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Everybody Wants To Rule the World

Series: Yu Yu Hakusho

Name: Koenma Daiou

Alias: None

Age: 500+

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Amber

Dress: Koenma's dress doesn't vary much from his two forms. In his baby form, he wears beige pants and a purple top with a black belt. The top doesn't even go past his hips, and on his head a hat with the word Jr. on it. And of course little booties and the pacifier. In his teen form, Koenma still has the purple top and beige pants only his top has become a long tunic. Yummy. He no longer has a hat and he has more hair to show off. Jr. is stamped onto his forehead and his shoes are slip-on. Pacifer as well, of course.

Koenma is not stuck to that style though and can sometimes be seen in nice casual suits and formal suits from time to time.

Template: King of Hell {Jr}; Rekai Tentai's boss; judge of the gates of Hell

Talents and Powers: Koenma doesn't show off much power though he has basic powers as a demi-god. His most powerful talent is actually {SPOILER} his pacifier which is the most powerful of the Reikai treasures. It stores his spirit energy until he uses it. With it he can ressurect the dead...and other nifty things.

Personality: Koenma is a brat. He's rather spoiled and carefree, yet always working. He loves food and is easily distracted. He doesn't always follow orders from his father Enma {Yama in USA}, nor does he like to be made fun of and tends to get rather grumpy when he's not respected. However, don't let that fool you. Koenma can be very caring and loyal...and is certainly a good person to have on your side.

Relatives: Enma Daiou {father}

About: Koenma is a demi-god born to the King of Hell, Enma. His mother is never mentioned. Koenma was raised in the Reikai palace by not only his father, but several ogres under Enma's employment. The closest to him seeming to be George. Then later, Botan. Koenma was given the job of judgement. So he spends every day of his life stamping papers of the deceased. However, he enjoys...getting away. Who doesn't?

Koenma met Yusuke after his accident, where he offered to test him to see if he was indeed worthy of being ressurected. After some trial and error, Koenma finally agreed to ressurect Yusuke...however in return, Yusuke had become a Spirit Detective {Reikai Tantei} under Koenma's employment.

Spending several years as Yusuke's friend and employer, he eventually chose to defend Yusuke against the wishes of his father after finding Yusuke possessed demon blood. Needless to say though, afterwards, Koenma avoided his father for a little while. ^;^

Quote{s}: "I sentence you to 100 spankings!" -Japan

" Actually in addition to knowing the greatest secrets of the universe, I'm also quite potty trained.} -USA

" I'm prepared to...RUN AWAY!" -Japan

" Tell my father I will do as I please!" -Japan

Why I like him: Koenma is a person you can like and dislike at the same time. He is quite well-rounded. Both spiteful and caring, bratty and serious. He tends to hit the cute factor very well and is quite amusing to watch when he gets into his crazy antics.
