega Powers, that is far from true. Willo--- Jeff came to me and asked me for help. I gave it to him. I never intended for him to end up hurting the people he cares for most, but he came to me and asked to know about his darker side. I showed him the proverbial light and he chose the Powers over me. No, before you even say it, I am not apologizing. I do not believe that I am in the wrong here and I don’t think I will ever think I am wrong on this issue. In fact, I went through the same issue with myself that Jeff has gone through. Medications won’t help. I had no help whatsoever from anyone. I was shunned by everybody, and I guess I still am. But fine. Whatever. I don’t need them. I am perfectly fine on my own. I’ve lost many people in my life, and one more will not make a lick of difference. I wash my hands and my conscience of him.” Dizzle: “What do you predict for your match against Hardy this Wednesday? And what do you have to say about being the only World Title contendership bracket?” Gwenivere: “I predict that it will be a hard battle, nothing more and nothing less. And what do I have to say? It’s an honour. I’m glad that the match bookers saw enough talent in me to allow me such a privilege: rookie or not.” Dizzle: “Well, good luck in your match on Wednesday, Gwen. I hope you do well. We’ll be right back.” The radio station begins playing a set of consecutive commercials as Gwenivere packs up and leaves the sound studio. She signs a few autographs here and there before slipping into her car and driving off. Her fingers slid over to the stereo of her car where she turns on the sound. Alice in Chain begins to play. Down in a hole, feelin' so small…
Down in a hole, losin' my soul… Down in a hole, feelin' so small… Down in a hole, out of control… I'd like to fly… But my wings have been so denied…” “Down In A Hole” Alice In Chains |