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Yusuke in Kudaran

Reminder, this fic was set to be in chapters and I decided I was too lazy to make separate pages. So the chapters will be separated by names...but the whole story is on this page. VERY long, so please bare with me.


The Book Report

" I know what you’re trying to do," Keiko grumbled to Yusuke, who pretended to be clueless.

" What would I be trying to do?" He gave her a smirk and peered over at the gathering of his friends in the den. He had the place to himself that weekend and planned to live it up.

" You think if you invite them over and keep them here I’ll let you get out of that homework assignment."

" Quite crafty, isn’t it?"

" I take it you never feel guilty about not keeping up with your work?" Kurama asked, flashing a bright smile and shining green eyes.

" Why should I?"

" Personally, when I have an assignment," Kurama continued, " if it’s not finished right away, it haunts me."

" My assignments never haunt me. Just the ones I gotta do for Koenma." Yusuke remarked. " Besides, it’s not due until Monday. I have all weekend to work on it. Nothing wrong with enjoying myself a little first."

" What is it that you’re doing anyway?" Kuwabara asked, lifting his glance from the handheld game he was playing.

" A stupid book report."

" What’s that?" Hiei spoke up, speaking for the first time all day. A brief silence marked the shock that he had taken sudden interest.

" A book report is when you read a book," Yusuke held up a book to give visual aid, " and write a report, or a paper on what the story is about along with other information. It depends on the teacher and of course I got stuck with the one who likes it thourough."

Hiei’s glance was slightly confused and yet slightly annoyed as well. Yusuke felt the tension and felt a sweat drop form, " Got it?"

" Why?"

" Why what?"

" Why do you have to do something like that?"

" It’s for a grade," Botan spoke up, almost regretting jumping in when Hiei turned his gaze to her. " He gets a grade for it if he does well. The grade determines if he passes the class or not."

" And if he doesn’t?"

" He takes it again.....unless he drops out."

Hiei was silent a long time and glanced at Yusuke. The sarcasm was very thick, " Oh, the tragedy."

Botan shook her head and returned her attention to Yusuke, " What book do you have to do a report on?"

Yusuke blushed, " I kinda started late so there wasn’t a very good choice left."

" There was no choice left," Keiko corrected. " He got stuck with Alice in Wonderland. And I aim to see him finish it."

Yusuke felt the heat rise when he heard the snickers from his company. Snickers from all but Hiei, who cocked his head to one side, contimplating very hard on the subject. " Let me see."

" Hiei?" From Kurama.

" Don’t question me, just give it."

Without argument, Yusuke tossed the paperback to Hiei, who examined it carefully. He even opened the book near the center. He studied the page carefully, even "hmmm"ed when he saw the little illustrations.

Kuwabara leaned in over Hiei’s shoulder, which in itself was an accomplishment, as he had to get up and crawl around the other side of him. " Boooooook," he pointed out, putting a finger on the top of the book in Hiei’s hands. The crimson eyes only peered momentarily at him before returning to the book.

" Wooooooooooords," Kuwabara continued. Hiei retorted with an annoyed exhale, but continued to dismiss him.

" Putting words together makes a sssssent.....ence." He continued with a chuckle. " When you follow a sentence, it’s called reeeeeeaaaaading."

Hiei was getting very annoyed and was very obvious with his narrow-eyed expression, turning to see Kuwabara out of the corner of his eye. The fuse had been lit.

" Awwwww, what’s wrong?" Kuwabara asked.

" Need something for that headache?"

That was it! Hiei made one swift movement with his left arm, slamming Kuwabara into the wall. " Kisama!"

" Play nice with the book, Hiei," Kurama snickered.

" Please," Yusuke shrugged. " It was the last copy they had. And it’s already been beat up over the years."

" You can relate, can’t you?" Kurama smiled, casting one of those "I’m just playing" glances at Hiei.

Hiei let out his trademark, "hn" and tossed the book back to Yusuke, " I think it’s stupid. And you’re not even getting anything out of it. Figures such a stupid pasttime would be a ningen one."

" I never said I wanted to do it!" Yusuke burst out. Hiei only replied by waving a hand in the air, " Then, don’t. What good will it do you?"

" Hiei!" Kurama scolded, " We’re having a hard enough time trying to get him to work without you giving him negative ideas."

" I kinda like Hiei’s id...." Yusuke never finished. Keiko had slapped a hand over his mouth, " You’re going to do it! And it will be this weekend. And I’m not leaving until it’s done!"

" Alright, alright," Yusuke huffed. " I’ll do it later, alright? I just want to relax a while."

Later That Afternoon

Later that afternoon, it was definately hot out. The air conditioning felt terrific on a day like this. The heat could still be felt right in front of the window....which is where Yusuke sat. Exactly behind him on the sill was Hiei, who also was taking advantage of the atmoshpere.....enveloped in a nap.

Yusuke so dearly wanted to follow the example. It was so perfect. However, he still had Keiko at one side of him nagging. In the bright side, her nagging had become a lower volume, so not to disturb Hiei, who was quite nasty if woken up. Kurama sat a few feet on his other side, organizing the notes Yusuke was made to take. Botan was trying to be helpful, but spent most of her time stuffing her face with the cheese cubes on the coffee table. Kuwabara had retired to the other side of the room so not to bother Yusuke. He was to busy trying to beat that handheld game.

" Hey, can’t we take a break?" Yusuke finally spit out. " We’ve been at it for hours."

" Yusuke..." Keiko began to scold. Kurama snickered and leaned forward. " I think it would be wise to rest our eyes. We don’t want to strain ourselves."

Yusuke nodded at Kurama’s defense. Botan skipped to her feet, " Then I’ll just refill the bowl of cheese cubes!"

" Let me go too, Botan. I’ll make some tea," Keiko smiled, getting up to follow the blue-haired girl to the kitchen. Kurama also stood up, catching Yusuke’s attention, " Where are you going?"

" Nature calls," Kurama smiled as he replied casually, heading off to the bathroom. Yusuke turned to Kuwabara....still engulfed in his game, gritting his teeth and stretching his face as he tried to master the current level. He shook his head at the sight.

Yusuke stood up as well, stretching his body out, then sitting on the couch, leaning all the way back until he felt Hiei’s boot on the back of his head. The couch was off-centered from the wall and covered the lower right hand corner of the window sill...due to a crack on the sill his mother had made accidently.

" If any idea sounded best, yours is appealing," Yusuke muttered to the sleeping yokai. He sighed and adjusted himself, closing his eyes a moment. He really didn’t feel like going back to that stupid report. What would happen? Just another poor grade. So what? He had skills and skills were all you really needed in life, right? Not some stupid report about some girl and an alternate demension of talking animals. How stupid. With that thought in mind, he smirked and felt himself drift off to sleep.


He finally woke up, feeling the same warmth he had felt when he dozed off. He even heard a bird twitter, which was odd, as he didn’t remember ever being able to hear birds with the air conditioner on high. He opened an eye and noticed....he was...outside?

Yusuke shot up, looking around. He was asleep at the edge of a meadow, birds twittering above him and some scattered woods behind him. " What in the....?!"

He stood up, glancing around. He didn’t remember any place looking like this. A rustle in a nearby bush alerted him, " Who’s there?! Show yourself!"

The rustling got louder until a large creature skipped over the branch and landed with a trip, rolling over from the force. Yusuke ran over to it, " Hey, you alright......Hiei?!"

The creature peered up at him. It sure looked like Hiei! Almost anyway. It had that spikey black hair, even the white starburst. Had his features and his eyes. Yet, these were not the clothes Yusuke would ever see on the little yokai. Never white tennis shoes and certainly never ever a pink double-breats suit with a magenta vest and white buttons down neatly pressed. The pink pants also neatly pressed. On his hands were clean white gloves, and on his vest was a gold chain with a pocket watch neatly clipped conventiently, thought rather large. It almost covered his chest.

Yusuke yanked the headband from the creature. Yep, even had the Jagan. " Hiei?"

" No!" The Hiei-looking creature replied gruffly.

" Then....."

" I’m the White Rabbit, Baka!" It snapped at him. It gave gentle tugs to the long white rabbit ears on his head. Yusuke’s eyes bugged out, " White Rabbit? Hiei, are you alright?"

" Kisama!" The Hiei Rabbit hissed, " I’m the White Rabbit! Now, let me go! I’m late!"

" Late?" Yusuke asked, still trying to get a grip on this. If he weren’t so confused and worried, he would have had a merry laugh at the sight of Hiei as a cute rabbit.

" Yes, Baka! Late!" The Hiei Rabbit spat, giving Yusuke a slap upside the head, " I’m dreadfully late!" And with that, he shot up to his feet and took off.

" This seems so familiar," Yusuke remarked, rubbing his head. He stood up and glanced after Hiei. Rabbit or not, he probably knew where he was going, and it was better than standing here. " Rabbit! Wait!"

Without skipping a beat, Yusuke ran after the creature in pink clothing. It was rather difficult. If there was one thing Hiei had in his favor, even as this rabbit form, it was speed. And he had gotten a good head start. Nevertheless, Yusuke took chase, not really sure if he was following him correctly. Yet, how could one miss a pink rabbit, right? It was too bad he looked only for the Hiei Rabbit and not where he was going, for he felt the ground give way to a hole. Letting out a loud gasp, down he went.

In the Pit

Down Yusuke fell into the pit he had involentarilly walked into. He landed with a loud thud, but was otherwise unharmed, as the soil was very soft in this pit. He pushed himself up and glanced around, " Oh, now where am I? And I lost Hiei."

On the contrary! He turned and happened to catch a glimpse of pink. " Hiei? Er....I mean...White Rabbit?!"

The Hiei Rabbit didn’t respond but kept skipping along. Wait...Hiei...skipping? Yusuke shook his head. This was just getting wierder and wierder. He pushed himself up and chased after the pink nightmare. Upon coming around a corner, he saw the little yokai rabbit slip through a small door in a wall. Yusuke ran to the door, skidding to a stop.

" Well, if he can do it, so can I." He muttered, getting on his knees and examining the door. It was so small it was amazing even Hiei could have made it through. He sighed and reached for the knob and gave it a turn.

" Dammit! Locked!"

Yusuke sat crossed-legged on the floor, rather annoyed. " Where the Hell am I anyway? This is just crazy! How the Hell do I get outta here?!"

" Mmmmm," a sly voice hummed. " Sometimes the way foreward is sometimes the way back."

" What the..." Yusuke turned partially, to where he heard the voice. It was very familiar. He peered a white figure on a shelf high above the ground. " Kurama!"

The figure glanced at him and twitched his ears and gave his tail a gentle flick before letting out another harmony of hums. He was dressed in a lovely purple suit with a pink button down and pink and purple vertical striped slacks. The blazer of the suit was a long tail-coat, his silver tail showing between the coat tails. Around his neck was a large and very tacky pink bow as well as another small purple bow at the end of a long white braid in his hair. " I’m the Cheshire Youko, Young Man."

" Chesh....ire....Youko?" Yusuke questioned before shaking his head in utter exhaustion. " Fine. You’re the Cheshire Youko."

" I am?" Kurama asked, perking his ears and widening his gold eyes as though the sentence was news to him.

" That’s what you said!" Yusuke replied.

" I said what?"

" That you were the Cheshire Youko!"

" What about it?"

Yusuke let out a growl and slapped hands over his face, trying to gather himself. " Ooookay, let’s drop the subject."

The Cheshire Youko sat up, feet together with his hands on his ankles, wagging his tail happily, " Splendid idea!" With that, he took a heavy textbook and dropped it to the floor, allowing a very loud "Bang!" On the concrete.

" What the Hell...?!"

" Oh, that’s a book on Politics." Youko smiled.

" Politics?"

" Yes. I find it is my favorite subject to drop." Youko said cheerfully, a wide and sensual smile on his face. His ears twitched with excitement. " It is very loud when it hits the ground, but not too loud, for it’s not heavy like the books on Law. No wonder lawyers are so low."

Yusuke tried very hard to keep the grey hairs from sprouting. " Cheshire Youko," he began slowly, " I’m looking for Hiei. I saw him go this way and through this door."

" Who?"

" The....White Rabbit."

The youko rolled his eyes back in his head in pure ecstacy at the sound of the word, " Oooooooh, a rabbit! I love rabbits. Delicious." He flicked his ears again. " Oh, uhm....why not try the other door, if you’re after the rabbit."

Yusuke glanced around, " Is there another door?"

" You see with logic....and there is no place for that in Wonderland," the Cheshire Youko smiled. He skipped over to another shelf and held up a lighter. " Sometimes we overlook the most childish of nonsense and it muddles up our sight."

" Youko...." Yusuke muttered, rather worried about the situation, ".... what are you doing?"

" Giving you a hand." The fox smiled, flicking on the lighter under a sprinkler. In an instant, all the sprinklers on the ceiling began pouring down water. It was not like the shower one would expect from a sprinkler, but it was actually a large waterfall. Yusuke trudged through the deepening water, searching for a way out.

" Kurama! What’s wrong with you?! I’ll drown!"

" To empty the tub, you see, it’s plain," the Cheshire Youko sang, dancing a little jig, " just pull the plug and send it down the drain!"

With that, the youko leapt from the shelf, and floated slowly about from an umbrella. Yusuke looked around and dove underwater.

=A drain?= He thought. =Is there one? I didn’t see it before.=

He swam around looking for this drain, seeing a fish here and there. He finally caught sight of a large cork and chain. =That must be it!= He came up for one last breath fo air and dove back down, yanking on the chain. =C’mon, Dammit!= He yelled in his mind, struggling with the chain. There was no point in going back up for air now, there wasn’t enough space. He tugged and tugged until he finally felt the cork give way and pull out, sending Yusuke slowly backwards. Like a horrible whirlpool the water was sucked into the drain, the sound similar to a flushing toilet began to take place.

Yusuke was caught swiftly in the current and down the drain, " Kurama!"

It was no use. Down he went, being tossed out into a pond under a large pipe. On the bank was another small patch of woods and...a beach? Yusuke peeked around. This...wasn’t a pond. It was like some very poor excuse for an ocean. He put the thought aside and swam to the sandy beach/bank and brushed the wet hair out of his face.

" Quite a wet mess we have here," a voice said flatly. Yusuke was almost afraid to see who had been dragged into this nightmare now. He peered up slowly and noticed the figure dressed in black. Oh, he looked no different even in this nightmare. Well, almost. The only difference was the plumage on his head. A lovely crest of purple feathers.

" This can’t be!" Yusuke hissed. " You weren’t even AT my apartment! Why the Hell are you in this?!"

The familiar figure cocked his head to one side and curiously began poking at Yusuke.

" Karasu!"

" Who? I’m the Dodo, my good man." The Karasu-like person replied.

" At least we can finally agree on something," Yusuke smiled.

" You’re soaked. You poor thing," observed, a concerned look in his eyes. He patted Yusuke on the head. " I hate when poor defenseless animals turn into drowned rats. I got the perfect idea! Play a game with me! It will dry you off quickly."

" What?"

" I challenge you to a Caucus Race!"

Yusuke cocked his head to one side. " I didn’t get to that chapter yet."

Dodo Karasu smiled {can you tell?} and placed a hand to his own cheek. " Oh, you’re new to the area. Come, I will teach you."

" What is a Caucus Race, Karas.....uhm...Dodo?"

" Simple!" He beamed. " Run!"

" Where?"

" Anywhere!"

" When?"

" NOW!"

Yusuke had no clue what importance this might serve, but did as he wa told, running laped around a small patch of trees with the "Dodo" doing the same. They ran this way in no particular direction, but kept going. He figured Dodo Karasu would tell him to stop when it was over. But, as time went on, he wondered if the stop would ever come.

Finally exhausted from the running, Yusuke dropped into a heep on the grass. He leaned against a tree and huffed and puffed, trying to catch his breath. Dodo Karasu skipped next to him and sat down.

" So, I guess I lost?" Yusuke asked, trying to catch his breath. His chest hurt from the effort.

" No."

" I won?"

" No."

" Then what?"

" A Caucus Race has no start and no end. So no one can win or lose."

" Kudaran!" Yusuke shouted before falling backwards to catch his breath again. Dodo Karasu stroked Yusuke’s head as though he were some fluffy animal.

" No, it’s not. It’s a lot of fun and very fair. No one gets disappointed about the outcome. We are all winners, but no one is better than anyone else. And there are no losers, so no one gets unhappy. Everyone leaves happy after a Caucus Race!"

" say so." Yusuke sighed with a pant. He had no energy to argue. " what?"

" You’re dry."

" Now I’m sweaty and thirsty and tired."

" I can throw you back in the ocean and we can start over?" Dodo Karasu suggested.

" No!" Yusuke jolted up. " Y’know, you’ve been most helpful! But, I really gotta go!" It was obvious the excuses had little solidity behind them.

" Oh," Dodo Karasu looked very unahppy. " Must you go? I’ve so begun to love your company. I don’t have many friends, y’know. Any that do happen by never stay long."

" I wonder mean....." Yusuke thought of a cover-up. " Yer such a fun guy!"

" Will you come back soon? We can have another Caucus Race?"

" Oh," Yusuke looked around but finally answered with a fib. " Yes. Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world! I’ll see you around"

Dodo Karasu clapped his hands happily. " Oh, thank you! You’ve made me very happy!"

Yusuke caught his breath and stood up, peering down at Dodo Karasu and finally casting a semi-genuine smile. How amusing this was. " By any chance, did you see a White Rabbit in a pink suit come by here?"

" Eh?" Dodo Karasu thought. " Yes, he headed down that way, through the woods."

" Thanks," and with that, Yusuke jogged into the woods, leaving the Dodo behind. " This is one strange place." He said to himself.

The Tweedles

Yusuke noticed that the woods were a little darker in this part of Wonderland. Most of the leaves kept out the sun, save patches of sunlight through the holes in the foliage.

" White Rabbit!" Yusuke called, doubting Hiei would answer him. " White Rabbit! Hiei!"

" Hey!" A female voice hissed, " Put a lid on it, Kid! We’re trying to sleep!"

" Must you be so mean to everyone, Dee?" A Male voice responded. Yusuke peered back and gasped.

" Not you too!"

" He’s raising his voice to me!" The female scowled.

" You probably surprised him," the male replied.

" This can’t be happening." Yusuke muttered. There, before him were two other creatures of the Makai he’d never thought he’d see in his dreams. There were Mukuro and Yomi, both dressed in red suits with blue gloves.

" Mukuro? Yo--Yomi?" He shook his head. " No, wait. Let me guess.....uhm....I give up."

" He just pointed a finger at me!" Mukuro gasped. " Did you see it?!"

" From what I can see he didn’t do anything," Yomi replied calmly. Yusuke could only shake his head again. Of course Yomi didn’t see it!

" I...didn’t mean anything by it." Yusuke replied.

" See?" Yomi smiled. " He even apologized. What a nice young man."

Had this been a normal situation, Yusuke would have handled it diffrently. But it was obvious this Mukuro was not at all like the real one. It was only obvious, as so far, none of the people he met so far were their normal selves.

" Who are you guys?"

" Nosey little pervert, aren’t you?!" Mukuro snapped, slapping Yusuke’s hand away from her.

" I am Tweedle Dum," Yomi replied, grabbing Mukuro by the back of her suit and lifting her up by her collar. " This is my sister, Tweedle Dee. You must excuse her. She’s very...exciteable."

" I see." Yusuke took a step back. " What are you two doing here?"

" We live here, Baka!" Tweedle Dee hissed, struggling to free herself from her "brother."

" We don’t get many visitors and we were curious." Tweedle Dum Yomi replied.

" Uh.....huh." Yusuke nodded slowly. " I’m ....looking...for the White Rabbit."

This was too repetitive for him and he was beginning to feel very stupid. " Which way did he go?!"

In no time, Tweedle Dee Mukuro dropped from her blazer and grabbed Yusuke, lifting him up with one hand. " You stuck up little snot! I’ll teach you a thing or three! Just stay right there and let me rearrange your face!"

Yusuke shut his eyes and braced himself for a punch, only to feel himself be dropped onto his rear. He opened his eyes to see Tweedle Dum Yomi holding Tweedle Dee Mukuro back.

" Would you...stop! What would Mom say if she saw you like this?"

" Argh!" Tweedle Dee Mukuro screetched. " This isn’t fair! Mom always like you best!"

" She bought you the ice cream maker!" Tweedle Dum Yomi retorted.

" But she bought you the puppy!" Tweedle Dee Mukoro whined, faking tears.

" This is seriously *%#%$* up!" Yusuke noted to himself and turned. He caught a familiar pink blur hopping out of the bushes, who dropped his watch.

" Hiei!" Yusuke called. The Hiei Rabbit grabbed his watch and peered back at Yusuke. " Kisama! Stop following me! I’m LATE!" He shoved the face of the clock into Yusuke’s face. The hands were crooked and it ran backwards, numbers decending rather than acending.

" See that? It says I’m late!"

" For wha...." Before Yusuke could finish, the White Rabbit Hiei was off like a shot again.

" Dammit!" Yusuke growled. " This is just stupid! I want to go home! I don’t care where the Hell you’re going!"

The Tea Party

Yusuke sat on a log, some distance away from the Tweedles who he could still hear arguing in the distance. Surely some ways away from that crazy Dodo Karasu and obviously far behind Hiei Rabbit. He sighed and rested his face in his hands, which he propped up on elbows against his knees.

He suddenly felt a presence and shot an upward glance. " Youko! It’s you!"

" It is?!" Cheshire Youko asked, pointing to himself. " Where?!"

Yusuke slapped a hand over his face. " Look, I want to go home!"

" That’s nice."

" Help me, Baka!"

" Well," Cheshire Youko thought on the matter and cnapped his fingers. " Very well. Take this path and follow it until the woods clear. You’ll find the place called home."

" Really?" Yusuke asked, standing up. The Cheshire Youko nodded honestly and then faded away. Yusuke glanced at the path and began to laugh triumphantly.

" Aha! Finally! Now, away from this nonsense!"

He did as he was told, following the path and became excited when the trees became fewer. He skidded to a stop when he reached the end of the woods and heard happy music. A few yards away was a picket fence surrounding a large house made of pretzel sticks. Yusuke stepped closer, unsure of what to make of this. But, the happy sounds were coming from the back yard.

" What have I got to lose?" He shrugged, stepping in the yard and into the back. There, he saw a lavish banquet table filled with tea pots and bowls of snacks and empty tea cups. On the far end, he saw three figures. On was dressed in a blue dress-suit and surely female. She looked like she was asleep. On the opposing side of her was another figure dressed in a yellow dress suit. She had large brown rabbit-like ears coming from her blue hair. And in the center of the two was another familiar figure, dressed in a green and brown suit and a large top hat that was obviously too big at the top.

Yusuke stepped forward, attracting the attention from the one in yellow and the one in green. The one in blue was still in her own little world.

" Look!" The one in yellow smiled.

" Oh, we have more guests!" The one in green smiled.

" Do I even want to know?" Yusuke muttered, helping himself into a seat. " Kuwabara, why are you wearing that strange hat?"

" I’m the Mad Hatter, Boy!" The Kuwabara figure smiled, holding a cup of tea in one hand {pinky extended} and the saucer in his other hand. " Welcome to my tea party. This is the March Hare!" He motioned towards the Botan-Looking figure with the brown rabbit ears.

Yusuke glanced at the one in blue, " And that?"

Mad Hatter Kuwabara nodded and flipped the chair out from under the blue-suited figure. She gasped and let out an "oof" when she hit the ground. She shot in an upright position and began to recite, " The North wind doth blow! And we shall have snow! And what will the robin do then? Poor thing." She cocked her head to one side. " He’ll sit in a barn and keep himself warm! And hide his head under his wing! Poor thing."

Yusuke arched a brow at her. " Yukina? You okay?"

She glanced at him lazily and smiled, " I’m the Doormouse, Kind Sir."

" Come, and join us for tea!" March Hare Botan smiled, shoving a cup into Yusuke’s hands. " Wish me a very merry unbirthday!"

" Uhm...happy...unbirthday?" Yusuke said carefully. This is such nonsense!

" What shall we do now while we wait for more tea?" March Hare Botan smiled, turning to Mad Hatter Kuwabara. He smiled in return, " How about a Caucus Race?"

" No!" Yusuke shot to his feet. He then realized all three pairs of eyes were on him. " a better party game."

" Oh, how lovely," Doormouse Yukina smiled, drifting back to sleep, her big light purple mouse ears twitching in delight. She gave her little pink mouse tail a tap on the ground before finally nodding off again."

" Do tell," Mad Hatter Kuwabara smiled, quite interested.

" Yes, I do so love games!" March Hare Botan smiled, folding her hands impatiently.

" Let’s play...uhm....Yes and No!" Yusuke scratched his chin. If he could get the right people into a topic, perhaps these foolish shadows of his friends could be of help yet.

" Oh, I love that game!" Doormouse Yukina announced, dozing off once again.

" Terrific! Stranger," March Hare Botan smiled, pointing at Yusuke, " you go first."

" Okay....I got it picked."

" Is it an animal?" Mad Hatter Kuwabara asked.

" No, it’s a man!" March Hare Botan smiled.

" I’m not really sure now adays," Yusuke admitted. " I guess he’s a little bit of both."

" Hmmmm, does he dress nice?" March Hare Botan asked.

" Yes."

" Is he generous?" From Mad Hatter Kuwabara added.

" Not all that often if at all."

" Is he radiant?" From Doormouse Yukina.

" Eh....uhm....." Yusuke stammered, feeling the sweat begin to bead on his face. " Well, a matter of opinion, Doormouse."

" It’s Walt Disney!" Mad Hatter Kuwabara announced, stepping onto the tableand raising a hand.

" No, it’s Jet Li!" March Hare Botan argued, imitation the move.

" It’s the White Rabbit!" From Doormouse Yukina.

" Uhm...well...yes!" Yusuke smiled. " How did you know, Doormouse?"

" I didn’t." She admitted lazilly.

" Eh?"

" Look." She pointed to the gate. " It’s the White Rabbit."

Yusuke turned and went wide-eyed to see Hiei Rabbit skipped down the path and through the gate. He tried to reach for the little pink monster, but the little rabbit yokai was engulfed in whatever he was doing.

" Why don’t you look where you’re going, Bunny-Boy?!" Mad Hatter Kuwabara smiled. Hiei Rabbit peered up and glanced at the trio. " I am, Baka! It’s not my choice to come here, but I have to."

He tossed three envelopes onto the table. March Hare Botan smiled as she read hers, " Oh! I’ve been invited to play Croquet with the Queen!"

" Yes, me too," Doormouse Yukina chimed in, almost dozing halfway through the sentence.

" Well?" March Hare Botan smiled, turning her eyes on the Hatter Kuwabara, " What did you get from Her Royal Highness, Hatter?"

The look of distress hit his face as he frowned.

" ....Jury Duty."

" Mr. Rabbit," Yusuke stepped cautiously closer to the pink Hiei with the bunny ears of snow white, " I..."

Hiei Rabbit peered at him with bright crimson eyes and handed him a sealed envelope with the pretty heart sticker on the opening {the way all the envelopes were sealed}.

" What’s this?" Yusuke asked.

" An eviction notice." Hiei Rabbit smiled.

" Kudaran, I don’t...."

With that, Hiei Rabbit removed a trumpet, which Yusuke never noticed was dangling from his shoulder and blew it loudly in his face. Yusuke fell bakcwards trying to see straight and stop the ringing in his ears.

" Don’t argue with me, dammit! I’m just doing my job!"

" Ah....heh...eeeeh." Yusuke tried to get his brain working again. But, the job was done for the White Rabbit and he bowed to the thrio. " Do enjoy the game of croquet. And Hatter, don’t try to evade this jury duty notice."

" I...won’t, Sir." From Mad Hatter Kuwabara.

" Remember," Hiei Rabbit pulled his band off his head, revleaing his Jagan, " we’ll be keeping an eye on you."

With that, the Rabbit zipped off, seeming like he vanished into thin air.

" He must be really late to speed off like that," Doormouse Yukina smiled.

" I so love croquet!" March Hare Botan cheered.

" I.....hate....jury duty," Mad Hatter Kuwabara muttered, using crocodile sobs. Yusuke rubbed his head.

" Could someone tell me..."

" You still here?" March Hare Botan asked, glaring at him as though surprised.

" Eh?"

" You’ve been evicted," Doormouse Yukina smiled with pure innocence.

" But, how could I be evicted?" Yusuke argued. " I don’t even live here!"

" That’s right!" March Hare Botan nodded, " You don’t live just got evicted."

" Ooooooh! Kudaran!" Yusuke yelled, turning and storming from the yard. The March Hare and Doormouse peered back at the Hatter, who still frowned at his jury duty slip. Suddenly, Doormouse Yukina shot awake and leapt onto the table, imitating the two before her, " I got it! The man we’re guessing for is Jackie Chan!"

" Oh that is such a good guess!" March Hare Botan smiled.

" Was I right?"

" I dunno. Our player got evicted."

" Jury Duty.....I hate Jury Duty!"

The Invisible Demons

Yusuke kicked a rock. " This is soooo stupid! Cheshire Youko! Where the Hell are you?!"

On a low branch over the pond, a figure faded in. The shape and color of the youko could be seen more and more clearly.

" I’m here and there and everywhere!"

" Dammit! I asked for the way home and you led me to some stupid tea party!"

" You said home." Cheshire Youko said flatly, twitching his ears. " You never said who the home had to belong to."

" Dammit, all I wanted to do was find out where that stupid White Rabbit was going! And I only ended up humiliating myself!"

" Why don’t you ask him?" Cheshire Youko smiled. " He lives right down the road, about a half a mile. Go now and you might catch up to him."

Yusuke was about to go when he noticed Cheshire Youko licking his lips. " Youko?"

" I’m just thinking about a yummy rabbit." Cheshire Youko whispered almost seductively. " I haven’t had one for years. They taste soooooo good."

" Uhm....I’ll take your word for it."

Yusuke walked down the path, watching the Cheshire Youko skip alongside of him. He felt unfomfortable in the silence and finally cleared his throat, catching the youko’s attention.

" So, you’re gonna eat him?"

The Cheshire Youko only smiled.

" Are you just going to annoy me or are you actually going to pretend you have some manners and talk to me?!"

" Uhm..." Cheshire Youko replied, placing a finger to his lip. " I’m going to annoy you, Yusuke."

Yusuke came to a halt. He peered angrily at the youko, " How did you know my name?"

" I read your library card." Cheshire Youko smiled, holding up the card. " You left it as a bookmark in your reading."

Yusuke lunged for the card, but, as always the youko was too tall and easily pulled it away. He picked up a handful of dirt and tossed it aimlessly, getting dirt all over the youko’s pretty purple tail coat. " Why am I even waisting my time. I have to find a way home."

" You came into this world seeking your White Rabbit," Cheshire Youko smiled. " So, only your White Rabbit holds your answer out."

" Kudaran!" Yusuke shouted out...though he sort of believed it. He ran ahead, only to be followed by the floating youko. " Go away! If that stupid rabbit is my ticket out of here, you’re not gonna eat him!"

He made it to a clearing where he found a white picket fence and a two-story pink house with a yellow roof. The shutters were a lovely shade of lavender and there was a birdhouse to match in the corner of the yard which was mowed and landscaped to perfection. Topiaries of dancing rabbits were cut into the trees and scattered about in a tasteful fashion. Yellow stones marked the bath to the front door, which, as a matter of fact, Yusuke saw the little Hiei Rabbit running from.

Hiei Rabbit skidded to a stop upon seeing Yusuke and seemed to not recognize him from their previous meetings.

" Hiei! White Rabbit! Whatever!" Yusuke growled. " I need to talk to you!"

" Anastasia!" Hiei Rabbit replied. " What are you doing out here? I don’t pay you to lounge in my yard!"

"" Yusuke was caught offguard but swiftly came to his senses when he saw the ball of Makai fire coming from the seemingly cute "rabbit’s" hand.

" Get in there and find my clean gloves! My other ones got dirty!"

" But..."

" Now, Anastasia, now! Otherwise you won’t go to the ball with your stepsisters!"

Yusuke ran into the tiny yet sizeable house and stopped at the stairs. " I think we just skipped stories right there," he muttered. He looked around the house. Everything was a lovely pink and white. Pink wallpaper matched by pink carpets and a strawberry color for the curtains. The molding and stair rail were a pure white. Along the walls were long pictures that took up most of a wall. The pictures contained several white rabbit family members, obviously related to the Hiei of this world.

Slowly he made his way up the stairs and peeked around. The bed was made and smelled of fresh cut grass. It was a frilly pink canopy bed with white posts and a white headboard, a heard carved in the center. The dresser/vanity was made of beechwood and was well-kept, shining with a fresh, or seemingly fresh, coat of varnish. Little candy dishes were scattered along the top in an organized fashion.

He wanted what? Gloves? Yusuke opened the first drawer. No...those were socks. And what lovely socks too, all gentle Easter-like colors. A pastel yellow pair, white, lavender, blue and of course frilly pink ones. Yusuke proceeded to the next drawer..and underwear drawer set up the same way.

Yusuke pulled out a pair of yellow underpants and arched a brow. " He won’t even hang up his scarf when he takes it off and he’s folding his underpants?" He shook his head. " I bet he even put perfume on them to keep them smelling nice."

He dropped the underwear into the drawer and slammed it shut, followed by a slap to his own face.

" Why am I worrying about Hiei’s underwear?!"

He went drawer after drawer, finding a hankercheif drawer, a vest drawer, a drawer for cufflinks and so on. Finally, he found the glove drawer. He picked up the pair of white gloves and glanced around.

" I think if I have to suffer, I should be able to get some goods out of it." He opened up one of the candy dishes and popped one of the candies into his mouth. It was sweet and unlike any candy he had ever eaten before.

He peered around to put everything back in order when he peered into the mirror on the vanity, and let out a scream. " No! I’m not seeing this!" He looked down his shirt. It was TRUE! Yusuke had become a woman!

In an instant Hiei Rabbit was at his side, " Anastasia?! Are you alright?!"

" I...was looking in the mirror. I saw...."

" Ack! There’s a monster and you saw it with the mirror?!" Hiei Rabbit gasped. " Oh my!" He began to pace furiously. " It’s in the closet! No...under my bed! Oh, for Heaven’s Sake, Anastasia, get your butt in gear, Girl! Let’s get out of here!"

Before could protest, Hiei Rabbit grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside. Once safely in the yard, away from the house, Hiei Rabbit wrapped his arms around Anastasia, " Hold me! I’m scared!"

Yusuke’s eyes went wide at feeling the tight yet dependant grip of Hiei’s arms around his waist. He couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, which only made him cough, as he could hear the feminine giggle he possessed. He peered down at the kneeling yokai bunny and scratched his head in between in long white ears.

" I’m sure everything will be okay. I just need a little help."

Hiei Rabbit turned around and pointed to the path, " Him! Ask him! Get the monster out of my house!"

Such a drastic change in character and yet not so unexpected. Yusuke smiled and glanced at this mystery person Hiei Rabbit pointed to. " Oh no."

Dodo Karasu Returns

Something wrong?" The mystery person asked, leaning on the fence.

" Dodo?!" Yusuke gasped. " What are you doing here?!"

" Do something, Dodo!" Hiei Rabbit squeaked, cowaring on his knees and grabbing on to "Anastasia" again. Dodo Karasu hopped the fence and examined the outside of the house. Yusuke peered out into the woods, wondering if the annoying Cheshire Youko was getting a kick out of the scene. Just his sign. = Hmph, even in this world the youko tries to avoid Karasu.=

" Monster trouble?" Dodo Karasu asked, peering back at the pair. Yusuke realized Dodo Karasu didn’t recognize him in this girlie form. Hiei Rabbit nodded and burried his face into Yusuke’s tummy, hiding his expression.

" Go and get it, Dodo!" He called back.

" Me?" Dodo Karasu gasped. " That... that wouldn’t be wise."

Yusuke watched as Dodo Karasu paraded himself outside the house, thinking of every excuse to not go in. He shook his head as he watched this miserable display of cowardice from two very powerful creatures.

" Alright, enough!" He finally sighed. " Rabbit," he pushed Hiei Rabbit away to look into those big eyes. Yusuke couldn’t help but notice how suddenly, remarkable and disgustingly cute they were all of a sudden. Pathetic animal eyes always hit him hard.

" Rabbit, if I were a man, I’d go and take that monster on for you."

" You’d save my house from that beast?"

" Absolutely!" Yusuke smiled. This one was more gullible than the real one. Well, why stop when you’re on a roll. " You’re my bestest friend, White Rabbit. I’d do that just for you. I just need you to repay the favor."

" Name it."

" First, I need to know how to become a man....then I can beat it up and scare it away."

Dodo Karasu came closer, " Such a brave young lady," he mused. " How radiant and.....noble. May the best of luck be with you."

Yusuke gave a nod but never raised his eyes to Dodo Karasu...but wished he had. He felt a pair of lips on his cheek and turned suddenly to see Dodo Karasu pull away.

" Bad...Dodo.....Very bad!" Yusuke blushed, rubbing his cheek. Hiei Rabbit let him go and darted around the back yard to his special little garden. He returned with a carrot, small in stature but not as small as a baby carrot.

" Here. Try this."

Yusuke was about to refuse when her remembered Cheshire Youko’s words to him earlier in this mess. He sighed with a nod and took the carrot from the Hiei-figure and munched on it. He honestly felt no change and wondered if it had even worked. When he heard the clap from Dodo Karasu, he knew it must have.

" Shall I cover you?" Dodo Karasu asked, uprooting the bird house and cracking it to make a make-shift spear. Hiei let out a high pitched cry, " My birdhouse! The swallows will have no place to LIVE!"

" Your house or theirs, White Rabbit?" Dodo Karasu replied, wielding the stick. Hiei Rabbit almost looked as if he were about to cry but nodded. " Very well."

Yusuke shook his head and glanced into the woods not far from them. He narrowed his eyes and stepped up to Dodo Karasu, quite sure his own theory was correct.

" Dodo, I can handle the monsters in there. But, once they run out here, I can’t control where they go, nor can I keep the monsters out here away from the house."

Dodo Karasu listened intently. Yusuke was almost beginning to enjoy the kindergarten level minds of some of the people he had met here. " Why don’t you stay out her and protect the White Rabbit?"

Dodo Karasu peered around and then stood straight, giving Yusuke a salute. " I will guard him with my life!"

Yusuke smiled and headed back into the little house.

" I guess that doesn’t make anybody worth very much."

He skipped up the stairs and began to bang things around, making it sound as though a great battle was occuring. Out in the yard, Hiei Rabbit and Dodo Karasu winced and held onto each other when the big noises came.

" She was such a good little servant girl!" Hiei Rabbit cried out, when all was silent and still. Dodo Karasu embraced him and patted his back, " She’s in a better place now, Rabbit."

It was all the two could bare before they both began to bawl over the loss of Anastasia. However, Yusuke was skipping down the stairs, patting the dirt from his jeans when he came across the sight. He sighed and crossed his arms.

" Rabbit!"

Hiei Rabbit turned and then leaped onto Yusuke, knocking him into the grass, " You’re alive!"

" Uhm....yeah. Boy, those monsters were tough.....and man, they were ugly."

" My hero!" Dodo Karasu swooned.

" Look," Yusuke replied, pushing Hiei Rabbit onto the grass, " now I did you a favor. Now I want one in return. Just like we promised."

Hiei Rabbit shook his head, " Very well. You sure are pushy, y’know that?"

Yusuke’s eyes went wide. Well, that was more Hiei-like. " I need to get to my home."

" Eh?"

" I’m not Anastasia. I’m Yusuke Urameshi. I followed you here, remember?"

" Ack, the guy who kept slowing me down!" Hiei Rabbit gasped.

" Yeah...uhm...look, I want to get home now. But, I need you to get me there."

" I don’t know how to get you home, Yusuke," Hiei Rabbit admitted. " But, I know someone who might."

" Oh?"

" You don’t mean...?" Dodo Karasu gasped, bringing his hands to his face. Yusuke glanced at him. =Man, that guy is making me sick.=

" I’ll take you to the Queen of Hearts. She’ll know what to do!"

" She’s wonderful!" Dodo Karasu swooned. Both Yusuke and Hiei Rabbit glanced at him, narrow-eyed. In unison they scolded, " Damare, Kisama!"

The Queen of Hearts

" So, what’s she like?" Yusuke asked, walking down the path with Hiei Rabbit. Dodo Karasu trailed some way behind, staring innocently at either side of the path, as though expecting to see something. In all honesty, neither wanted him to come. But, with Cheshire Youko also after this White Rabbit, it was better to be safe than sorry.

" She’s....herself," Hiei Rabbit put simply. " There are no words to describe her."

" Is she fair? Would she consider my request?"

Hiei Rabbit shrugged, " Who’s to say? Her Majesty is a very busy and very spoiled woman. She’s fair when she wants to be, but she can be very irritable and unpredictable at times."

" Yeah, I know someone kind of like that," Yusuke smiled, peering at Hiei Rabbit knowingly. The White Rabbit was oblivious to the suggestions. Yusuke continued, " I actually, in all honesty, know a few people who can be like that."

" Just be careful what you say. She doesn’t like to be made fun of or questioned."

" And she’s sooooo beautiful!" Dodo Karasu smiled, eyes glittering dreamily. A swift smack from the other two brought him back to his senses.

" Kisama, get away from me!" From Hiei Rabbit.

" I told you to stay back there!" From Yusuke.

" Well, can I get a refund from putting my two cents in?" Dodo Karasu suggested. He swiftly dropped the subject and returned to his original place when he recieved death stares.

" Is that it?" Yusuke asked, pointing a large palace. Hiei Rabbit rolled his eyes, much to Yusuke’s dismay and yet comfort all at once. This was more like the Hiei he remembered, yet, not at all as cute as the little bunny-man that snuggled up to him some hours before in sheer fright.

" No, Yusuke," Hiei Rabbit replied sarcastically. " She lives in a cardboard box about 20 miles from here. That palace is where the Cheshire Youko lives."

" Really?" Yusuke replied. He then blushed and felt his face turn red. Hiei Rabbit’s glance didn’t make him feel any better.

Trumpets blaired within the walls. Really the walls of the gate were just large bushes grown along a picket gate. At the front were two very familiar type of figures. Hiei Rabbit stepped forward and bowed before the two. Yusuke shook his head. This figure he had been chasing seemed to change character every few minutes.

" What’s that one?" One of the guards asked, pointing to Yusuke.

" And what are you doing with the Dodo?" The other asked. Yusuke started to choke on his laugh before he could help it.

" They’re with...." Hiei Rabbit paused and then pointed to Yusuke, " He’s with me. That....thing is...just there."

The guards opened the gate, allowing them in. Hiei Rabbit turned and glanced at them, " Where is She?"

" She is inside the palace," one of the guards commented. " She will be visiting Her gardens soon though. Why not wait for Her there?"

Hiei Rabbit gave a nod and Yusuke a push. " Get going before they toss you out."

" Hey! What about me?!" Dodo Karasu called, looking horribly pathetic with those puppy eyes calling in to them.

" He....." Yusuke squeaked, " looks like a puppy all alone in the rain on a dark city street. It’"

" Snap out of it!" Hiei Rabbit clapped. The gates slammed shut, blocking Dodo Karasu from view. Yusuke quickly came back to his senses. " You guys are seriously messing up my head."

He walked quietly, waiting for Hiei Rabbit to tack a snap at that put-down so conveniently yet not intentially set up before him. He didn’t take the opportunity however. Out of all the creatures in Wonderland he’d met, Yusuke still couldn’t figure out this White Rabbit character. At least the other creatures were consistant in their thoughts and behavior and maturity. Hiei the White Rabbit was perhaps the most complex. He was cute yet threatening. He had both an elementry and yet a superior attitude. One moment, Yusuke just wanted to scoop up the little yokai and snuggle him. Yet, other times, he could see the original ol’ Hiei in him. He wasn’t sure which one he prefered. He couldn’t pick fun at him in this world, so it only made it harder to choose.

The gardens were clean and fresh. Mostly large roses. Yusuke couldn’t mistake the smell if he tried. Hiei Rabbit plopped down under a topiary and began to nibble on a carrot. Yusuke cringed. =He’s playing cute again!=

Trumpets could be heard in the distance playing the fanfare. Hiei Rabbit leapt to his feet and motioned for Yusuke to follow. What else was there to do but to follow the yokai in the pink suit?

" Ah, through there," Hiei Rabbit smiled, pointing along the garden’s maze and into the center of the garden.

" Her Majesty would be going there. But the sounds of things, there is quite a large number of guests. Come, let’s mingle."

" Mingle?" Yusuke questioned lightly. " Hiei? Mingle? I really am in Wonderland."

Yet, without more than a snicker, he followed the little pink Hiei into the center of the gardens and noticed a large number of creatures he could and could not identify from the Makai and Reikai. Heck there were even a few faces of people he knew in his down-home Ningenkai. He knew many of them, and yet...he didn’t. He almost longed to go back for Dodo Karasu, just for some dependable company, as Hiei Rabbit had slipped out from under him to "mingle," as he put it.

He sighed as he caught sight of the Tweedles off by one table. Tweedle Dee Mukuro was still going on and on about something or other that had made her angry. Yusuke even saw her swing a punch here and there at those who got too close. Tweedle Dum Yomi on the other hand, was as calm as ever. He was talking to some of the other creatures in the garden.

" Aaaaaaaaoiiiiii!" A screetch came. Yusuke peered back at the Tweedles only to see Tweedle Dee Mukuro yanking at the brown ears of March Hare Botan.

" I said step off, bitch!" Tweedle Dee Mukuro snarled, yanking on March Hare Botan’s ears.

" I said I was sorry!"

Such behavior in a royal garden. Yusuke, for some reason, wondered if Koenma ever had this kind of problem, and how he dealt with it. He was quickly sidetracked when he saw Hiei Rabbit and Doormouse Yukina sitting on a bench in front of Tweedle Dum Yomi, who had tried to get away from his rather moody "sister."

Yusuke arched a brow as the blind demon began scratching both the Rabbit and Mouse behind their ears, making both smile contently like kittens. He shook his head and approached, " Rabbit, where is She? I have to talk to her about getting home, remember?"

Hiei Rabbit peered up at him innocently and almost with the most childlike of expressions. " She’s up in Her throne." It’ll clear out when the rest of the refreshments get out here."

" Is this where you’ve been rushing off to all this time?"

" Yes. I work for Her." Hiei Rabbit replied with a happy sigh, enjoying having his long white ears scratched. Doormouse Yukina had already fallen asleep sitting up at having her big mousey ears scratched.

" She demands punctuality," Hiei Rabbit continued.

" So, I can’t be late. Ever. She’d get real mad and we’d all be in a world of trouble."

Yusuke gave a nod. " I see. Throne right up those stairs over there?"

" Yes. Approach with caution. She’s been rather moody lately."

THAT'S the Queen?!

Yusuke pushed through the crowds in the garden. Some whispered about him and others gossiped about more amusing topics. A lot of these creatures were so familiar. He had a feeling he should know more about them. Maybe he did....but something just seemed amiss, and yet....not. He got to the stairs and peered up. It was a long flight of stairs, but at the top, he could see a little box of sorts, where the throne sat inside. The figure of Her Royal Highness could barely be seen from there...along with two guards on either side with huge fans to cool Her off.

Somehow, Yusuke was able to make out the Queen motioning with her hands to the fan-bearer, as though speaking to him. Everything went still for a long time as far as the box went. Yusuke felt something tug at him. He peered down to see Hiei Rabbit. " She wants you to go up."

" Are you sure? How can you tell?"

Hiei Rabbit tapped his forehead and smiled. " I’m a little far-sighted."

Yusuke peered up the stairs and began to climb, turning back momentarily to see if Hiei Rabbit was coming. He didn’t follow, but kept a vigilant gaze on him. Yusuke conitnued up the stairs at a fair pace, wanting to put them behind him, but not wanting to seem to eager before the Queen.

A sudden thought hit him as he ascended. Everyone in his apartment that afternoon was taking part in this alternate world. He gulped as he feared what was to come.

=The only person in my apartment who hasn’t been in this nightmare! Can it be? Is Keiko the Queen of Hearts?=

Yusuke made it to the flat. Before him was a smaller flight of stairs. He knelt down in respect. If Keiko was indeed the Queen of Hearts, he was in a world of trouble. No telling what kind of person she’d make in Wonderland.

" You wanted to see me, Your Majesty?"

" You’re not one of my people. Who are you?"

Yusuke’s eyes shot open as he stared at the ground.

That voice! It...wasn’t...Keiko. " What in the..." His gaze shot up and he let out a gasp, " Koenma?!" He took a step back. " Koenma, you’re the Queen of Hearts?!"

Koenma smiled....through the pacifier anyway. He looked no different whatsoever. He sounded the same and even looked the same. He even had Jr. stamped on his forehead.

" So...why are you called the Queen of Hearts? You’re a guy."

" Because," was all Koenma replied.

" What’s going on, Koenma?"

Koenma gave Yusuke a hard stare. " Call me by the proper title, whelp! You haven’t earned the right to use my real name!"

Yusuke was shocked. He hadn’t remembered Koenma sounding so serious and cruel.

" Oooookay. Uhm," he pointing to himself, " Yusuke. Remember Yusuke?"

" Hmph. I’m not some little idiot! What do you want?"

" I..." Yusuke was having a hard time keeping a respectful tone and attitude towards even THIS version of Koenma. This wasn’t right. He almost prefered Keiko.

" I can’t find my way ho..."

" You don’t have a way! It’s my way and my way alone! If you don’t do it my way....." He made a slicing motion across his scarved throat. " Remember that, Yusuke."

Yusuke swallowed hard. Koenma sat back and crossed his legs. " Do you enjoy Ten Pins?"

" I..suppose so."

Koenma leapt from his throne with extreme excitement and grabbed Yusuke’s wrist, dragging him down the stairs, " Then, let the game begin!"

Ten Pins...STRIKE

Yusuke stood, glancing at the large box of little armedillo-like creatures Only, the armored plates were more spike-like, becoming a smooth surface when they rolled into balls. They were small and quite slow.

Koenma stepped in front of him and picked up a pink creature. Yusuke followed suit and picked up a green one. The crowd cheered from the sidelines.

" Go, Yusuke!" Came a familiar voice. Yusuke turned and smiled to see Hiei Rabbit waving at him...those cute white gloves like a beacon. Koenma peered back as well and narrowed his eyes at the figure dressed in pink. Hiei Rabbit felt the sweat forming and smiled nervously, " I mean, go, Her Majesty, the Queen of Hearts!"

Koenma nodded and turned to the lane. " Set pins!"

In no time, little penguin-like creatures fluttered to the end of the lane in the proper ten-pin manner. Yusuke cocked his head to one side, trying to figure out this one, "....Pu?.......Lots of Pus?"

How in the world would they play ten-pins when the ten pins were...Pu?

" I’ll go first," Koenma said flatly. " Royalty before commoners."

Yusuke waved a hand as if to say "be my guest." He wasn’t sure if the rules were still the same. Not that it mattered. The rules were for Koenma to make and break as he chose.

Koenma gave his armedillo a bounce, causing it to curl into a ball. He aimed carefully then took a small running start to release the roll. Everyone fell silent as the ball began rolling towards the gutter.

" Not much better in this world either," Yusuke muttered under his breath. He choked on those very words when he saw the ball unfold and skip back to the center of the lane to roll again. It manipulated itself to chase the Pus and knock them all over. Though really, the ball only hit 6 Pus. The other three glanced at their freedom for a moment and purposely fell over when they felt Koenma’s eyes on them.

" Strike!" Koenma beamed. " I’m off to a good start this game. Try beating THAT, Yusuke!"

Yusuke sighed. This was probably going to be more difficult than he thought. He gave his green armedillo a bounce...and it stuck to the soil. The spikes had dug into the ground and it looked dazed. Immediately, the audience laughed. He picked it up and glanced into its face. It gave him a gentle lick and then blew rasberries at him in a slobbery amount. Again, the viewers laughed.

Several minutes had passed with an undying fight between the two {Yusuke and the ball} before Yusuke tripped on his dropped ball. The tiny creature grabbed Yusuke’s ankles and waved at the crowd, which cheered for it.

" Of all the ridiculous...!"

" Hurry up!" Koenma spat, tired of waiting and eager to play. Yusuke snapped up and grabbed the armidillo which still refused to ball. No matter. Yusuke had an idea! He simply gave the creature, uncurled, a heavy toss, sending it across the lane without touching and then smacking into the dozing Pus which weren’t even paying attention.

" Strike!" Yusuke smiled, casting a glare at Koenma.

" I’m good at this game, y’know."

" We’ll see just HOW good." Koenma replied bitterly. He got up to take his second turn. Again he bounced the ball and sent it rolling. Again it manipulated itself towards the new line of Pus. But, one flew out of the way, avoiding the hit that occured. Koenma shot onto the lane and pointed a finger, " Off with his head!" It was so sharp and bitter that even his pacifier seemed to quiver, though, in the yelling, Yusuke wondered how it managed to stay in the Prince’s mouth.

And so it was. The little Pu was captured and taken to have it’s little head chopped off.

" Dang, Koenma. That’s not fair."

" It’s fair, Yusuke, if I say it’s fair."

" That’s NOT the way of the game!" Yusuke argued.

" It’s ALWAYS...."

" Your way," Yusuke finished, feeling exhausted. Koenma smiled and nodded. He then waved a hand for Yusuke to continue. He did so, rolling the ball, which cooperated this time. But also this time, the Pus expected it and flew in all different directions to avoid being hit.

" No pins down," Koenma smiled. " What a pitty. Oh well, I suppose that puts me ahead of you."

Yusuke narrowed his eyes at "HER" Royal Majesty. He thought the ordinary Koenma was a pain in the ass. This was was WORSE. Koenma, on the other hand, ignored Yusuke and walked towards the lane. Yusuke did a double-take to see a strange shadow forming behing the Queen of Hearts.

" We could make him really angry," the seductive voice rang. Yusuke’s eyes went wide when he saw the Cheshire Youko sitting patiently behind Koenma.

" No!" Yusuke shouted out. But Cheshire Youko had already begun reaching up for Koenma’s scarf and cape.

" But, it would be loads of fun!"

" No!"

No use. Cheshire Youko grabbed the cloak and scarf and wrapped it around Koenma with great speed, pulling it to make Koenma spin like a top. He then wrapped the cloak about Koenma again and used the now vacant scarf to form a pretty red bow on top of the "package."

" Youko!" Yusuke called. But the Youko ran towards him, kissing his cheek and then vanishing. Yusuke peered over at the tangled Koenma and began tugging at the scarf to untie him. The other viewers seemed unaware of any Cheshire Youko but certainly saw Yusuke messing with the attire in question...and were shocked and silent.

" Someone help me!" Yusuke called.

" Yusuke!" Koenma’s muffled voice snapped, " Let me out!"

Koenma was forced to remove the shirt he wore, which had the cape clasped to it. He stood up bare-chested and covered his chest with his arms. Yusuke let out an annoyed sigh. Koenma didn’t have women’s breasts so WHY was he pretending to cover them.

" Off with your head!" He snapped. And in the next instant, Yusuke was grabbed by Koenma’s servants.

" Wait!" Came an abrupt cry. Hiei Rabbit sped and knelt before Koenma. " Your Majesty....Generous Lady...., Yusuke is foreign to our lands. Perhaps at least, you could give him a fair trial first. He could perhaps defend himself. Would this be a good way.....your way....M’Lady?"

Koenma eyed the White Rabbit with inquisition. He then growled, " Fine. Hurry it up!"

The Trial

" Rabbit, why’d you ask for a trial when you know he’ll fix it?" Yusuke asked, sitting in his cell before the court was ready.

" She’d have never let you go," Hiei Rabbit replied.

" At least this way you may have a chance to talk yourself out of it."

" It wasn’t ME! It was that damn Cheshire Youko. He’s the one who did those things!"

Hiei Rabbit glanced at him with an arched brow.

" Then, why is it that only YOU saw him?"

" He’s too fast!" Yusuke said, sounding ridiculous.

" If only I were able to catch him. I could present him to the court."

The trumpets blaired. " Well, you better think of something, cuz you’re up."

Yusuke sat at his bench, peering up at Koenma, who, of course, was the judge. He could feel his chances dying.

" Fair trial my..." He turned when he heard the door open. In scurried little Hiei Rabbit, white sneakers pitter pattering against the blue marble floor as he scurried up to the podium where Koenma wanted him to be.

" Let’s hurry this up so I can watch them cut off his head." Koenma muttered to him. It made the knot in Yusuke’s stomach tighter.

" Yusuke Urameshi is being charged with intentional humiliation and sabbotage against Her Royal Highness, the Queen of Hearts and also with the charge of cheating against Her Majesty in a game of Ten Pins and..."

" Hurry up!" Koenma shouted, knocking Hiei Rabbit from his podium, " Thereby, she got very very mad."

" Kudaran," Yusuke muttered.

" Off..."

" Wait! We need witnesses." Hiei Rabbit smiled.

" Perhaps one of the viewers saw something that may prove or disprove Yusuke’s innocence."

Koenma sighed with aggitation and put his face into his hands, quite a snobby girl habit. " Fine. Hurry it up!"

Hiei Rabbit nodded and motioned for someone to step foreward. Yusuke turned and rolled his eyes when he saw Kuwabara.

" Hatter," Koenma began, " Tell me, did you see anything out of the ordinary today during the match?"

" Why, yes!" Mad Hatter Kuwabara smiled, raising a finger. Yusuke felt his spirits lifted. YES! Kuwabara saw the Youko!

" What was it?" From Koenma, losing his patience quickly.

" I saw March Hare refuse cheese cubes." Hatter Kuwabara replied. Yusuke immediately slapped a hand over his face. This was not going well.

" They were the wrong kind!" March Hare Botan shouted out.

" Silence!" Koenma snapped. He then turned to his little jury, " Write it down! It only proves Yusuke’s guilt."

" Now, wait a minute!" Yusuke shouted back.

" Don’t give me orders!"

" M’Lady!" Hiei Rabbit interrupted with a bow,

" There were more people present. Perhaps they saw something?"

" Oh, for Pete’s sake....whatever."

Hiei Rabbit motioned for someone to come forward. Yusuke felt warm again. Doormouse Yukina. Yukina was never one to lie in a matter like this. He was sure to get out of it now.

" Well?!"

" Shhhhhh!" Hiei Rabbit scolded Koenma. " She’s very sensitive."

Doormouse Yukina stared lazily up at Koenma and smiled, " The North Wind doth blow, and we shall have snow. And what shall the robin do then, poor thing. He’ll sit in a barn, keep himself warn, and hide his head under his wing. Poor thing."

" That is the most important piece of evidence I’ve heard yet." Koenma replied quietly. Doormouse Yukina bowed and scampered lazily out of the court. Yusuke felt himself turning red, if not purple from his agrivation.

" That has nothing to do with this case!"

" It does if...."

" You say so, Your Highness." Yusuke finished sarcastically. Koenma smiled and nodded.

" The next witnesses are the Tweedles!" Hiei Rabbit called out.

" No!"

" If you’ve nothing to hide, you would not object!" Koenma pointed out.

Oh, what a disaster! Yusuke nodded and crossed his arms. Tweedle Dum Yomi was the first to approach.

" What did you see?" Koenma asked, quite patient with the smooth-talking tweedle.

" Black." Tweedle Dum Yomi replied flatly. " I only saw black. It’s all I ever see."

" Hmmmmmm," Koenma replied, scratching his chin. He glanced at Yusuke and slammed a hand down, " That proves it! Yusuke did it!"

" What?!" Yusuke shouted.

" Tweedle Dum saw black....YOU have black hair! It must have been you!"

" Kudaran!" Yusuke hissed back. " That damn rabbit has black hair too!" He pointed to Hiei Rabbit. " And besides...." he continued, " Of COURSE all he saw was black! He’s BLIND!!!"

That sudden outburst caused everyone to pause, gasp and begin to gossip quietly. Koenma seemed a bit shocked and gave Tweedle Yomi second glance. " Blind?"

" Yes, Ma’am," Tweedle Dum Yomi replied with a nod. " Been for years."

" Well, by gosh golly. I never noticed."

Yusuke was seconds from falling on the floor from all this nonsense.

" You’re just as oblivious as HE is!" Came the lovely din of Tweedle Dee Mukuro.

" Nonsense," Yusuke whispered to himself. " This is complete nonsense."

" Watch your tongue!" Koenma snapped at the Tweedle sister. " Did YOU..."

" How the Hell should I know? When did it become my responsibility to babysit this little human pervert?"

" Are you still on about that?!" Yusuke yelled at her, suddenly feeling as though he had regressed to her level.

" Face it, F#$^ -Face, there IS no Cheshire Youko!"

" But, there is!" Tweedle Dum Yomi replied.

" Have you ever SEEN him?!" Tweedle See Mukuro shot back, eying him carefully.

" Not recently."

" There!"

Things were not looking good. " I feel like I’m in a kindergarten a classmate." Yusuke growled.

" I’m working on it!" Hiei Rabbit replied. It was the court’s recess and Her Majesty HAD to have her milk and cookies at precisely this time.

" If only someone else could have SEEN him then I’D know I wasn’t going mad."

" Everyone is mad around here. You can’t help that. Sanity, however, knows no place here."

Yusuke glanced at Hiei Rabbit a long time, befuddled by the sudden words of wisdom. Hiei Rabbit, however skipped to his feet. " I gotta go. She’ll be wondering where I am."

" You act like HE keeps you on a leash."

" She did once."

Yusuke let out a yell of annoyance, only to be ignored by Hiei Rabbit, who left the cell.

" My, my, my," came the sly laughter, " what trouble you’ve gotten into."

" ME?!" Yusuke snapped, whirling around to see Cheshire Youko sitting on his cot. " YOU did this to me! Why can’t anyone else see you?!"

" I don’t want them to. I want YOU to see me. I like you."

" This is crazy, Youko! Get me out of this mess....and back into my NORMAL life! I want to go to MY home."

" The way things are looking, this might be your new home...for the next few hours. Then your head is gonna pop off." Cheshire Youko replied with a smile. " But, maybe if you....persuaded me....I might be able to do something."

Yusuke’s eyes grew wide, " You’re SICK!"

" Very well," Cheshire Youko sighed. " I’ll be keeping an eye on you. If you...change your mind.....I’ll consider helping you out."

" Sick. Just....sick."

After Recess

Yusuke sat at his podium and sighed. He was exhausted from the stress. He peered around the court, looking for the Cheshire Youko. In this strange crowd, it would be hard to pinpoint him.

Koenma came into the court and sat down. He glanced around and sighed. " Is there anyone else who would like to serve as a witness?"

A very long silence came into the room. Yusuke shook his head. He could feel his shoulder letting go of his neck. It would only be after the word of the Queen of Hearts.

He peered up and noticed a tail swinging behind Koenma’s head. Chesire Youko! He was reclining on a shelf overhead "HER" Majesty!

" Damn Youko!"

" Eh?!" Koenma gasped, a little confused and worried.

" He’s there!" Yusuke pointed. Koenma peered up to the shelf, the youko waving at him. However Koenma saw nothing.

" Ch! I forgot," Yusuke muttered. " Only I can see him."

" Enough games!" Koenma spat, waving an arm like an axe. Yusuke could feel it coming. " Off with your..."

" Wait! Don’t I get the chance to defend myself?"

" No!" Koenma retorted. Hiei Rabbit tapped the Queen of Hearts on the arm, " Perhaps he’ll have a witness or something that proves his innocence."

" Kudaran!" Koenma spat at the pink suited rabbit. Yusuke rolled his eyes. He’d been saying that the whole time.

" Your.....Ladyship....I believe I do know of someone who can defend me. A...character witness perhaps?"

" You’re character isn’t in this story!" Tweedle Dee Mukuro shot out. " Your Majesty, he’s toying with you! Chop his head off!"

" Now now," Tweedle Dum Yomi choked out, grabbing his "sister" and pulling her back, " He’s the part of Alice, remember?"

" Pervert!" Tweedle Mukuro shouted, pointing to Yusuke.

Yusuke glance up at the bench and narrowed his eyes at the Youko who seemed oblivious. =Got you.= Yusuke thought. " I would like to send Rabbit to fetch my witness."

" Me?"

" Yeah."

Koenma watched the exchange and sighed with boredom and irritation. " Whatever! Hurry up so I can chop off your head!"

Yusuke gulped and motioned for Hiei Rabbit to approach. He whispered into the soft white ear which twitched with curiosity. Hiei Rabbit nodded, " Are you sure?"

" What other choice do I have?"

" But.....THAT witness?" Hiei Rabbit asked quietly.

" Worth a shot, isn’t it?"

Hiei Rabbit groaned and rolled his eyes, " Whatever. It’s your head."

He was off like a shot. All that was left to do was wait. Yusuke kept his eye on the people attending. Mad Hatter Kuwabara sat biting his nails. Seems he still objected to Jury Duty. " I say he’s guilty! Can I go home now?!"

Doormouse Yukina grabbed his collar and pulled him back down, " Hush!"

Koenma fiddled the pacifier about his mouth as he examined his fingernails. He was leaning on his other hand in boredom. March Hare Botan skipped up to the bench and glanced at the Royal Nails.

" Such a lovely color. What is it?"

" Mauve," Koenma replied flatly. Yusuke did a double-take on the words. He hadn’t noticed Koenma wearing fingernail polish. He glared up at Cheshire Youko who laughed at his suffering. He felt he was about to lose his mind. But, there was one shot left...and it seemed the youko was oblivious.

" Your Majesty, I’ve brought Yusuke character witness!" Hiei Rabbit announced, stepping into the court.

" Finally." Koenma sighed. " Well?"

" Yusuke calls the Dodo to be his character witness."

" WHAT?!" Cheshire Youko gasped, becoming wide-eyed. " No!"

" Who?" Koenma asked. But, no sooner had he asked did Dodo Karasu step into the court, seemingly shy. He peered around the court and his eyes suddenly froze and sparkled when they fell upon....him.

" Cheshire Youko!" Dodo Karasu smiled {not that you could tell}. " My dearest friend! It’s been so long!"

" Eh?" Koenma asked. He peered around. " Cheshire Youko? You see him?"

" Yes, he’s upon the shelf. He likes to hide. He told me so. But he cant hide from me. I’ve watched him following us the whole way here. I pretended not to I wouldn’t hurt his feelings."

" Baka!" Cheshire Youko spat. At that, everyone saw him. " You blew my cover! You stupid, idiotic, worthless excuse for...."

" You’re busted, Youko!" Yusuke pointed.

" I see." Koenma said gently, peering up, " Then,... OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!!"

Cheshire Youko growled and leapt from the shelf, darting from the court.

" After him!" Koenma ordered. In an instant, the entire court was on the tail of the youko. Yusuke ran close to Dodo Karasu, " So you two DO know each other?"

" Yes," Dodo Karasu replied between pants, but otherwise gently, " I know him very well. We met when I was younger. He was my best friend. We played games ALL the time. He’d always try to hide from me but I’d always find him. Then, he just....stopped coming to see me. And he seemed to be avoiding me ever since." With that, Dodo Karasu stopped and glanced at the ground sorrowfully, " I guess....he just doesn’t like me anymore."

Yusuke skidded to a stop, " Don’t stop now! Look, I got to get that youko so he can tell me how to get home!"

"’re leaving me too?"

OH NO! Yusuke felt the guilt stab him in the chest. Dodo Karasu could be obsessive and annoying....but he seemes too innocent in this world that it made Yusuke unsure of what to say.

" I....gotta go back. I don’t belong here."

" I don’t have many friends...seems they always leave me."

", look....if you catch that youko, I’m sure you’ll make some new friends. Can’t you do something? He’s getting away!"

" Does it matter?" Dodo Karasu sighed, turning away. Yusuke gritted his teeth...he couldn’t lose Karasu now! He grabbed the long black hair and yanked him back. " Look, I’ll be your friend as long as you want, but I HAVE to go home. That youko has caused me a lot of suffering and he NEARLY got me killed!"

Dodo Karasu focused on Yusuke, his expression was somewhat confusing to Yusuke. " He....did that?"

" I almost got beheaded because he wanted to play a hideous game with me. If you hadn’t pointed him out, I would have been holding my head in a doggie bag."

The expression seemed to change. " He....tried to kill you? That’s not very nice."

" No, it isn’t."

" That’s not funny at all." He grabbed Yusuke’s arm, " C’mon! I know a shortcut. We’ll try and cut him off!"

Out With a Bang

Dodo Karasu led Yusuke by the arm about the gardens. Yusuke was a bit confused. This innocent childlike Karasu creature has suddenly become aggressive.

" Dodo! What are you doing?!"

" I’m not going to let him hurt anyone else!" Dodo Karasu called back.

Elswhere...Cheshire Youko panted as he propped himself against a bare spot in the garden walls. He glanced back. He could still hear his persuers. But, for now, they were far behind.

" I’ve had enough of this game," He let out with a long breath. He began to pant and wiped the sweat from his face. " I need to get out of here."

With that, he pushed himself on, hoping to keep the court lost in this labyrinth. He panted and fell behind one of the bush walls. " Can’t give up now. Gotta....keep...going."

He sat in the shade keeping a vigil while he caught his breath. He took an "invisible" form and trotted through the gardens, looking for a way out. He came to a clearing, one of the many in these gardens and became visible. All he could hear were birds. The court was far behind him and certainly would take forever to find him.

" Ku su......stupid human. Try and make a fool out of Cheshire Youko? Creatures of this world can’t even catch the in the world do you plan on doing it?"

He stepped over to the topiary wall....there was still much more garden, but he could easily climb over the walls here and there to see which way to go. He stopped and erected his ears in shock when he picked up something...a sound...a fizzing sound.

" What the....?"

Within seconds, a large explosion occured. Blowing away the farther wall. Cheshire Youko had taken cover in a heap on the group and peered up....seeing only smoke. The burning brush covered the scent of the attacker. He gasped when the smoke finally began to fade, " Dodo?!"

So it was! There stood Dodo Karasu, tall and rather....angry. Behind him stood a confused and rather initimated Yusuke.

" You...used a can still do that?" Yusuke asked...moreso to himself than Karasu. So far, he hadn’t really seen powers being used...and the fact that Dodo Karasu was still well able to do so made him wonder why...Hiei Rabbit didn’t use HIS powers...short of the Jagan. No...he didn’t really. Not like the real Hiei would....but strange.

" Youko!" Dodo Karasu called, pointing at him, " How could you be so evil?!"

" Oh, quit with your ‘Can’t we all just get along’ crap!" Cheshire Youko spat....rather disgusted Dodo Karasu was able to track him.

" You lied to me, Youko!" Dodo Karasu accused. " You told me you cared! It was all a lie! I thought you were my friend!"

" I was NEVER your friend, you pathetic excuse for a...." Cheshire Youko hissed. Dodo Karasu looked rather angry and upset. Yusuke kept his mouth shut. A Battle of the Demons was about to commense. There was no way he was going to get into the middle of it. He backed up as Dodo Karasu took a firm step forward. Cheshire Youko stood up as well and both glared deep into each other’s eyes. " You honestly think ANYONE would want your company, you sniveling wretch?!" A smile came to the youko’s face as he spat the bitter words.

" I was willing to do ANYTHING for you, Cheshire Youko!"

" Yes, that was your stupidity. What master would pass up the chance for a slave? You were submissive and cowardly....I liked that. You were obedient and were easy to manipulate. THAT’S why I came to you! You were nothing but my toy! My puppet! The same would have gone for Yusuke too had you not interfered!"

" Yusuke is my friend, Youko. I trusted you and even CARED. But you lied to me...used me." Karasu lowered his voice and seemed to relax slightly, " I can forgive you for that, Cheshire Youko. I can....and I will forgive you for what you me." He tensed again and narrowed his eyes. Yusuke wasn’t sure if he was gritting his teeth or not due to the mask.

" Disgusting."

" But, I will NOT forgive what you did to HIM!" Dodo Karasu pointed back to Yusuke. " Your games did little harm to me...other than to my pride. But, your games could have killed him! That I can’t forgive. You’re an evil villain and you need to be stopped."

Yusuke almost fell over from the confusion. Of ALL people to say something like that! Cheshire Youko began to chuckle...slowly...then in a blast broke out into hysteric laughter.

" Stopped? Me? HA!" He continued to roll in laughter. " Who’s...gonna stop me? YOU? The dodo?" He let out a sigh and wiped the tears from his face. " Oh, kudaran. Enough, Dodo. You’ve served your purpose to me and you’re nothing more than a neussance. So, I suppose I’ll just get rid of you like the pest you are."

" We’ll see." Dodo Karasu replied flatly.

Tick Tick BOOM

Cheshire Youko narrowed his eyes at Dodo Karasu,

" You disgust me. Have you forgotten what I can DO? Look where you are, Dodo!" He opened his arms, " You’re in the middle of a GARDEN! You’re pop-rocks are no match for any of my powers!"

" Does Kurama have any other powers?" Yusuke muttered to himself. Dodo Karasu turned to him, " Yusuke get to cover...things are going to get messy."

Yusuke wasn’t about to argue. He dove for cover but wasn’t about to miss this. His interest had been perked the moment Dodo Karasu seemed to shift character.

" Kisama!" Cheshire Youko spat, tossing a ball of chi at Dodo Karasu. He dropped to the dirt just before it hit. Another second and it would have taken his head off. He peered back as the ball hit a gazebo and blew it up.

" I see," Dodo Karasu snickered, peering back at Cheshire Youko, " You like making big booms eh?" He held out his hand, holding a grinning green bomb...a big orange eye glaring at the youko. " Now, you’re on my turf!"

With that, he tossed the bomb, however, missing the target and blowing up a bush instead. Cheshire Youko brushed the hair from his face and smiled, " Wrong....your on....MINE!" No sooner had the words left his lips that he outstretched his hands.....summoning roots from the ground and vines from the walls to entangle his prey. Dodo Karasu let out a gasp as he slowly became tied.

" Can’t battle with explosions alone?! Have to use your prescious buttercups to help you?!" He quickly sent a swarm of bombs scattering around Cheshire Youko, hoping to break his concentration. It didn’t help really. Youko was knocked from his feet, yes, but the roots and vines held tight.

" Pathetic! Face it, you are now never were never WILL be a match for me! You’re weak and will ALWAYS be walked on! You deserve only to be thrown in front of a doorway for someone to wipe their feet on!"

" Kisama!" Dodo Karasu hissed, dropping a pair of bombs at his feet and blowing a "divet" into the ground. Divet? More like a crater! He took a running start and grabbed Cheshire Youko by the hair.

" Kisama!" Cheshire Youko squealed.... " A coward’s attack!"

" Then, you must be no better!" Dodo Karasu retorted. He was right! Yusuke observed that Cheshire Youko had a large handful of Karasu’s locks in his claws as well. He gave a yank, hoping to pull Dodo Karasu from his grip. It was successful and he tossed him to the ground.

" Kisama! I’ll show you!"

Dodo Karasu smiled under his mask and rolled grabbing Cheshire Youko’s tail and giving it a firm yank between his legs, not only causing pain in several areas, but ripping Youko off his feet as well. Karasu was swift to leap onto Cheshire Youko’s lap and begin yanking at the fox-ears.

" Kisama, let go!" Cheshire Youko yelped, trying to push Dodo Karasy away without having his ears yanked off. " Fight like a man!"

" And lose to you?! NEVER!"

So this battle continued in it’s regression for several hours. Yusuke, by now, had become bored and merely watched with his head propped on his arm. One explosion after another...then the Jerry Springer complex. He gave a yawn as he watched the two. It had suddenly become quiet...and the pit of the garden was in SHAMBLES.

" Had....enough....yet, Dodo?" Cheshire Youko panted. His lovely purple suit was ripped and shredded in different spots. His lovely white hair and tail were dirty. He had scratches and even bite marks! That was his punishment for yanking off Dodo Karasu’s mask. After the hard and viscious bites, Cheshire Youko was quick to slap it back on again.

Dodo Karasu stumbled sideways but quickly regained himself, aside frm being horribly dizzy and tired,

" Haven’t.....even....STARTED, Youko."

" Dammit, would one of you quit already!" Yusuke shouted. He slapped his hands over his mouth, ashamed already that he said something.

" Care to join in, Yusuke?" Cheshire Youko smiled with a sly and seductive grin.

" Back off, Kitsune!" Dodo Karasu spat, stepping between them. Yusuke shook his head. Never in his wildest....okay well maybe in the wildest of his dreams....would he ever think Karasu would come to protect him.

" Enough, Dodo! I’m tired of you! Get out of my way!"

" I’m not done with you yet, Youko!"

" Yes, please...finish with him first," Yusuke insisted, pointing to Dodo Karasu. " Don’t let me interfere."

" You heard him, Youko....finish with me first!"

" Very well," Cheshire Youko sighed. He pushed past Dodo Karasu and slammed Yusuke to the ground. He smiled wickedly at him, " Stay here, Babe....I’ll be right back for you."

With that, Youko shot back to his feet and leapt at Dodo Karasu, trying to take a bite out of his neck, only to get a mouthful of the long soft hair. He choked and began to cough, gag and wretch once he let go. He dropped to the ground on his knees, trying to clear his throat.

" Choke on THAT hairball, kitsune!" Yusuke whooped. Dodo Karasu took the handful of wet hair and crinkled his nose at it, " Ick. That was just....nasty." He glanced at the youko and sighed. He COULD blow him up right there. The Cheshire Youko was as vulnerable as newborn kitten right now. But, Dodo Karasu, with such contradiction to his true conterpart, was a sweet soul, despite the display. He valued life and innocence and saw no point in destroying Cheshire Youko. After all, who was he to decide that the youko may one day repent or not? However, to keep him mobile was dangerous. The danger outweighed Dodo Karasu’s pity. He picked up a rock and slammed it down on the kitsune, knocking the fox unconscious.

" Dear, my. I hope he can breathe."

" Do you care?" Yusuke asked, wiping the dirt from his clothes.

" I do. He was hacking something awful. Oh well...he seems to be alright now, save some bumps and bruises."

" Yeah, but how long will he STAY out?" Yusuke asked, approaching Dodo Karasu who eyed him patiently.

" Not too long."

" The court is somewhere out there. He’ll be up and running before they find him."

Dodo Karasu was apparent even to Yusuke who could somehow see the glimmer in his eyes. He shook his head, " Dodo, you’re not..."

" The quickest way here is in a straight line." With that, Dodo Karasu summoned up a swarm of little green orange-eyed bombs and sent them streaming through the gardens, blowing up walls and barriers. It made a horrible mess but certainly revealed the court in poor persuit.

" He’s over here!" Yusuke called. " Arrest him before he wakes up! This garden can’t withstand another round like that!"

Pardon Me

Yusuke took in a deep breath and let out a heavy content sigh. Behind him came Hiei Rabbit and Dodo Karasu. Seems magically, Dodo Karasu got clean and mended clothing, making it seem as if nothing at all had happened.

The trio walked some distance from the palace and Yusuke turned to Dodo Karasu and smiled, " Thanks. Y’know, you were kind of a pest at first. really saved my ass back there. I owe ya one."

Dodo Karasu stopped, causing Yusuke to stop, wondering why this had occured. Dodo Karasu nodded,

" I suppose I can overdo it sometimes. I just get really excited and my enthusiasm runs off with me."

Hiei Rabbit was about to comment. Yusuke shot him a glance which prevented it. Instead he chuckled and walked ahead of the pair.

" So...." Dodo Karasu began softly, averting his gaze to the ground.

" Something wrong?" Yusuke asked.

" You’ll be going home now, won’t you? Leaving me behind?"

" Yeah...but don’t look at it THAT way, Dodo." Yusuke gave a smile and gave a light and playful punch to Dodo Karasu’s arm. He wasn’t sure if he smiled or scowled at the action....face still hidden under his mask.

" At least we’re parting on good terms. I don’t DISlike you. I just don’t belong here."

" I see. me a favor, yes?"

Yusuke was silent a moment and then nodded,

" Yeah, I do. You saved my life....I owe you big time.

" Anything?"

" Well, go ahead and name it. If it’s something I can do, I’ll....I’ll see."

Dodo Karasu though a long moment, shutting his eyes to contimplate the opportunities. Had this been the normal real world Karasu, Yusuke would have been horribly afraid and surely regretted such an offer. But, this Karasu, though not as innocent as he once thought, was friendly and caring. Surely the favor wouldn’t be....too bad....or...perverted?

Dodo Karasu nodded, " Very well. I know what I want....then I’ll be able to watch you go with a smile."

" it?"

Dodo Karasu was silent, but he removed his mask and smiled at Yusuke. He approached slowly and placed a hand on the boy’s cheek. " This is all I want in return." With that, he embraced Yusuke with one arm, stroking his cheek with his free hand, placing a kiss onto his lips.

Yusuke’s eyes shot wide open, surprised and embaressed. wasn’t...THAT bad. Certainly this was nothing compaired to what Dodo Karasu COULD have asked for....were he more perverted. He sighed in the back of his mind. =Oh, Hell, Yusuke. Not like anyone you REALLY know will ever find out. Go with the owe it to him. It’s just a damn kiss.=

So, he did. Yusuke relaxed and faced his promise like a man.....repaying Karasu’s favor in this way. When Dodo Karasu released him, Yusuke was a bright red. " Uhm... that was what you wanted?"

" Yes," Dodo Karasu replied simply. " That was what I wanted."

It was that simple? Dodo Karasu really WAS an innocent. No poisons? No tricks? No hidden agenda? That was it! It was a simple and gentle, caring kiss. That was it...nor more no less. Yusuke swallowed hard and nodded,

" Alright."

Dodo Karasu cocked his head, " Are you alright?"

" I’m...fine....It’s alright. It’s what you wanted...I owed it to you." To emphasize there were no hard feelings he even smiled at him. Dodo Karasu smiled back, feeling relieved he’d not offended Yusuke.

" You better catch your rabbit," He said gently.

" Eh?"

" Go. Go home. Hurry before I have to put my mask back on."

" Why..."

" I wanted you to see that I’m going to let you go...with a smile." It was true. Dodo Karasu even beamed.

" Hurry, he got a head start."

Yusuke let out a chuckle and patted Dodo Karasu on the shoulder, " See ya around, Man." With that, he turned and ran, hoping to catch up with Hiei Rabbit before he was too far ahead.

It took him a long time but he finally found him,

" Rabbit, wait!"

" What do you want?!" Hiei Rabbit snapped, releasing a gasp. " You’ve no need for me!"

" I want to go home!"

" Then, go!"

" Get your ass over here so I can CATCH you! You’re the reason I’m here in the first place!"

" Procrastination is what got you here in the first place," Hiei Rabbit retorted..." And you’re grubby ningen hands aren’t TOUCHING me!"

Hiei Rabbit turned tail and jet. Yusuke took after him. Luckily for him Hiei Rabbit was not as swift as regular everyday Hiei at this point. He was tired and rundown from persuit and daily errands. It was apparent when Yusuke caught up. Hiei Rabbit let out a yelp and tried to make a leap only to have his feet swept from under him by Yusuke’s crafty thinking.

Both tumbled to the ground, Hiei Rabbit landing on his back. " gloves are dirty again." He let out a sigh and then a gasp as Yusuke crawled over and wrapped his arms around Hiei Rabbit’s waist, hugging his cheek against his chest. " Now, take me home, dammit! I caught you!"

" Yusuke!!!!!!" A voice hissed. Yusuke opened his eyes and felt the cool breeze of the air conditioner. He saw the wide eyes and confused faces of his friends. Keiko was by the kitchen, a little confused. Botan sat in front of Kuwabara with a bowl of cheese cubes, but her eyes were focused on Yusuke as with Kuawabara who was seemingly shocked, not even paying attention to the hand-held game he was holding. Kurama was halfway turned towards him, a little confused, shocked and amused...perhaps one of the calmest expressions in the room considering.

" What? What are you all looking at?" Yusuke asked. Then HIS eyes suddenly went wide. That wasn’t the couch. In fact, he noticed he was halfway off the couch and halfway into the windowsill. " Oh....."

He peered up to see Hiei glaring at him, wide-eyed, confused...and a little freaked. " Yusuke," he muttered, almost childishly, " I don’t EVEN want to know, but, dammit, please....please let me go...or...I’m just going to snap."

Yusuke glance the situation over. He swallowed hard. He had obviously leapt from the couch in his sleep during the wrestle in his dream and grabbed Hiei around the waist as he had done in his dream. Slowly and with some confusion, he released promised...didn’t even ask WHY. In fact, he kept a close and frightened glance on Yusuke, not sure whether to attack or run or...just stay...peeeeeeeeeerfectly still. He swallowed hard and remained silent.

" Sorry."

Home Sweet Home

" So, what did you make on that report?" Kurama asked, smiling at Yusuke.

" With all that intent hard work, you should have done well," Botan smiled.

" We’re talking about Yusuke," Koenma muttered.

" You weren’t here to see him work," Kurama defended. " He finished it within a few hours. I’m sure he did well."

" Don’t be shy, Yusuke," Keiko smiled, " Go ahead!"

" I...did okay." Yusuke blushed.

" He got an A all by himself," Keiko beamed.

Koenma smiled and chuckled, " So...that dream you were telling us about...."

" That was a weird one," Kuwabara laughed.

" I was the Queen of Hearts?"

" Yes," Yusuke smiled. " And you were a bitch too."

Koenma couldn’t help but crack up, " Was I a pretty girl?"

" You weren’t a girl at ALL. You were...YOU....with nailpolish."

" BOTAN! You didn’t tell him, did you?!" Koenma shot up. He suddenly turned red. " didn’t hear anything."

" Didn’t say anything, Koenma-Sama," Botan smiled, trying not to laugh. That was ANOTHER story entirely.

" I’m not even going to ask."

" Man, that would have been a nightmare," Kuwabara laughed, " I’d suck at Jury Duty."

" And you did," Yusuke accused. " You wouldn’t even give me a damn chance."

" I wonder why you dreamt about Mukuro and Yomi though." Kurama wondered, twirling his red lock between his fingers.

" At least they acted KINDA like they do for real." Yusuke smiled. " Not like Karasu."

Kurama immediately cast the death-glare. Yusuke shot one back, " Don’t give me that! It wasn’t MY idea for YOU to be the villain of my dream NOR to have Karasu in it!"

" Ugh," was all Kurama could muster. " And he...DEFEATED me? Ewwwwwwwwww."

" If it makes you feel any better....he kissed me."

The others began to snicker. Kurama smiled at Yusuke with pride, " Can’t believe he’d choose you."

THAT brought the stares to Kurama. His eyes went wide as a sweat drop fell, " NOT THAT I CARE!!!!! Better you than me, Yusuke." He shuddered, " Noooooo way! No! Nope! Never! EVER! N..."

" Damare!" The crowd shouted, silencing the panicking Kurama. He blushed and sat down. " Anyway... as long as he kissed you and not me...we’re FINE."

Botan smiled and giggled, " Oh, I’m sure Hiei was so cute as a white rabbit."

" He....WAS....I’m almost ashamed to say, very cute at times."

" He certainly looks the the rabbit type," Keiko snickered.

" Where IS Hiei, anyway?" Koenma asked.

Yusuke smiled, " He’s in my bedroom. Ever since that day, he’s been curious about that book. So, after I finished it, I let him have it."

" Hiei reading Alice in Wonderland. What is this world coming to?" Koenma chuckled.

" Reading it right through?" Kurama asked, peering back at Yusuke, glad the Karasu topic was over.

" No. He’s been taking it in a chapter at a time. One chapter, an hour nap....another hour nap." Yusuke laughed at the observation. " He’s intent on it though.

" Actually, I think he finished it a few hours ago," Keiko spoke up. Everyone glanced at her. " Well....I went into your room, Yusuke, to put something back....but that was hours ago. He had just finished the book and just...passed right out. Don’t even think he knew I was in the room."

" Or cared." Kurama chimed in. " I’m surprised he’s sleeping so well. Maybe this will be a new trend and he’ll want to read all the time."

" Possible," Koenma smiled.

" I wonder what HE dreams about." Botan asked

" Yukina," Kurama smiled. He then gasped and smiled, " And.....battles. He dreams about LOTS AND LOTS of battles! BIG MEAN BAD GUYS! LOTS of butt-whooping. THAT’S what he dreams about usually. Yup."

" Kurama, I think you’re next in line for a nap," Yusuke muttered. Kurama smiled and chuckled nervously. He felt akward but shot to a straight position when he heard a scream. Yusuke jumped to his feet as well as Koenma and Kuwabara. " It’s Hiei!"

" Guess one of those big mean bad guys won the battle," Kuwabara laughed. He suddenly felt the heavy push and fell backwards. Hiei forced his way past them, eyes shut, and grabbed Yusuke around the waist, his cheek pressed firmly against his chest, " KISAMA! Take me back, DAMMIT!"

Botan, Koenma and Kuwabara began to laugh hysterically. Kurama stepped over and gave Hiei a shake,

" Wake up! Hiei, you’re dreaming. Snap out of it!"

Swiftly, Hiei shot awake and peered up to see Yusuke glaring down and him. He stepped back quickly and cleared his throat. He then turned to Kurama, crimson eyes shooting as wide as grapefruits, " KISAMA!" He fell backwards and slid himself across the carpet towards Keiko and dove behind her into the kitchen.

" Hiei? What the...?"

Yusuke began to laugh. He understood all too well. Kurama seemed utterly confused. The others didn’t care. It was amusing they laughed it up. Keiko merely stared at Hiei nervously as he hid behind her.

" I don’t know what’s worse! That damn Karasu or that friggin kitsune!"

" Did he kiss you?" Yusuke asked.

" Who?" Hiei retorted, peeking from behind Keiko.

" That doesn’t sound good. What did you do with the book?"

" I...I’m gonna BURN it!" Hiei turned and jet for the bedroom. Yusuke was swift to follow, " WAIT! I get to destroy one half! It’s only fair!"

" Kisama!"

" I had the dream first, I get to destroy the first half!"

" Whaaaaaaaaa?" Kurama whined. The others watched silently as the pair vanished into Yusuke room and then listened in silence as the two battled over who would destroy what part of the book and how.

" I suppose that’s the last faery tale either of THEM will ever read," Koenma smiled. He recieved quiet nods from the company still in the den. What an amusing event this was.