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Youko Kurama

Whip It

Series: Yu Yu Hakusho

Name: Youko Kurama

Alias: Kurama; Suiichi Minamino

Age: unknown, several thousand years

Hair: White

Eyes: Gold

Dress: Youko wears a simple white tunic and white pants and white shoes. Can't get anymore simple than that. <

Template: Former thief; Former Reikai Tantei; Second in command of Yomi's armies.

Talents and Powers: Youko has the same abilities as Suiichi, except at a much higher level. He can use rose whip and command plants and flowers of both Ningenkai and Makai to do his bidding. He is also a crafty individual, rarely worried by anything and a master thief as well as a master with formulas involving plants.

Personality: Youko has a slightly different personality than Suiichi. Youko is calm through most situations and never lets on if something bothers him. He can be loyal or double-crossing, depending on his mood. He is not always polite, but is certainly the object of affections or object of desire of both men and women, and he is a master of both, so rumor has it. Despite his cruel streak, Youko is certainly one to have as a friend as he is a horrible enemy. One even Hiei fears.

Relatives: None as Youko

About: Youko Kurama is the past life of Suiichi Minamino...simply called Kurama by his friends. He grew up in the Makai and became a master thief and bandit, forming a small band of followers which he took on raids. During the time, two of his best men were Yomi and Kuronue. Unfortunately, to the dispair of Youko, Kuronue was killed in one of their adventures. As for Yomi, Kurama turned on him, sending an assassin to kill him. Yomi was not killed, but was blinded and forced to survive without sight. It wasn't until many years later that Yomi discovered that his best friend, Youko Kurama was the one who sought to destroy him.

Youko was considered impossible to catch or kill. The fox-demon had many skills and allies. He was fabled and well-known. However, in one careless event, he was shot by a hunter where he sent his spirit to Ningenkai and possessed an unborn baby of the young Minamino couple. The child's soul then became non-existant as Kurama took it over. Youko lived within his human shell of a body until he was able to be re-released during the Dark Tournament {USA} during a battle that sent him to his previous life form. Youko is able to emerge when Suiichi wishes him too and has since grown a lot of humility and respect for humans. He is loyal to his human mother and to his friends, openly stating he'd defend Yusuke if anything were to happen against him.

Quote{s}: " Have you ever heard of the plant...Mimosa?"

" They all have feelings!"

" Woman! If you don't wish to die, don't move!"

Why I like him: Youko Kurama is what first brought me to Yu Yu Hakusho in the first place. I was searching for Yue only to find a shrine to white-haired characters. Youko's description was the most interesting, me misled to thinking Youko was indeed THE main character. No matter, I love YYH anyway. And though Youko Kurama is not my #1 anymore {It's Hiei} he is still a character I adore.
