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Roses Are Red

Series: Yu Yu Hakusho

Name: Suiichi Minamino

Alias:Kurama; Kitsune

Age: 15

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Dress: A very fine dresser with a fine sense of style. Suiichi is usually found in his purple school uniform and black slip ons with no socks. ^;^ However, sometimes he will dress very presentably in white pants and yellow tunic with a white shirt underneat. Actually, the color may vary, but it's usually the same style. Though Kurama's hair is long, he rarely puts it up in a pony-tail.

Template: Reikai Tentai {Spirit Detective}; Former Thief

Talents and Powers: Suiichi is skilled in very many areas, being witty, clever and intelligent. He's a skilled figher and is very patient. He has the power to manipulate plants and certainly has a supernatural green thumb. He has a habit of hiding things in his hair, usually roses and seeds. It must be a magic portal/pocket cuz I sure as hell dunno where it's all coming from. His greatest, or most favorite weapon is the rose...which becomes the legendary Rose Whip, a long vine of thorns. The only other attack I can remember him naming was Frontier of Young Crane Dance {I forget the Japanese name for it}. This attack also involved a rose. Rose petals are released and spin about in a spiral-like shield about Kurama. Anyone stepping into it would be chopped to pieces.

Personality: Very patient and quiet and rarely is he ever phased by anything. Unlike the others, he doesn't back away from Hiei, but simply does what he pleases. He's friendly and is the object of affection {in fantasies} to many young ladies...and actually, even some men. He pays them little mind but remains polite and caring, making him an all around warm character. However, his witty disposition tends to make him very confident in his appearance and he's definately a "rose with some hidden thorns"

Relatives: Mother, Step-Father, Step-brother.

About: Suiichi is merely his birthname...his human name. His real name is Kurama. He is the reincarnation of Youko Kurama, a fox-demon with 3 tails. He was always distant from his mother, finding humans inferior. He could not use his powers until he was 10 and planned on leaving her at that time. However, an accident {it's only in the manga} involving broken dishes scarred his mother and Kurama blames himself for giving her those scars. In the anime, he blames himself for being distant, which may have caused her illness which she was dying from at the time when Yusuke was persuing him.

Kurama met Hiei when he was 14 and again at 15 to steal Reikai treasures. Kurama's intentions, unlike the others, was a pure one. After the incident, he repented and became one of Yusuke's partners on his many adventures.

Quote{s}: " All the while we thought you were a brilliant strategist. Really, you're just a lucky fool."

" Rose Whip!"

" Hiei is going through a difficult change. It seems he's beginning to like you."

Why I like him: Kurama is what attracted me to YYH in the first place....somewhat...his original form was. I stumbled across him by accident. But, he just seems so cool and collected and very...well...warm. He tends to let off this vibe that everthing will be okay if he's around and there's no reason to be afraid. Not too often does a character let it off that way.

He has no fear, that he shows, and always is thinking. He seems to enjoy learning and enjoy using the skills which he learned. His sexuality as Suiichi is questionable, since a lot of his basic personality is the same as before. He could certainly have any woman/girl of his choice but has not, as far as the series shows, actually taken advantage of that. As for attraction to men, who knows. It was rumored his Youko form was bisexual, not caring if his partner was a man or woman. But, I don't recall Kurama making any moves on any man ^.~ now, unless you consider his "I want to know you" comment he made to Touya as an invitation.

Kurama is easily paired in fanfiction to any character. The most common is Kurama x Hiei pairings. However, there are also Karasu x Kurama, Kurama x Yusuke, Kurama x Botan. You name it I'm sure there's a fic for it somewhere.
