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I Love You; I'll Kill You


I see love, I can see passion

I feel danger, I feel obsession


Kurama stared up at the cieling. He couldn't believe this. This was just stupid. He'd been beat up and nearly killed over and over again. Yet this had to be his most humiliating defeat. Tonsilitis...He sighed, causing him to flinch and rub his throat. He'd just come out of his operation and awaking from the anesthetic. Why did he have to stay now? All he needed was some ice cream and he'd be good to go. But no. Ningen policies. He let out a frustrated exhale through his nose and turned his head.

Beside him, he saw gifts from his friends. They'd come baring gifts while he was in the operating room. This, at least, cheered him a little. So many flowers. He reached over to look at the cards. He picked up a plush frog and arched a brow, opening the card.

Kurama, hope this coaxes that frog out of your throat. Though I'm still not sure how it got there.

It could only be Hiei. If it didn't hurt so much, Kurama would've laughed. Silly Hiei just took things too literally. Man or not, he was still a child under it all.

Then there were the other gifts of suckable candies and flowers. Daffodils from Botan with a sunny chipper note, Kuwabara sent him a corny little kitten with a get well balloon and hard candies, a picture of Yusuke making a silly face....of course Kurama's family sent him roses and such and blessings to get better.

However, there was a lovely vase with blooming dark red roses, surrounded by small deep purple flowers. It was so cool in it's feeling. There was something special about it. Kurama was very perplexed by the feeling he got from them and opened the card.

I heard you were under the weather. It took great pains to try to ease yours. Gardening was never my forte, but I knew you'd appriciate the effort....

Kurama was even more confused. Who in the world sent him this? He looked at the flowers, bringing them to his lap and running his fingers over the petals. He noticed something hidden within the stems and pulled it out. Exploding candy? Pop rocks? Kurama was awfully confused now. Someone went through the trouble to make him feel better after his tonsils were removed...and they were dumb enough to send him exploding can.... =Oh shit..= he suddenly realized. = Not him.=


Don't play games with the ones who love you

Cause I hear a voice who says:

I love you...I'll kill you


Kurama stood in the bathroom, looking at his reflection as he hummed a little tune, brushing his hair. A toothbrush was in his mouth, though he was merely chewing on it. He had just finished his shower and had gotten into pyjamas, ready to go into the den and watch a good movie with popcorn and soda pop. He set down the toothbrush and put his hair up in a hairband and trotted downstairs, getting popcorn ready and sitting on the couch and flicking on the tv.

" Let the games begin," He sighed, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth. The phone rang. He glanced over at it and took a sip of soda to wash down the popcorn. He looked at the caller ID...unknown caller. Odd. He let it ring a few more times, hearing the answering machine click. If he knew the voice, he'd likely pick up. Sometimes it was a wrong number. Sometimes it was a friend on a different phone. Seemed Kurama was always the one giving out advice.

Nothing. Kurama shrugged. Perhaps it was a wrong number and he hung up. He tried to settle back in, but before he could get himseld completely cozy, the phone rang again. He sighed. Figured it would be one of those people who hated answering machines. He reached over and picked it up.

" Hello?"

" Oh, to hear the sound of your voice..." The voice purred on the other end.

" Hello? Who is this?"

" You don't remember me? I'm hurt."

" What do you want?!" Kurama was beginning to get very nervous.

" You are so beautiful. What cute pyjamas you're wearing."

" You sicko! Where are you?!" He sounded angry but he was beginning to get really afraid.

" I bet you smell so clean. Your skin would be so soft."

" Karasu!"

" Ah, you DO remember me."

" What do you WANT?!"

Karasu chuckled into the phone. " You know what I want. I can't get you out of my head. Haven't for years, Kurama."

Kurama was trembling, finding it hard to speak. He only just BARELY defeated Karasu before...surely he couldn't do it again.

" The fear on your face is so wonderful. You look so helpless. So perfect. I'd take you in my arms now if I could."

" LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Kurama screamed, slamming the phone down. He curled up on the sofa, trembling. Suddenly the phone rang again. He reached over and slowly brought it to his ear.

" Have a good night, Kurama....I'll be watching you," Karasu said before breaking into evil laughter. Kurama slammed the phone down again.


Lonliness, I feel the lonliness in my room

Lonliness, I feel the lonliness in my room

Lonliness, I feel the lonliness in my room

Lonliness, I feel the lonliness in my room


Kurama tossed and turned. It was storming outside and his window was open. But despite the winds, he was sweating. The nightmares were intense.

In his dream, he was on his knees, dressed only in leather pants and bound in chains. He felt tight and cramped, stidd muscles. He threw his wet, sweaty hair back, " NO!"

In front of him stood Karasu, staring down at him. His hands were on his hips as he chuckled. "Haunt you even in your dreams, don't I?"

"You bastard!" Kurama couldn't believe his own emotions, nor was he able to stop his tears. " Why can't you just die and leave me alone?!"

" I want to be all you see." Karasu replied, reaching out and clamping his hands around Kurama's throat. He could feel his airway closing. Tighter....tighter...

Kurama shot up and screamed, reaching for his throat and coughing. He looked around before grabbing his robe and rushing out into the rain.

" Where are you, you bastard?! Show yourself! Stop playing these damn GAMES with me!" He cried out.

A hand reached out and grabbed his arm and he turned, swinging around trying to land a punch. His fist was caught and he fell to his knees in the puddles.

" Kurama!"

He opened his eyes to see...Hiei! Without even thinking twice, he shot forward and embraced him, crying out loud as he trembled.

" Oh Hiei!"

" Kurama, what has gotten into you?"

He refused to let go. " He...he's everywhere! I can't get away!"

" Who, Kurama? Who?"


Hiei's eyes widened as he gasped. Then he narrowed them in an aggressive manner and growled. A quick scan of the area seemed...alright. " Let's go inside, Kurama."

" He's everywhere, Hiei," Kurama jabbered on in a frenzied panic. " Even if he's not physicallt there, he's there. He's in my mind and in my dreams and in my very subconscience!"

The quick scan wasn't enough then? Hiei removed the band from his head, revealing the jagan which peered about. " I shall protect your mind."

Kurama peered up at Hiei who took his face in his hands, leaning forward to kiss him. Kurama hugged him once more before finally making it to his feet and staggering back into the house, and our of the rain.

Off in the distance, taking refuge in a tree house, Karasu glared out, his violet eyes gleaming. He'd successfully hidden his youki. " I see," he said quietly to nobody. " You have many admirers. And you'd take HIM as your lover into your bed?"

His face was covered by his mask, but under it, his face crinkled with disgust. " I cannot imagine that body in anyone's hands by my own." He smirked, " But without Hiei's jagan, I would be all you see." A chuckle escaped him, " Without him...."


Look into the mirror of your soul

Love and hate are one in all


Hiei had taken to staying with Kurama. For three months now, he remained with him. Kurama seemed to settle at his presence. Hiei was able to ease his mind. And truth be told, Karasu didn't like Hiei or the fact that he was with Kurama. HIS Kurama. He kept him from him. There could only be one possible solution: Hiei must go!

Karasu had his chance. Early one morning, Hiei hopped onto his usual tree branch outside of Kurama's window. Karasu had been watching him for weeks. Hiei, three hours before dawn, would come outside to sleep alone until the sun rose. Karasu was sure to be very careful with his youki. Hiei, especially with the jagan exposed, was very perceptive.

Patiently he waited until he could see Hiei asleep. Since Hiei came to stay, Kurama had become a much more sound sleeper once again. That was now in Karasu's favor. He held out a hand, releasing a very small bomb, no bigger than a fly. It buzzed up to Hiei. The fire demon was sleepy and idley swatted at it, trying to shoo it away. Karasu closed his eyes. What did the bomb see? No band. Hiei's jagan was closed. Perfect!

The little fly-bomb landed on the lids of the jagan. It buzzed and twitched. Just as Karasu had wanted, Hiei reached up and slapped it, making it explode inward towards the eye. Hiei was awake in an instant, covering the bloody injury and filling the air with a howl of pain as he toppled to the ground below.

Karasu approached the writhing body casually, hands in his pockets. He chuckled, seeing little black pearls drop from Hiei's cheeks. " Hehe, so, even the male Koorime can produce tears of pearls."

Hiei narrowed teary, angry eyes up at him, " You bastard!" He yelped in his great pain.

" Yes, I suppose so." Karasu replied before his expression turned jealous and angry. " You have caused me too much trouble." He pressed his foot to step on Hiei's chest. " It took me a long time to recover enough to be able to pursue my beloved Kurama. You are in the way...and I will not allow you to sleep with him anymore."

" I won't let you hurt him!" Hiei hissed.

" Your powers are impressive, Hiei. Fire...speed...but like a cat with his whiskers cut off, you are very spoiled by the powers of your evil eye. And's gone."

He raised a hand up, " And are you." His voice became like the growl of a dog, " The tought, the knowledge, the vision of you in my Kurama's arms...You kissing him, touching him, showering and sleeping with disgusts me. He is meant for me alone. And I know very well he would never submit. The masochistic stubborness is part of what I admire about him. But...he will not be no one else can have him. I will TAKE him."

Karasu let him up suddenly and began to walk away. Hiei was swiftly to his feet and meant to charge...perhaps too blinded by his rage. He never thought about the consequences. Karasu didn't even acknowledge him, as though he weren't even there. Or did he? Hiei was suddenly bombarded left and right mercilessly by bombs.

The noises awoke Kurama who ran to look out the window. And he was terrified at the site, " HIEI!" He cried out as he caught the tail end of the event, seeing his best friend drop lifeless to the ground. Karasu turned, peering up at Kurama, hands in his pockets.

" You heartless bastard!" The fox screamed. It only made Karasu smirk under his mask and chuckle before he walked away.


Sacrifice turns to revenge and believe me

You'll see the face who'll say:

I love you...I'll kill you...

But I'll love you forever


" He won't come out," Yusuke sighed, shrugging to Botan and Kuwabara.

" Well, his best friend got killed. I wouldn't expect him to be social," Kuwabara replied.

" How Karasu ever find him?" Botan hicced, choking on a sob. " Poor Kurama must be paranoid."

" He's gonna need a padded cell soon if this goes on." Yusuke added. " But if Karasu is here, how is he hiding himself so well? All those bombs going off, SOMEONE should have seen something...and yet...nothing."

" How wierd is that?" Kuwabara huffed.

" What's Kurama doing now?" Botan asked.

" Curled in a corner like a fox trapped by a pack of rabid dogs," Yusuke replied. " I'm wondering WHY his Youko self hasn't made an appearance."

" Yeah, the fox part wasn't scared of Karasu at all," Kuwabara stated.

Upstairs, Kurama was indeed curled into a corner. And he too wondered why Youko hadn't made an appearance to assist him. The fox seemed to deny every request...why? Why would his demon form betray him? Why did it feel like he was laughing at him?!

The phone rang. Kurama tensed but refused to answer. And as expected, the machine picked up.

" By now, I suppose my presence is no secret." Karasu's voice chuckled. " How your heart must ache, Kurama. How your mind must be ready to burst from the stress. You're paranoid, aren't you? should be. Always look over your shoulder. I'm always there. And I'm coming for you..."

Kurama plopped to his side. He was so tense, so cramped and unable to lose his mind any further. Yusuke ran in, hearing the machine downstairs. " Kurama!"

Kuwabara ran to the window, " I don't sense anything. The bastard is still hiding!"

Botan knelt beside Kurama. " He's not good, Guys! He needs a hospital!"


Lonliness, I feel the lonliness in my room

Lonliness, I feel the lonliness in my room

Lonliness, I feel the lonliness in my room

Lonliness, I feel the lonliness in my room


Kurama failed to respond to anyone. He was visibly concious, but it seemed like his mind was empty. He sat in his assigned room in his white pyjamas, staring out at the vast green court from the barred window...from his chair on the third floor. His friends had been unable to get his attention and seemed to have no other alternative.

He hadn't had any visitors so far today. He didn't seem to notice. And even if he did, he made no sign to show it.

He heard the door open and the cart with his lunch. He heard the door shut, which was odd. He felt tense, suddenly and seemed to miraculously snap out of his trance and turn, " NO!"

" Shhhh," Karasu chuckled. " You'll upset the other patients."

" How did you get in?"

" I told you, I'm everywhere you are. I've come to do you a favor."

Kurama stood and stepped back. Karasu smiled. " I've come to set you free."

" I don't need your help!"

" Oh, but I think you do. You see, it's what you want deep inside." Karasu poked a finger at Kurama's chest. " Ask Youko if you do not believe me."

Kurama slapped his hand away, " Why would..."

" You honestly think Youko ENJOYS being trapped in there? You've had your fun...your excuses. Your mother is remarried, has a step-son. Your friends have no missions. Aside from's peace time. There is no reason for you to be here. Youko wants his body back...and I want to kill you. Win/win situation, ne? You don't belong here. And the demon in you wants full control."

Kurama couldn't believe it. Youko HAD betrayed him! He dropped to his knees in tears, not wanting to believe, " No, no, no, no....."

" We have a bargain." Karasu said simply. " Give up easy and it'll be quick. I'm not allowed to damage you too much."

Kurama couldn't move as he trembled and peered up into the violet eyes, " I..."

Karasu paused.

" I don't...want to die."

" Hn." Karasu replied, softening a little. " Now you're trying to make this hard on me. Those adorable eyes even pang my heart."

" ...Don't..."

Karasu seemed to contimplate the plea. He did prefer Suiichi. He was more beautiful. But, he wanted to kill him. Always had,. He lowered his head and sighed. " How you tug at my strings. How could I blow you up now?"

Kurama was almost hopeful. Karasu...was being...merciful? In this state, he'd do almost anything. He was so damaged.

Karasu knelt before Kurama so they could be at eye level. Kurama sucked in a short breath as Karasu reached out to stroke his cheek. He reached up to remove his mask. In the next instant, he embraced Kurama almost like an infant, pressing a kiss onto him. Kurama was too weak to resist...but felt the pressure on his neck. He let out a cry into Karasu's lips, making it known he now felt the pain...and in the next instant...relaxed, feeling himself drift away after finally hearing a snap.

Karasu put the body down after the kiss, feeling the body go limp. He glanced at the blood on his hands. He had snapped Kurama's neck and sat back, waiting, admiring the face.

Moments later, the body began to reform, changing into the infamous Youko. He stood up, popping the neck back into place.

" Took you long enough."

" You know very well that I liked that form best," Karasu replied as he stood. " It was quick and generally painless."

" That wasn't an easy decision to make," Youko replied, brushing hair from his face.

" We should go home."

" Home?" Youko asked, arching a brow, " With you?"

" If you wish. You aren't of any interest to me." He glanced at him. " Now MY home. Our home....our world. Demons like us do not belong here. We belong in the Makai. You are free now...and Suiichi is dead. Our time together need not continue."

Youko blinked as Karasu exited. He frowned, " You make me feel dirty." He glanced out the widnow again, " To see the world again through my true eyes and have no master but one...this was the plan all along. There was no excuse to have stayed." He sighed, " So, then why do I feel so guilty?"

After a long moment, he smiled, " You can rest in peace now, Minamino Suiichi. I may be the old me once again, but you are not forgotten." He brought a hand to his heart, " I will return often to look in on your loved ones...our loved ones..."