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Mary Tyler Moore Theme

The Life of a Princess

Who can turn the world on with her smile?

Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?"


Vegeta stood in the waiting room, arms crossed and eyes closed. Trunks and Goten were sitting in the corner by the television, poking each other. The Siayajin prince made no response to the new ki approaching.

" Vegeta! Isn't this exciting?!" Goku shouted.

" It's a natural fact of life, Kakkarrot. Women do it every day."

" Why aren't you in there with her?"

" I don't feel like it."

That was a LIE! Vegeta had been in earlier. However, between Bulma's labor pains and Vegeta's rude mouth...she had thrown a few thing at him to chase him out.

" Room of his own? Or bunking with Trunks?" Goku asked.

" His own. We've moved Trunks and are putting the baby there so Bulma and I can tend to hi easier."

" Think you can handle two boys? They can be a handful."

Vegeta glanced at Goten and Trunks poking and prodding each other. Each trying to annoy the other. He held out a hand, blowing up the TV and covering the boys in explosion residue. Both froze...stuned...wondering what just happened.

" I'm sure I can. Especially if you can."

Goku chuckled. Vegeta smirked. He was nervous and anxious. He couldn't wait to see his new baby boy. Another demi-Saiyajin prince to whip into shape and train. Yeah...his spitting image...with his mother's eyes. He always loved Bulma's eyes and seemed to think they suited a Saiyajin well. OH! And he'd jave one of those emergency breaks...tails are such useful appendages.

He couldn't help but let out a chuckle. He loved Trunks but...C'MON! A NEW baby boy! YEAH! And he had the perfect name picked out. Vegeta had of course originally wanted to name the new baby after himself. Bulma had turned her nose up at it. She said it was bad enough to yell at one. Vegeta couldn't could anyone resist a name like Prince Vegeta III?! That's REGAL! Why couldn'y SHE understand?! Oh well....after some compromise, Salado was the final result.

He sighed. Trunks...Vegeta had taen one good look at him as a baby and said ne word. " Nasubi." That was the word for Eggplant. Bulma was not about to have any of that.

Amidst his thoughts, a loud band tore tore him and Goku from their silence. " It's HAPPENED!"

" Chichi! How'd you beat me here?!" Goku shouted with a smile.

" How is the onna? Where is my son?" Vegeta asked coldly. Chichi smirked and shook her head, " It's a GIRL!"

Both jaws dropped on the men. Goku then patted Vegeta on the back, " A GIRL! WOW!"

Vegeta was still in shock but pulled himself from it, pushing past Chichi into the delivery room. There, he saw his wife...holding the crying baby.

" Bulma..."

" Vegeta...look! Isn't she beautiful?!"

He stepped closer. He looked indifferently down at the infant. A girl...not a tail...and not his spitting image. DAMMIT! He was a Saiyajin prince! His genes...his father genes...should be more dominant thatn some puny human! Bulma out-gened him again! A girl...his daughter...was the spitting image of...her mother...his wife. Yet, he could sense within her his fire. Yes, she was indeed the most beautiful thing he had ever seen...and she belonged to him.

He hid his smile. " You were supposed to have a little boy. Did you break the stem off the apple during the process?"

She gave him an unamused stare, " Vegeta.....oh nevermind."

Give me the baby." He said...holding out his arms. Bulma did so, handing the crying baby to him. Once in his arms..she stopped crying...looking at him...deciding what to make of him.

" Look, Bra...that's your daddy."

" I made you," Vegeta chimed in then paused, " Bra?"

" Yes. She doesn't look like a Salado. So, I named her Bra."

Vegeta said nothing. That was a hurtful low blow. Did she even realize what she had done? No...he would not spoil this moment with an outburst to cause an argument. He simply looked into his daughter's face. She suddenly cast up a big smile at him. In that moment...he was under her spell and everything was right again. She was a treasure and that is ALL that mattered now. " My little princess..."


Well, it's you, Girl, and you should know it

With each glance and every little movement you show it


Bulma winced before waking. " Nnn...I forgot about this part."

Bra's cries came over the monitor. Vegeta awoke also, getting up, causing Bulma to chill a little. He turned to the monitor. " Bulma...let me do it."

She did a double-take, " I'm sorry...I'm still half asleep. Did you just offer to feed and change a baby?"

He frowned, " can't be HARD to care for a baby...after all...WOMEN do it. So caring for little girls must be a sinch."

Bulma threw a pillow at him, " Fine...YOU do it."

He threw on some shorts and went into the baby's room. Bra cried even at the sight of him.

" Shhh, it's oky, Princess." He said softly, picking her up and setting her on the changing table to be changed. He'd seen Bulma do this to Trunks lots of time. To his advantage....Bra didn't have a watergun down there to shoot him in the face. Boy...he always laughed himself to tears when Trunks got Bulma.

She smiled when she was cleaned. Ah....nice dry clean butt. Vegeta then picked her up nd held her close, speaking to her in baby talk...

He sat in the rocking chair with her, humming a soft tune as he lifted a bottle to her mouth and rocked her. She was content like this.

Once she was asleep...he frowned. He'd have to put her down now. He dawdled...wanting to make it last. Kami...he felt so...maternal! he thought, believing fathers never acted this way.

Finally, he gave in, putting her in her crib and going back to his own room, only to hear the tune he'd been humming earlier...and Bulma's voice. His eyes went wide. THE MONITOR! He blushed a deep red as he entered the room...ready to take a good teasing.


Love is all around, no need to waste it

You can have the town, why don't you take it?

You're gonna make it after all

You're gonna make it after all


" Wow, Trunks. This is even better than YOUR party." Goten smiled.

" It's a turning three thing," Trunks replied.

" What's it like? Having a baby sister?"

Trunks thought a long moment, " It depends. She annoys me most of the time. Mom and Dad give her everything she wants."

" You got everything you asked for for YOUR birthday, Trunks." Goten reminded.

" No...not just presents, Goten. It's other stuff. Like...I can't play video games or anything while she's taking a nap. I can't play rought with her. And I ALWAYS get in trouble...even when it's HER fault."

" That shouldn't bother you. We always DID get in trouble."

" I can't watch what I want on tv because she gets scared. I have to watch BABY shows with her. I swear...I never realized the color green was so complicated!"

Goten had to laugh. Trunks shook his head. " She comes into my room and touches my stuff without asking. She gets candy and cookies and treats ALL the time." He frowned unconsciously, " And Dad is constantly spending every spare moment with her. He never used to do any of that stuff with me. He never apologized when he hurt ME! He never kissed MY boo boos all better!"

By now, Goten had snuck a good three feet away, holding up his hands defensively.

" Hey you two!" Gohan shouted, " C'mon, it's time for presents and cake!"

Both boys came...moreso Trunks was DRAGGED by Goten. Trunks freed himself to stand beside Gohan.

" You alright?"

" Little depressed, that's all." Trunks replied.

" Yeah, I got like that off and on after Goten was born. It's called jealousy and develops into sibling rivalry."

Trunks glanced up at Gohan.

" We don't always get along," Gohan continued, " Sometimes we fight pretty good and Mom has to pull out the frying pan."

Both shuddered at the mention.

" But, I have a SISTER, Gohan. And she's stealing my family away."

" No, she's not. She's being herself. And she is your little sister. You're her big brother. You have the big job now. You get to teach her things and protect her. Sure, you'll disagree...but families do that."

" But, Dad..."

" Your mother spoils you, your dad spoils her. Buth they both love you both. It's nature. Boys bond with being rough on one another. Girls bond by doing....I dunno what they do but they do it well. But with parents...boys tend to get close with their mothers and girls tend to bond better with their fathers. Daddy's little girl and all that. Daughters are like delicate pieces of glass and father's feel they have to protect them or they break. You'd be offended really if he felt he had to treat YOU like glass."

Is that how it is really?"

" I think so."

Trunks looked over at the table and came over as Bra opened her first present.

" Hi, Twunks. Look what Papa gave me!" She showed him a whole bunch of teddy bears. Trunks simply nodded.

She tore into the next. " Wow, Mom! A furby! Thanks!"

Next, " Hey! Uncle Goku got me play dough!"

Both Vegeta and Bulma narrowed their eyes at Goku and said in dull sarcastic voices, " Gee...yeah...THANKS."

" Gohan got me a puzzle! OH PONIES!!!!" Bra cheered, " And Goten gave me....gum! STRAWBERRY!!!"

Trunks sighed. Bra cheered again. " Wow, Auntie Chichi! She got me MAKE-UP! Now, I can be a big girl and look all pretty for Daddy."

Vegeta blushed as the guest chuckled and lughed at him. " Ahem...I'm going to get the cake."

Trunks moped as the cake came out. Bra's face lit up. " OOOOH! It's a PONY! Daddy, did you get me a REAL pony?" More laughs.

" No, sweetheart, but we'll just get you a toy one instead okay?"

" Okay. Okay everyone...SING TO ME!"

Everyone sang Happy Birthday and she blew out her candles.

Some time later...Bra came over to Trunks.

" What do you want?"

" Want a piece of gum?"

He blinked as she held out a piece of gum. He hesitantly took it. " Thank you."

She smiled, " I didn't get a present from you, Twunks."

" Yeah...well..."

" That's okay. I had a birthday you're covered."

" Huh?"

" I wished you could be my big brother at my fourth birthday too...and you wouldn't be so grumpy."

" You did that for me?"

She nodded. "'re my favorite big brother. Come and play with me and Goten...we're gonna play with the play dough....if Goku would ever let US play with it..."

Trunks began to laugh, " Oh, Bra...I'm so sorry." He hugged her tight.

" For what? Goku's the one who's gonna be sorry if Daddy sees him playing with MY play dough and hogging my toys."

Trunks simply shook his head and smiled, " I love you, Bra."


You are most likely to succeed

You got the looks and charms, and, Girl, you know that it's all you need


" So, I said 'Sorry, but that's against my beliefs.' There aint no way I'm dissecting a mouse."

Bra sipped her milkshake as her friends gossiped. She smiled.

" So, Bra...has Skippy asked you to that dance yet?" One girl asked.

" I wish, Aiko." Bra replied. " I don't think anyone from school will ask."

" But, you're so popular!" Aiko replied.

" Yeah, but she's a Daddy's Girl," Another friend chimed in. All nodded in a chantric knowing way, " Ooooooh."

" Papa's not THAT bad. I don't know WHY people are so afraid of him. Sure' he can be kinda grumpy, but he's REALLY sweet."

The girls laughed. Bra stood up, " C'mon! There's a sale on shoes! I need a few new pairs!"

The girls went off through the mall, shopping around and discussing their buys. Bra suddenly stopped cold, " HOLD it, Girls! Look!" She pointed to a poster in the Media Shoppe " Nipple Twister's new album is out!"

The girl's SCREAMED and flocked to the store. The girls got their item and stood in line with their CD...except for Bra who came in last. Aiko turned to her, " I'm sorry, Bra. You can borrow mine off and on until you get your own."

She pouted, " I can't BELIEVE it! I must be the only one who doesn't own Nipple Twister's new album."

In the lobby, Bra was still pouting. Aiko whispered, " Maybe your dad can find it and get it for you."

" Dad HATES that band." Bra replied. " He doesn't know I listen to the CD's while he's away training.

The girls giggles. She shook her head. " I'll get a copy...I can sweet talk SOMEONE into looking for it."

" Oh, crafty Princess Bra," one girl teased.


All the men around adore you

That sexy look will do wonders for you


Bra listened to her NEW Nipple Twister CD. She had been able to convince Trunks into getting it for her. She fixed up her dress and grinned like a Cheshire cat. It took some work but she had managed to catch the interest of a list of guys to take her to the dance...or at least dance with her. Skippy, however, would be picking her up.

Downstairs, Vegeta scowled at the front door. Bulma shook her head. " Vegeta, PLEASE be nice to this one. We don't want Bra missing out on her best moments because her daddy keeps scaring people off."

" Boys today only want two things from pretty rich girls."

I don't think anyone is after her title. No one even knows what a Saiyajin is."

" You're being stupid on purpose, Onna." He scowled at her. " I MEAN sex and money@ Bra comes from a very wealthy family and IS rather beautiful...not to mention you two conning me into letting her wear that teddy to the dance."

" It's a dress."

" It's a honeymoon nightie!"

" Oh, Vegeta."

" You think I don't notice all the guys eyeing her up? Undressing her with her eyes...which won't be hard in that thing. You think I don't notice? I do! Blew up a car the other day when some skank old man made a pass at her."

Bulma chuckled. Vegeta opened the door before Skippy could even knock. He gulped at the sight of a very muscular mean looking man with the face of a stone gladiator. Bulma intercepted, " Skippy! Bra will be down in a minute."

" Thank you, Ma'am." He stammered. Vegeta smirked and put a heavy hand on Skippy's shoulder. " Come with me, Boy. We're gonna go over some rules."

Skippy gulped but did as he was told. Vegeta held him against the wall, " Okay...I understand that I can't order you not to touch. Dancing it kinda hard without it. SO, handholding, I'll allow. No kissing....don't put your hands anywhere you wouldn't dare put them on me...and no sex. Disobey me and I'm gonna do something to you." He smirked, " And I'm not quite sure what...since everyone....always...does...what...I....say."

Skippy paled. He then noticed Bra coing downstairs, " HI!"

" Daddy, you're not giving him the " Everyone always does what I say Speech are you?"

" Male bonding, Sweetie." Vegeta said gently to his daughter. She hugged him.

" I'm ready Skippy," Bra bounced.

" NOT without a shaw."


" Vegeta....the dress will stay on. I promise," Bulma chimed in. " We made her run laps in it to be sure, remember?"

Vegeta frowned and blushed.

" THANKS, PAPA!" Bra came over and kissed his cheek before running out the door.


Love is all around no need to waste it

You can have the town, why don't you take it

You're gonna make it after all

You're gonna make it after all

" Trunks! Give it to me!"

Trunks ran through the halls, holding a diary up over his head. " Oh, STU! Your hair is SO lovely and your eyes....oh how enchanting!" He teased.

"TRUNKS!" Bra chased him about the house, and into the den where she jumped over the couch and tackled her big brother, reaching for her diary which was a good foot out of her reach.

" Stu...your eyes...your lips..." Trunks teased and laughed under her abuse. Tears came to his eyes from laughing so hard.

It was at that time that Vegeta came in from training. The towel hung about his shoulders. He arched a brow at the two."

" Bra...try not to kill it. You're mother is quite fond of it for some reason." Vegeta said suddenly.

Bra smirked, " I think we need to tie it up in the backyard and shoot it."

" Maybe tomorrow, Princess. Trunks is doing dishes tonight."

"DAD!" Trunks protested.

" And taking out the garbage."

Bra chuckled and grabbed the diary, getting up. " Stop touching my STUFF, Trunks!"

" Hey! You always got to touch MY stuff!"

" Noy your DIARY!"

" I don't HAVE one!"

Vegeta rolled his eyes, " I think our lives are so unbelievble...if anyone read our experiences, they'd make a tv series out of it."

Trunks smirked and stood proud, using an announcer voice, " The BRIEF BOYS! In today's episode...we find our heros facing the despicable..."

" Trunks..." Vegeta warned. He then eyed the diary, " Let me see."


" There isn't anything in there I shouldn't see, is there?"

" LOTS!" Bra hissed and held the book protectively. Vegeta held out a hand.

" NO!" She shouted, " It's GIRL stuff! You don't need to see it! Make-up, fashion styles, hair products, menstrual cycles...NOT for you!"

Vegeta blinked, " You're's not for me."

" Besides, he may fid out about..." Trunks chimed in...then sighed amorously, " ....STU..."

" TRUNKS!" Bra shouted.

Vegeta whacked him upside the head. " Kncok it off,'re freaking me out."

Bra sighed, " These are just my hopes and dreams and fantasies, Papa. Trunks is just being a pain."

He glanced at him, " Trunks...Gravity"

"HEY! I didn't do anything wrong!"

" She gets ME in trouble too!" Vegeta replied. " She's the one Bulma made me take with me places. Informer." He pushed Trunks out of the room, leaving Bra to hug her diary " ...ah...Stu."


Love is all around no need to waste it

You can have the town, why don't you take it

You're gonna make it after all

You're gonna make it after all


Bra was laying across her father while he was resting in bed. He was watching some action movie...and Bra was filing her nails.

" Papa...can I tell Goku, and Goten, and Gohan and Pan what to do?"

He glanced at her, " Of course, Princess."

" Trunks?"

" Maybe."

" So they have to listen to me?"

" They're supposed to. You're a Saiyajin Princess after all. But, don't expect it. Kakkarrot never listens to me."

Bra chuckled, " Gues Capsule Corp is kinda like a palace. Did you ever wear a crown?"

He blinked, " No...just a baby cap when I was born. My father thought it looked stupid and never made me wear it again."

" What was Grampa like?"

" An amazing man. He was everything I wanted to be when I was a child."

Bra nodded, " You're more powerful than he is now, aren't you?"

He nodded, " Yeah. He somehow knew I would be."

"Think he'd be proud of me?"

He arched a brow, " Well, YOUR worth would not be determined by how well you train. So winning his approval would be easier for you You're beautiful and sassy and that's worth a lot in a Saiyajin girl."

" Has to be," She replied. " It's not esy to get my way...but I do it without the aid of ki blasts and frying pans."

He chuckled this time. " Then, you are, by far, the mightiest of Saiyajins, Princess."

Brak smirked, reaching over to pat his chest, " Good Daddy."

Both chuckled as Vegeta nodded. " Yes, Bra. Surely, the mightiest of all Saiyajins."