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The Holly & The Ivy

The holly and the ivy,

When they are both full grown,

Of all the trees that are in the wood,

The holly bears the crown.


Michiko sat calmly at the table as her mother sat a mug down.

" Just wait a minute, Sweetie. It's hot."

" I love hot cocoa," she replied.

" Yukina, have you seen my green and black necktie?" Kazuma called down the stairs. Yukina sighed, " In the closet with the others."

" Is daddy going to work today?" Michiko asked.

" Yes."

" He makes a lot of money, doesn't he? Everyone will have a nice Christmas."

" I'm sure they will."

Michiko took a sip of her cocoa. " Can we go over Kurama's?"

" What for?" Yukina asked, sitting with her own mug.

" I wanna see Uncle Hiei."

" I'm not sure he's there anymore."

" Why?"

" Kurama-Kun is very festive."

" I know. His Christmas is fun too. His mommy and step-family are neat."

" Hiei-Chan usually spends Christmas in the Makai."

Michiko scratched her head, " Does he celebrate with Mukuro?"

" No, Honey. They don't celebrate Christmas in the Makai."

" They...don't? But, Uncle Hiei goes there every year. Doesn't he ever celebrate Christmas?"

" I don't think he ever has. He's funny that way. He's uncomfortable around a lot of cheery people so he tends to stay away."

Michiko got out of her chair and went to the den to check under the tree. Yukina watched her curiously and finally knelt beside her, " What are you looking for?"

" A present."

" There are lots of presents for you here, Michiko-Chan."

" No." She finally got back up and sighed, " We didn't get him anything this year."

" We never get him anything, Michiko. He's never here to get it. And, I honestly wouldn't know WHAT to get him. He's such a complicated person."

" Mommy, I want to see Kurama. Maybe Uncle Hiei hasn't left yet."

Kurama was outside and saw them coming. " Yukina! Michiko! Ohayo!"

They smiled up at him. He was putting up lights. " Kurama Kurama Kurama!" Michiko called, " Where's Uncle Hiei?!"

Kurama smiled, " He's in the bedroom, Luv. Just go ahead in. He's taking one of his zillion a day naps."

She didn't need to be told twice. In and up she zoomed and then into Kurama's room and pounced on the bed, waking Hiei.

" What the..."


" scared me."

" Why don't you celebrate Christmas?"

" Excuse me?"

" Mommy says you don't celebrate Christmas and you never get presents. Why?"

" It's fun for you, Darling and that's all that matters." He muffled her hair. " Some people just don't celebrate."

" Yeah, but those people usually celebrate Winter Solstice, Hanukka or Kwanzaa. You don't celebrate at all."

" Holidays are meant for families..."

"You ARE my family! Is this because you don't like Daddy?"

" Michiko...."

" I'll get you the best present you could ever want! Please?"

" I...don't know, Michiko."

" You'll see! I'll give you something GREAT!"


O the rising of the sun

And the running of the deer

The playing of the merry organ

Sweet singing in the choir


" Yukina?"

" Grandma?"

" I thought you'd never come back." The old short koorime with the tattered hair glanced at Michiko, " Who's this?"

"My daughter....Michiko. Michiko, this is your great grandmother."

" Why wasn't Uncle..." Yukina slapped a hand over Michiko's mouth to silence her.

" Children just want to say whatever whenever."

" Just like your mother," Yukina's grandmother retorted to the youngest twin. " Why did you come back?"

" My daughter wanted to know where she came from."

" Didn't you tell her?"

" Yes, but she wanted to meet everyone."

She looked Michiko over and fell backwards at a flash of light. " Perfect picture!" Michiko cheered. She ran on ahead and began to scare the dickens out of everyone with that camera.

" You haven't taught her proper manners when dealing with her elders."

" She's...rebelious."

" Just like your mother."

" Mommy," Michiko whispered, " I thought you said Makai didn't celebrate Christmas."

She leaned in to answer, " Isle of Koorime is above Makai. It's isolated."

" Then where did Grandpa come from?!" She shouted. The entire clan stopped passing food and fussing to stare at her. Yukina turned beat red and hid her face.

The elder snorted and started to pass the next item about, silently ordering everyone to be at ease. Yukina noticed how much she reminded her of Hiei with that attitude. Even had those eyes. " She is very uneducated, Yukina. Poor parenting."

" I'm NOT a bad parent!" Yukina spat out. She never did much like her relatives in general...her grandmother in particular.

" Loud......very loud...very disrespectul. You are more and more like her every day. Will you tell me next that she is the product of mating with a man?"

Yukina turned snow white and sat back down very quietly. The elder eyed her viciously, " Indeed. Just like her. You are like her little clone. Is she the only one, Yukina? Did you too not bare twins?"

" She only child."

" Only one you claim?"

" Mommy, what about Nobu?" Michiko asked. It only made the elder chuckle tauntingly. Yukina almost wished Michiko was born mute.

" I had twins."


" Something went wrong. My son, Nobu....he died."

" How?"

" Lungs collapsed. He just wasn't strong enough."

" I see. So now all you have is Michiko?"

" And my mate."

Gasps and whisperes began about the table. Yukina felt the heavy gossip.

" He stayed?"

" Yes."

" More than your father did for you."

" Who's Grandpa?" Michiko asked. " Ever met him."

" No." The elder replied. She eyed Michiko carefully. " Koorime do not mate with men. Only causes trouble. Look at it. See how plain it is? Your mother mates with a man and her son dies and her own daughter is loud and rebelious."

Michiko felt the stab and sat down. The elder continued. " My own daughter mated with a man...a fire demon from the west...and bore a son...a bad omen. Also bore a loud and rebellious daughter. He knew better than to stay around. He didn't want them either. Mercy made me keep you in this clan, Yukina!"

"You had no mercy for my BROTHER!" She spat, tear gems dropping to the table as she stood up.Michiko hid under the table and took out the camera.

=If Grandpa is in the West...then that's where I'm going.=


The holly bears a blossom

As white as lily flower

And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ

To be our sweet savior.


" Michiko!" Yukina called, running from her room. " Michiko!" Her yelling caught the attention of several passing Koorime. She ran until she found her grandmother and grabbed her sleeves, " This is all your fault! My daughter is missing!"

" Let her go," the elder replied. " She's too tainted."

" NANI?!"

" A quarter Koorime, a quarter fire demon and half human? Tainted. She's not welcome here."

" You demented old BAG!" Yukina spat. " That's my child! My blood! AND YOURS TOO! Haven't you tortured your family ENOUGH?!"

" Where could she go?"A voice called. Both looked to see a tall figure. She was one of the taller koorime on the island.

Yukina dropped in tears, " I don't know."

" Koorime has a vast desert of snow, Yukina. She'll be dead before we find her anyway."

The tall koorime knelt beside Yukina. " Put yourself in your daughter's shoes. What would make her run off? And to where?"

" She...when something goes wrong she..." Yukina sniffled. " She goes to see her uncle."

" He's ALIVE?!" The elder gasped.

Yukina suddenly stopped crying, " She's going West!"

It was true. Michiko had left many hours before and trudged through the desert of snow. She wrapped herself up as best as she could...but that human blood in horrible as it was to be true, tainted her ability to tolerate such weather for a long period of time. She had not a clue if she was going in circles or even going West anymore. Too late to go back...if she could. The snow was making things hard to see...if there WERE something to see. She had spent too many hours alone and she was numb and the snow stung at her cheeks.

She dropped to her knees and cried. She wiped at the tears so they wouldn't freeze. " All...I give my....uncle...the perfect...present."

She sniffled and felt herself growing weak. She then gasped as she felt warm hands on her shoulders...through the layers.

" Wha..."

" Quiet," a gentle and soothing male voice whispered. " Save your strength."

She had no real energy to argue as he picked her up and carried her off. She didn't know she had closed her eyes and tried to take in his warmth.


The holly bears a berry

As red as any blood

And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ

To do poor sinners good.


Michiko opened her eyes. It was so warm. The white lands of snow were replaced with something just as soft and vast..but warm. That wasn't snow falling from the air, but ashes over a desert of small town, much like Koorime, stood with tall black ebony. It was almost circular, with a large area for the inhabitants to gather and soak up the warmth from the volcanic background. It was almost as if it were a hiarchy of seats. The most elaborate seat left for the one in charge.

" Where am I?" She shot up and glanced at the black blanket that had covered her.

" Safe...and warm." Came that same soothing voice. It almost made her melt. She turned and saw a man sitting in an ebony chair. He was tall and fair-skinned....well-tanned. His hair was black and very long...down to his tailbone. His face was narrow and his eyes were sharp. But what caught her offguard was the mark on his bangs...the white star.

" Who...are you?"

He set down whatever he had been reading and approached her, checking her body heat. " A friend. Call me Lucifer."

" Where am I?"

" Safe." He left her to return a moment later with some strange types of food. Mostly meats...a change from the Koorime diet which were a strange variety of plant species. " Eat up and regain your strength."

After a long moment, Michiko gulped down her warm milk and eyed Lucifer, " Why are you being so nice to me?"

" You needed help and you were alone. A little girl your age shouldn't be left out in the Koorime desert."

" Am the West? Fire demon territory."

" Yes."

" My mother...she'll be worried."

" Just relax. I'll take you back if you wish...but not yet."

She liked the sound of his voice. It was like some magic that made her all tingly and tickley inside. He made her feel so safe and content.

" You're not pure bred Koorime, are you?" Lucifer asked suddenly. She shook her head, " How did you know?"

" Koorime can handle that cold weather for a very long time. You weren't even that far from the town...but they'd have never let me bring you back in your condition."

" My great grandmother hates me anyway."

" That so?"

" She's mad at my mom and hates me because I'm not pure bred."

" Sounds like that old bag elder. She's such a traditionalist."

" That's her."

Lucifer went silent. Michiko could sense the tension. His emotional vibes poured out in such hot amounts that empathy wasn't needed to feel his sadness, or anger, or happiness.

" Lucifer, why were you on the Isle of Koorime?"

" I...was visiting a grave."

" Out in the desert?"

" No, I was on my way back...when I found you. Her grave is on the other side of the town."

" Friend?"

" Mate."

" But, Great Grandma says that..."

Lucifer shook his head and looked out the window. " Tell me about your mother."

Michiko was caught offguard. " My mother?"

" Tell me what she's like. What does she look like? What is her personality? How is she doing in life? By the way you sound, she has been away from the clan for some time."

Michiko smiled, " My mom's name is Yukina. We live in the Ningenkai. She looks like the other Koorime...with a more round face. Sweet but kinda strong. She gots to keep me and my daddy in line....and my uncle."

Lucifer glanced back at her, " Uncle? Your father's brother?"

" Mom's"

Lucifer looked back out the window and shut his eyes. Michiko felt the drop in the emotion. " Lucifer?"

" I...didn't know....she had a son."

" Who?"

He smiled at her, " Your grandmother." He sat beside her. " You probably don't know who I am..."

" You're Lucifer. You told me so."

He shook his head.


The holly bears a prickle

As sharp as any thorn

And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ

On Christmas day in the morn


" Several centuries ago," Lucifer began, " I met a young Koorime. She was on the southside outside the town. White Snow Roses....they were in bloom at the time. I enjoy going to see them. But I met her there that time. She was very lovely and very sweet. I met her there often at she wouldn't be seen."

He smiled, " The courtship lasted briefly. I knew she was the perfect mate for me. We didn't care about tradition. I swept her away to the Southwest corner of Koorime. It's cool, but very green there...not as snow-covered as ther est...overlooking a sea of clouds. She could have had everything she ever wanted."

" I don't understand," Michiko chimed in, unsure of the last remark. Lucifer chuckled, " I crowned her there. A lovely crown made of ivy." He pointed to his mantel, " And when exchanging our vows, she placed the crown of holly on me. Strange ceremony indeed. Since it isn't traditionally done, we made it up. I brought her here and she sat beside me for about a year. We spent that year frolicking about and just having fun."

" Then?"

" She became pregnant. She was so happy. So happy in fact that she wanted to go home and tell everyone the terrific news. And...I took her. I took her to the rose patch and left her there, promising to retrieve her when she called for me." He lowered his head. " She never did."

" Why?" Michiko whispered.

" I waited for a long time. I eventually returned, wanting to bring her home. I wanted to be there when she had our baby. That....that old hag...she intercepted me...and told me....that my love never wanted to see me again."

Michiko held tight to the blanket. " You never saw her again?"

" I did. I found out too late that she had given birth...but figured I'd still see our baby. I saw your mother...she was so tiny and so cute. I never got to hold her though. I didn't want to cause any stress. I saw my mate one other time....on her death bed. She told me the whole time she had been waiting for me. She had sent her best friend to intercept me many times....only to be met by that bag. She witch lied to me...and cost me everything I held dear. She died shortly after that. But, she never told me....I never knew...she had a son."

Michiko got out of the bed and crossed her arms, " Why would it matter?"

" Koorime don't have sons," Lucifer replied, glaring down at her. " He'd have been exiled. If I had known back then, I could have gone down to the Makai to look for him....and bring him home. No telling what kind of suffering he went through. Life is pretty easy here."

" What makes you say that?"

Lucifer pointed to the starburst in his hair, " This is a royal mark. Only one specific bloodline has it out of the entire clan. Every member has a mark...every family has some type of sign...or an original one. But no one has ever had the star...only that one bloodline. That bloodline was named king for generations. And I thought I was the last to bare the is possible for Yukina to pass the line to you...but I see you do not have the mark."

" My uncle has it!" Michiko said with excitement. " Just like that one! Does that make him a prince?!"

" Indeed, if what you say is true." Lucifer remarked. " If I had known about him, he could have been a prince at birth."

" Oh, this is better than a scrap book!" Michiko squealed running outside. The other fire demons glanced at her with surprise. One even approached her. He looked suspicious and angry. However, when Lucifer stepped out, he backed away. This one belonged to him.


The holly bears a bark

As bitter as any gall

And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ

For to redeem us all


Yukina paced back and forth as the tall koorime watched. " How can I go home and tell him she's gone?"

" Now, now...there's still hope."

" Hope?!" Yukina cried out.

" Indeed. There's a chance she survived that desert."

" But how great of a chance?"

" I admit the chances are slim, but there is still a chance."

Yukina covered her face, " This is all my fault!"

" Mommy!"

" Oh, I can still hear her voice."

" Mommy!"

The tall Koorime arched a brow, " I hear it too. Either you're having mass delusion or she's outside."

Yukina became stiff then zoomed out the door, "Michiko!" She skidded to a stop to see a tall figure that was Lucifer standing protectively over her daughter. The tall Koorime came out after and smiled, " Lucifer!"

Yukina glanced back and forth, " You know him?"

" Your mother would tell us all about him. I just knew I'd recognize him if I saw him!"

Michiko ran to Yukina to fussed horribly over her. Yukina peered up and smiled, " Thank you. How could I ever repay you?"

" He can repay you by getting out of the town!"

Both turned to see the elder. " I thought I told you never to come back?! You've caused enough trouble here."

" Bag!" Lucifer snarled, turning to her. " You are a heartless witch! A baby-killer!"

The elder stepped back, surprised at Lucifer's sudden aggression. " You've kept me from what is rightfully mine long enough. You may have no respect for them but I do. And they are mine."

Yukina glanced at Michiko who smiled. " That's Grandpa, Mommy."

Lucifer growled, " Your daughter had the opportunity to live like a queen! Who wouldn't want that for the one they loved? You lied to me about her feelings and about the number of children she had. You didn't even have the mercy to let me have my own son! Rename your heir, Wench, or you will be to blame for the fall of your island. There are many capable hands to fill your position. You don't deserve it."

Before the elder could reply, Lucifer knelt beside Yukina, " I've never been there for you. For that, I'm sorry. I didn't want to interfere with what I thought were your mother's wishes. I just hope it's not to late to make up for lost times."

Yukina was silent a long time and examined Lucifer carefully. She believed him and what he said about his parental contribution. He had the same mark as many people actually had that mark? She smiled, " It's not me you should apologize to."

" Yukina," the elder spat, " if you leave this island, don't ever bother coming back."

" Don't worry," Yukina spat back. " I have better places to be that welcome mixed races...and my daughter."

Lucifer peered back at them, " Stay if you wish, Ladies. Or, stand up for your own beliefs and values. There is a home for all of you who need one." He eyed the elder, " Or be as empty and cold as your elder. The choice is yours."


The holly and the ivy

When they are both full grown

Of all the trees that are in the wood

The holly bears the crown.


" How'd you do it?" Kuwabara asked, glancing at Kurama.

" I have my ways. Hiei is an open book to me."

" How was your Christmas, Kurama-Kun?" Yukina asked.

" Good. We had a good morning. And we're having a big supper this evening. What about you?"

" I got everything I asked for!" Michiko cheered.

" There's only one person left to please." Yukina smiled.

Kurama left them to "untie" Hiei and bring him down.

" Stupid ningen holiday. What are you three doing here?"

Michiko ran over to him, " Uncle Hiei, we spent Winter Solstice on the Isle of Koorime!"

" That so?"

" And we brought someone back with us," Yukina beamed. Hiei turned, feeling the presence and eyed him curiously.

" Who are you?"

" Hiei," Yukina replied, skipping over to him, " Meet Dad."

Lucifer bowed and Hiei eyed him with disbelief and until he recognized his own mark.

" What do you want?"

" I want," Lucifer began, " to apologize. I never meant to hurt either of you. And I wish that it didn't this long to learn about the truth. I want to welcome you home...where you belong."

" Home?"

Hiei eyed the witnesses and then back to Lucifer, " I'm a little confused."

" I had made plans centuries ago to welcome home my heir. Unfortunately, something arose, keeping your mother on the island instead of coming home. I expected one baby and instead she bore two...which I only recently discovered. I've seen I thought she was my only child. I was overjoyed to find I have a son....a son I can finally bring home...and to top it off...a son with the royal mark"

" Wait a minnit..." Hiei shook his head in a bit of a daze. A long silence before he finally said, " Are you saying I'm some kind of prince?"

" Exactly what I'm saying."

Hiei glanced at the friends and family in the room. He glanced at the floor, " I don't think I want to give up the people I care about...for anything."

" Indeed. I'm not saying you have to spend every hour of every day in a throne, Hiei." Lucifer explained. " I want you to come home and be crowned. You're free to do as you please until the time comes for you to officially take my place. You still have several centuries to live as you like. But you are worth so much...and I want you to be very aware of that."

" I think..."

" Hiei, please."

Hiei was silent a long time and glanced at Yukina. So confident. Could he trust Lucifer? The bonding process would take a long time to build. But, he wasn't asking Hiei to leave behind everything he wanted or cared about. Wasn't even asking him to stay home forever....just to acknowledge that he had one he was always welcome to return to...where his blood welcomed and respected and praised him. He nodded, " I'll go with you. Worse comes to worse, I can always come back here."

Lucifer nodded. " It'll be nice to finally name an heir to the crown."

Outside, Michiko tugged at Hiei's cloak, " I told you I'd give you the best present ever if you stayed."

He smiled and yanked her up and hugged her, " You did say that."

" Now yer a prince. Can't get better than that."

" I always knew you were a little princess."

Michiko giggled. " So, Uncle Hiei..."

" Hn?"

" What did you get ME for Christmas?"

At that he let out a hearty laugh. " Merry Christmas, Half-Pint."