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Cat's in the Cradle

A child arrived just the other day

He came to the world in the usual way

But there were planes to catch and bills to pay


Enma scratched his chin under his beard, contimplating the paperwork before him. A long sigh escaped him. So much work. A knock came to his door.

" Come in." He peered up with no emotion. " George?"

So it was. George was fairly new to the workforce. A young adult oni with shy enthusiasm. "What's wrong?"

George fiddles about nervously and prosterated. "

Enma-Sama, Ariadne..."

Enma stood up, " Ariadne? What's wrong with her?"

" Nothing, Sir. Per se."

" What's happening?"

His voice was like thunder which made George tremble. " We monitored her like you asked. She's in labor."

" Nani?!" Enma approached fast, " Just now?!"

" A few hours ago. We know you're busy and we didn't want you to wait until we were absolutely sure."

" Water break?"

" Just did. We knew it was time to alert you."

Enma nodded and rushed to the screen. A few other oni watched too. Enma noted Ariadne's pained expression and wasn't too happy about any of it. He did this to her. He shook his head.

" Enma-Sama, why don't you go to her?" George asked. " You haven't gone to see her in a while. Don't you want to be there when she has your baby?"

" If I go, there will only be trouble." Enma replied blankly. He closed his eyes believing his absence would be better appriciated than his attendance. Ariadne was a lovely young lady. He didn't even know she was only 15 when he took her. She was 16 now and alone, giving birth to the child that had come from the seeds of his love. He felt bad for stealing away her childhood. She didn't even really know him. For all she knew, he was some rich, strong ningen named Bob. She was strong and moody and moreso after her pregnancy. He went to see her the last time sometime in her second trimester. She was viscious to him. How he loved it when it was a bedroom tactic. Such wild foreplay. However, at the time, it was deep and very hurtful. He left her, and hadn't faced her since. And no one argued with him.

" She did it!" One of the oni shouted. Enma smiled. He chuckled inward. A lucky. He frowned however when he saw her face.

" Fetch him."

"Sir?" From George.

" She won't live much longer. I can't deny that anymore. Bring me my son."

" What if there's a chance?"

" Iie, none. I knew for some time she'd die very soon. But I denied it, blinding myself with my feelings for her. Let her die with ease...he's taken care of. Bring my son home."

So it was. The baby was fetched and Ariadne hadn't the stregnth to object. As much as her heart ached, she somehow knew everything would be alright. It put her at ease as she took her last breath.

" He has his mother's beauty," Enma commented as he held his son.

" I see you in him too, Enma-Sama," George chimed in.

" Hmph. Take Koenma to his room. I still have work to do."


He learned to walk while I was away, and he was

Talkin ‘fore I knew it, and as he grew, he said:

I'm gonna be like you, Dad,

Y'know I'm gonna be like you


George let out a laugh as Koenma fell forward. " Are you alright?"

Koenma scowled up at him, " Why not you catch me?!"

" You fall too fast, Koenma-Sama."

" It's HARD! Can't hardly walk. Why gotta learn these...skates again?"

" Enma-Sama wants his little prince to be graceful to compliment his natural aristocratic beauty."

Koenma got silent and glanced at the floor under his hands. George felt his heart leap. " Koenma-Sama, gomen."

" Will he notice?"

" Uhm, I'm sure he will. He's just..."

" Always away."

George lowered his head in silence. It was true. Enma was always busy with paperwork and travel. It seemed George played a more fatherly role to the prince. No...more like a big brother. " Gomen nasai."


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon

Little boy blue and the man in the moon

When you comin' home, Dad, I don't know when

But we'll have a good time then, Son

Y'know we'll have a good time then


Koenma ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. Several oni and some of the girls peered into the hall after him. One of the girls actually chased after him. " Koenma-Sama, stop! Stop right now!"

She grabbed his arm, causing him to flail and scream. It alerted more employees, fearing the prince had gotten hurt.

" Let me go! Let go! My dad's home! I wanna see him before he leaves again!"

" Anya, let him go!" George demanded.

" Enma-Sama is too busy for interuptions. He told me so himself," Anya explained.

" I don't care!" The words from Koenma's screams were hard to understand. " I wanna see me dad!"

George and Anya fought for control of the screaming, crying prince. Both giving and refusing orders. Koenma let out a loud scream, kicking Anya in the shin thereby winning his freedom. He ran down the halls and corridors calling for his father until he was at the office. He pushed open the doors and ran in with a wide smile, " Otu-San!"

No answer. He frowned and looked around. Nothing. Silence. Absence. His father was a letter on the desk. Anya and George finally caught up. George took the letter from Koenma's hand, knowing he'd have to read it for him. Koenma sobbed as Anya patted him as George read:


I had hoped to see you before I left. However, your delay must have meant something important had come up. Perhaps when I return we could do something.


Koenma's breathing was hard and angry. He cast a viscious glare at Anya, amber eyes like daggers. He pointed powerfully at her, " You're FIRED!!! Get OUT of my sight!"


My son turned ten just the other day, he said

Thanks for the ball, Dad, c'mon let's play

Can you teach me to throw, I said not today

I got a lot of work to do he, he saud that's okay

And he walked away but his smile never dimmed, it said

I'm gonna be like him, yeah

Y'know I'm gonna be like him


" Wow!" Koenma cheered, opening the present set before him. " This is NEAT! What is it?"

" Arigatou," Botan blushed. Her crush was evident. But, the prince was oblivious...or ignorant. She was a new recruit, a replacement long awaited to take Anya's place.

" Otanjoubi omedetou, Koenma-Sama." She blushed deeper pink. Koenma smiled and hugged the....whatever it was.

" George bowed and smiled, " Koenma-Sama, a surprise for you."

" Dad's home? He made it?"

Everyone fell silent. George frowned, " Iie. But, he sent this..." he handed the box to him. He frowned as he opened it. A darker angry frown when he pulled some pacifier thing from it. Several employees leapt for cover. This was NOT the thing to give an angry prince. George shielded his face.

" What's this?! This is AWFUL! Did he forget how old I was today?! Ten not two!"

" Don't take it lightly, Koenma-Sama," George warned, taking the pacifier and placing it back in the box and handing the prince a letter:


Sorry I could not make it this year. Something important came up at the last minute. However, I'm proud of your progress and would like to bestow some responsibilites upon you. In this box is the most powerful Reikai treasure of the three worlds. I trust you can take care of it. But you must never use it without my permission. Keep it with you always. Otanjoubi omedetou, Koenma-Chan.


" This pacifier is powerful?"

" Perhaps he'll tell you more about it when he returns. To be sure of it, we can schedule an appointment." George suggested. " It's VERY powerful."

" If it means making him proud..." Koenma popped it into his mouth, "...then I will keep it."


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon

Little boy blue and the man in the moon

When you comin' home, Dad, I don't know when

But, we'll have a good time then, Son

Y'know we'll have a good time then


" Koenma, come sit on my lap."

Koenma's cheeks turned bright pink as he ran up to his gigantic father's knee.

" I've been thinking hard about some things."

" Did I do something wrong?" Koenma asked.

" Iie. My workload is just too much for one god alone."

" Will you get an assistant?"

" Hai. Indeed. I'm appointing you."

" Nani? Nande?"

" You are no longer my Little Prince. You're now my #2: Little King of Hell."

" I...I don't know what to say," the words caught in the back of his throat.

" How about a thank you?"

" Hai! Domo arigatou gozaimasu!"

" You have a job and plenty of responsibilities. Gather yourself. I have an office ready for you and when you're ready to begin, the oni will get you started."

" I'll do my best," Koenma said weakly. He almost never saw Enma NOW! If both were always working, the time would be even less. However, he painted on a smile and hurried off with false enthusiasm.


Well, he came home from college just the other day

So much like a man I had to say

Son, I'm so proud of you, can we sit for a while

He shook his head and said with a smile

What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys

See ya later, can I have them please?


" I'm surprised at you, Koenma," Enma said monotonously. " You've disobeyed me in the past...but never to this degree."

" I know," Koenma said sternly.

" Why'd you come back? After a risky stunt like that...and running away in hiding...I could easily disown you and name you a criminal for your insubbordination."

Koenma nodded, holding back tears and fears well behind a mask of stern and powerful emotionlessness. He was in his teen form to emphasize his seriousness.

" Answer me," Enma said quietly, peering out the window, not even laying eyes on his son.

" I had my own opinion. My own feelings. My own decisions. I made them myself. Isn't that what you want? I can't be your baby forever. I'm going to grow up right under you. I can't keep letting others make choices for me."

Enma was silent and turned to face Koenma as he continued, " I've always just accepted your choices without question. I can't do that forever. I find it hard to be taken seriously because I'm so easily walked over. This time, the lives of my friends were at stake. I don't have many. I couldn't ignore the choices I wanted to make anymore. The choices were mine. Maybe right...maybe wrong. But mine. I can face that. Is that not what kings are made of?"

Enma smiled, " I never thought I'd live to see the day when I'd hear you say that. That is how a real king talks. I'm very proud of you. Pissed...royally angry...but proud. I'm glad you can stand up for yourself. Come, let me treat you."

" Iie," Koenma replied, still motionless and emotionless. " I cant"

" You can. I give you my..."

" Permission? Iie. All of my hiding caused a backup in my work. I'm too far behind to play anymore. I have work to complete. You go. I'm staying behind."

With that, Koenma turned and exited. Enma tried to blink away the words. Koenma was too busy...for his DAD?


And the cat's in the cradle andf the silver spoon

Little boy blue and the man in the moon

When you comin home, Son, I don't know when

But we'll have a good time then, Dad

Y'know we'll have a good time then


Enma sat and twiddled his fingers. " He'd rather work than play? Who is this imposter? And where's my Koenma?"

Koenma's words echoed in his mind. Behind the beauty his mother had given him, Enma saw himself showing in Koenma. And he wasn't sure if he liked it.


I long since retired, my son's moved away

I called him up just the other day

I said, I'd like to see you, if you don't mind, he said

I'd love to, Dad, if I could find the time

Y'see, my new job's a hassle and the kids got the flu

But, it's sure nice talkin' to you, yeah

Sure nice talkin' to you


Enma peered out his bedroom window. Such a lovely day. Had the world always been this lovely? He glanced at a framed picture. Koenma in his finest robes, being crowned Senior King of Hell. Enma remembered the ceremony and reception celebrating the occassion and his retirement. Koenma was such a beautiful man, full of power and presence.

He smiled at another picture...his grandchildren: Juniper and Phoenix. Strange names. But, Koenma had not been able to attend the birth of the twins. He allowed his friends...what were their named again? Kurama and Yusuke to name them. Kurama named the princess after a lovely flower....Juniper....the youngest. Yusuke made a mockery of the whole event. He wanted to remind Koenma of everything they had gone through and what better way than to mention Pu? He named the prince Phoenix.

Hell business....Enma sighed.

He stood up and entered Koenma's office. The man once his baby stood over Phoenix as the prince stamped the papers...Koenma's old job. He looked tired and aggitated.

" Koenma..."

He turned, " Otu-san, glad to see you. Feeling better?"

" Just a little lonely. Why don't we all take the afternoon off for a picnic?"

" Iie," Koenma started in, breaking the smile on Phoenix's face.

" Phoenix is behind in his work. I have to give Juniper that treasure and explain it to her."

Enma lowered his head. So, the princess would get it this time.

" And I must attend to some other things. Sorry, but my books are full. The three Makai overlords want to discuss politics. But, thank you for the offer. But, these matters are very important. Perhaps next time.


As I hung up the phone it occured to me

He'd grown up just like me, yeah

My boy was just like me


Koenma exited regally, leaving Enma befuddled with little Phoenix. The princely sigh made him look.

" Grandpa, how can anything be so important that you can't spend some quality time with your own family?"