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If My Sister's in Trouble

Do you ever feel it

When people get unkind

You can hear it in their voices

They got poison on their mind

Though ignorance should never be excused

I'll do my best to shake off their attitude

I'm walkin' away again

But there's on thing

That will make me take a stand


Hiei walked down the dark alley. He snorted at the surroundings. Why did he come back to the Ningenkai again? He closed his eyes and sighed. Oh, yes. His birthday. Well, not that he cared at all about his own birthday or how old he was. His eyes shot open. Has it been so long already?

It didn't matter. He had not concern for himself in birthday matters. But, Yukina on the other hand...she had blabbered about the event. Everyone wanted to throw her a little party and shower her with praise. Such a stupid ningen activity. long as she smiled, he was happy with it. She had no clue he was coming. That would be his gift to have taken the time out of his stuck-up life to wish her a happy birthday.

He chuckled inwardly. He cared a lot more than he let on and really did want to wish her sincere wishes. She seemed to happy here....WHY, he didn't know and couldn't understand. But, he knew she was in good hands here. Genkai would keep an eye on her. Without Genkai, that...stupid stupid ningen would keep an eye on her. He so disliked the idea. But, in his defense... =EEK! I shall NEVER say that aloud!= he did care about Yukina and he would do all in his power to protect her. The thought almost made him gag.

Worse came to worse, there was Kurama, Yusuke and Botan who could be there in a short amount of time. Kurama was able to get a hold of him if something was dreadfully wrong. After all, he didn't go through the pain and torture of getting this damn jagan for nothing!

He felt warm at the idea of sitting in Genkai's house. He disliked crowds but he, though he wouldn't admit, enjoyed the company of his very odd crew. He growled. Yes, EVEN Kuwabara. No matter, it couldn't be helped. Even if Kuwabara didn't do something to piss him off, Yusuke would instigate and infer to the relationship, making Hiei go wide-eyed.

He walked on, following that warm feeling. It often led him to where he wanted to be. However, he heard a can being kicked. Normally, he'd ignore it, but that warm feeling was interrupted by a chill, making him turn around.

" Hey, Shorty. It's dangerous to be out here all by oneself." A tattered man rasped. Hiei snorted, " Hn, exactly."

" Mouthy too. Why dontcha come and keep a brotha company?"

Hiei growled, " You're not my brother. Nor do I want to be your company."

With that, he turned. The man staggered closer, " But, I'm lonely, Brotha. Keep me...a little company?"

Hiei gritted his teeth. He didn't have time for this mess at his current pace. He didn't want to be in a hurry and show up too soon. But this ningen was seriously beginning to bug him. However, he took a deep breath and seemed to vanish. It left the old homeless drunk in a daze. Hiei smiled down at him from the roof of the nearby building.

" Ah, much better."


If My sister's in trouble

I will always help her out

If my sister's in trouble

I will turn the world around

I will fight for her right

No matter where the problem seems to lie

If my sister's in trouble so am I

If my sister's in trouble so am I

So am I


Yukina was outside very early the next morning. The sun had just barely peeked over the horizon and the dew was heavy and cold. She took in a deep breath and let out a high-pitched sigh. Everything smelled so fresh and clean in the morning. The birds singing in the trees and the strange harmony between night and dark in the was magic.

She smiled brightly. She knew everyone would be there that evening to spend the weekend celebrating her birthday. A sudden meow made her glance down at a little black and grey speckled kitten.

" Hello, Koneko," she partially knelt down and pat the wet kitten on the head. It mewed at her. " Have you come to wish my a happy birthday too?" She smiled and chuckled inwardly. " My friends say they're going to throw me a party."

The cat mewed as if it understood. She smiled and knelt closer, holding a hand to cup the side of her mouth and whispered, " But you know what I'd REALLY like for my birthday?"

It mewed.

" I'd want to find my brother...and wish him a happy birthday too." It mewed and then ran off. Yukina stood straight up and watched as the kitten climbed the wall and into the street. " Koneko! Stop!"

She ran out, pushing past the gates of Genkai's property and into the street, chaing the kitten. It stopped in an alleyway and mewed allowing her to kneel down and pick it up.

" It isn't safe to run around in the streets, Koneko," she cooed, making the kitten purr. She huggled it and stroked its wet fur.

" You should take your own advice, Sister."

Yukina gasped and released the kitten. She stood up and stepped back as the stranger came out of the shadows. He was a filthy man, missing teeth with matted hair under a wool cap. Gloves with the fingers cut out and a tattered jacket.

" It's not safe to be running into the street," he repeated her. He ran over and grabbed her wrist as she screamed.

" Now, now, don't make a fuss, Sister. Give over your goods."

He pulled at her kimono, causing her tear gem to be exposed. His eyes flashed as he yanked it from her.

" Not that!" she screamed, trying to grab it back. She was answered with a hard slap and being thrown to the road.

" It can't be. I've never seen..." he narrowed his eyes at her. " This will make me wealthy beyond my wildest dreams, sweetheart. Where'd you get it?"

" It's my mother's! Give it back!" She demanded. He only laughed at her.

" Either your mother was a very lucky woman...or you' of...those. What are they called....koorime? Ice maidens?" He grabbed her again.

" I'll be taking this, Sweetie....let's see...what else you got?"

" Nothing!" Yukina yelled, trying again in vain to grab for her tear gem.

" Then, I'll just have to find something of value to take. What else do Koorime have?"

He snapped his fingers and placed the gem in his pocket, grabbing both of Yukina's wrists, " I got just the thing..."


All across the land

Young people are walkin' blind

But when the heat comes down

I'll be standin' by your side.

Cause I am there for you

Like you are there for me

Nothin' feels as good as a sister's loyalty

I'm talkin' about family

And what my sister means to me


The group chatted amongst each other as they headed up to Genkai's doorway. They stopped in their tracks to see baskets full of gems on the porch...Genkai bringing out another heavy basket full.

" Genkai?!" Yusuke gasped, " What the hell..."

" I have to put them somewhere, Yusuke. I'll get flooded out with them."

" Yukina-san!" Kuwabara called, running in, only to be tripped by the tiny old hag.

" Leave her alone, Kuwabara. She's had an unfortunate day." She sighed,

" And hasn't stopped crying since. Whoever started this mess surely made a quick zillion off of her."

" Looks like enough tear gems to forever end world hunger and poverty," Kurama remarked, stepping in past Genkai. She let him pass, knowing him as the most sensitive of the lot. He found her in her room knelt in a corner sobbing with all the force she could. Gems fell from her face into the bushel basket held under her. Genkai wasn't one for collecting, but if she left her unattended, she'd be, as she said, flooded out, or trip and break her neck on those little marble-sized gems.

" Yukina."

She hid her face.

" What happened? Who did this to you?"

She grabbed at the empty place in her chest where the gem normally rested and turned away. It was gone and her kimono was torn. But, no serious injuries physically. Genkai was good at this.

" Yukina, please calm down. I know you must feel horrible, but let me make you some herbal tea and figure this out, okay? We'll get through this."

Yukina sniffled, a few gems fell from her face.

He helped her up and walked her into the den where he was as good as his word, making her some lemon herbal tea with honey and setting it before her. She was silent, however, sniffling and letting one or two gems fall every few seconds.

The only sound was the thump of boots outside. The others went wide-eyed, except for Kuwabara. THIS was NOT going to be good. Yukina opened her eyes as Hiei came in. She slammed down her tea and ran to him, dropping to her knees and grabbing onto his clpak and burying her face into his middle. The tear gems formed and rolled off the material and onto the floor. He was surprised and was silent and still for a moment as she sobbed heavily.

" What....the....f..."

" Uhm, konbanwa, Hiei," Kurama smiled weakly. " How was your trip?"

Hiei's eyes narrowed and he lifted Yukina's head. She wouldn't open her eyed. He had seen the baskets of gems outside and eyed Genkai evilly. She was well aware of it.

" Don't look at me like that, Hiei. I'd never do a thing like that."

" Yukina, come sit here. Everything will be..."

" DON'T PITY ME!!!!" She suddenly screamed atop her lungs, casting tearful and red angry eyes at them. She locked them with Hiei, " Kill him! He took EVERYTHING from me! EVERYTHING!!!"

" You're in hysterics," Yusuke uttered, " Calm down."

" NO! I've never been so VIOLATED! NEVER like THIS!" She stood up and grabbed Hiei by his scarf, " I want you to KILL him!!!"

Hiei was wide-eyed and, in all honesty, a little afraid...scratch that...very afraid of his sister's rage. He placed his hands on her shoulders and eyed the group, " Excuse us. I'll try to calm her down."

" Bullshit," Yusuke whispered under his breath.

" Shouldn't we go after Shorty to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid?" Kuwabara asked after Hiei and Yukina stepped outside. Kurama shook his head and sipped his tea.

" Hiei's actions are not our responsibility. We can't keep taking it. There are reprocussions for our actions and Hiei must accept that."

" He could do some serious damage, Kurama." Yusuke chimed in.

" He's right. I personally....want him to kill him too." Genkai said flatly. Everyone eyed her. She snorted, " No one should rob a woman of her dignity and personal space. It's one thing if she were simply robbed, but she was violated. And I believe he deserves everything he gets."

" I agree," Kurama whispered. " It's wrong and the choice is soley Hiei's. He may decide not to kill him. He knows he'd spend the rest of his life in a Rekiai prison cell if he killed him. But, if he doesn't do something...I will. I won't kill, but I can sure make him wish I did."


If my sister's in trouble

I will always help her out

If my sister's in trouble

I will turn the world around

I will fight for her right

No matter where the problem seems to lie

If my sister's in trouble so am I

If my sister's in trouble so am I

So am I


Outside, Hiei embraced Yukina tightly and kissed her temple. She let out a squeak as she tried to hold back her tears.

" have to get yourself together," he said simply. His expression was masked. " You can't let him win. You're stronger than this."

" He took everything, Hiei-Chan," she said quietly.

" I'll get it back, Yukina. I'll get back everything I can that you've lost."

She peered into his face and smiled. " You'll do it, won't you? I don't want him to do this to anyone else."

He smiled and hugged her. He kissed her a few times, " I swear he'll never hurt anyone else. I'll personally see to it, Yukina. But,'s your birthday. You should be happy."

" How can I be happy when he..."

He brought his finger to her lips to shush her. He smiled and pulled off his band, exposing his jagan.

" I'll make it go away, Yukina. I'll give you back what is deep inside you...and heal those emotional and mental scars."

She was surprised but bowed her head as Hiei embraced her. While tracing her memory, he was able to see in the greatest detail...even feel what she had experienced. He almost crushed her with the pain he felt deep within himself. He loosened his grip and felt a tear fall from his face. He became aware of it swiftly and caught the black gem before it went noticed. How graceful. She hadn't noticed.

He thought a moment about ripping away the memory that she had a brother. So she'd never think of looking for him again. Never worry about who he was....or that he even existed. However, just as he was about to touch the issue, he closed his =I don't want her to forget me....why?=

He replaced those horrible memories of the morning's events with happy ones. Erased those evil thoughts and replaced them with false events. Waking up and seeing the kitten....and then filling in those voids with chasing the kitten into a field in the corner of Genkai's property and chasing butterflies. Another memory...that rough and tumble touch...he replaced it with an early evening falsehood. Allowing the memory of Kuwabara grabbing her and playing rough...but instead of pain, replacing it with a horribly wild tickling match. =Kuwabara brings her comfort...I'll let her have it=

He finished up with what he had hoped would have happened. A simple chatting of the group inside with him coming in...and having her so surprised and happy to see him...not ven giving him a chance to come inside, but tackling him onto the porch to hug him. And he closed his jagan, releasing her from his was done.

She opened her eyes and glanced up at him with a wide beaming smile, " Why didn't you tell me you were coming, Hiei-Chan?"

" I wanted it to be a surprise, Yukina." He smiled, cleverly placing his hands in his pockets....and hiding his tear gem in one.

" Come inside. We're having tea."

" I can't just yet, Hon. I have a very special gift for you."

" Hiei-Chan, you didn't have to get me anything," she got all teary-eyed again. He gasped and patted her cheeks which took her by surprise and made her begin to laugh.

" I can't give it to you right now though. I need to go get it and I'll give it to you when the time is right."

She nodded. " I understand."

" You might want to go back inside. They're waiting for you." He tapped her shoulder, " If they act all gloomy, it's because Kurama told a really sad story. Leave it Kurama to tell a tear-jerker and adrenaline-pumping yarn." Yukina looked confused but then smiled, " Oh yes. What was it about again?" She thought, " One of his adventures as a Youko. He should write storybooks with all his tales."

Hiei nodded as Yukina skipped inside and bounced into her seat and sipped her tea, " Do go on, Kurama."

" Nani?" Kurama seemed confused and peered out the door to see Hiei wink and then vanish. Kurama smiled.

" What was I doing again?"

" Telling us an emotion-packed adventure story about you as a Youko." The others eyed Yukina curiously and then Kurama. He snapped his fingers, " Oh, yes! Well, I was saying. I....uhm....wanted to avange her death so...I took my stance and ordered my band to go on ahead while I settled the score. Out I pulled rose whip and taunted the beast..."


I'm talkin' about family

And what my sister means to me

If my sister's in trouble

I will always help her out

If my sister's in trouble

I will turn the world around

I will fight for her right

No matter where the problem seems to lie

If my sister's in trouble so am I

If my sister's in trouble so am I

So am I


Hiei went like lightening, keeping his jagan peered for that bastard. He didn't care if he were put in jail and tortured every day with a cattle prod in the groin...he was gonna kill that motha.....

He stopped and looked around. He was nearby. He peered from the roof to see the disgusting man...he could feel his horrible spirit. He stunk. He had just exited the pawn shop. He was trying to get some cash for Yukina's tear gems no less. Hiei followed slowly and stalked, despite his desire to just run out and rip him to shreds.

He entered an abondoned building. Probably some wine-o or drug house. Ningens sure had stupid hobbies. He waited for a good 15 minutes before entering through the front door. Disgusting.

He could smell the sex in the air. Some make-shift whore house? He glanced aside to see the unshy couples. Some in the corners, some right there on the floor and some beside the stairs. Drugs, Sex, and Alcohol. Gee, the perfect frat party. He rolled his eyes and stepped over the half-clothed couple at his feet.

A man wearing gold rings approached him, " You're new here, aintcha?"

Hiei eyed him and didn't answer.

" I'll fix ya up. Whatcha needin? I'll even give you a newbie special. Your pick of the ladies of the house. First 4 drinks half priced and a free joint. Ladies...I'll drop off 30% cuz you look like someone who has an expensive taste."

Hiei lunged out and grabbed him, " Fifteen minutes ago, a man came through that door. Disgusting"

" Oh!" The pimp gasped, making Hiei release him and brushed that fur scarf....Hiei could tell it was fake. " You must mean Waldo. Says he came into some cash. Paid his debt and decided to treat himself with the most expensive stuff we got."

" Where is he? I appointment." His voice was whispery and very predatorial...unfortunately sending the wrong message to the pimp. " Didn't know Waldo was into that kind of thing. But, when you're as messed up as he is...must not matter if it's man or woman." He pulled down his sunglasses, " Unless you just provide better service..."

" Nani? I'm not here to put out. I'm here to take."

" Dominant type...I like it. You'll find him upstairs. Fourth door on the right."

Hiei was gone in an instant to that exact location, beating down the door and finding him with a woman in each arm and three more at his feet.

" Yo, Brotha, wait yer turn. I got this room for the night."

" I'm not looking for a room. I'm looking for you. Are you Waldo?"

Honestly, Hiei didn't even have to ask. He recognized him...his smell, his face...everything from Yukina's former memories. He eyed the girls. " Half-naked ningen women...beat it."

They eyed him with confusion. Some still continued to tend to Waldo while one of the smaller women...moreso tiny width-wise than length...young lady...perhaps just hitting her mid teens...began to rub up on Hiei and caress him.

He growled and eyed her angrily. He had no qualms with any of these prostitutes. Nor was he crazy about having to break a young woman's neck needlessly.

" You have a nice body," the woman whispered in his ear. She had knelt before him and groped him through his pants and felt up his chest under his cloak. He hadn't made a single move or reaction, simply watched her. He figured if he stayed a bee, she'd lose interest and go away. Young and determined he figured.

" Hn," he narrowed his eyes. She smiled and nuzzled under his scarf to kiss his neck.

" Oh hell," Waldo laughed. " I'll treat ya this time, Stranger....sit beside me and we talk while we be fixed."

Hiei pulled away and grabbed the woman gentle and pushed her aside. " I'm not here for sex. To afford all of must have come into some really big money." A pause. " And fast as you didn't even purchase some nice clothes or take bath."

Waldo laughed, " Fast and lucky money. I got somethin' that no one else be gettin'."

" Hn. And what...that be....Homme?"

" Koorime tears, My Brotha." Waldo smiled.

" Really, how did you aquire such an item?" Hiei beat around the bush, wanting so badly to be fueled by Waldo's lack of remorse. He would be as gory as possible...blood-thirsty.

" Found her this morning." He patted one of the girls on the back, " Showed her a good time and she repaid me with a large bag full of tear gems."

" BAKA!" Hiei glanced and the women, " If you value anything in your lives, SCRAM!"

They looked at Waldo, " You know you're still paying full price." From the older woman. They all got up and began to walk out. The woman that had been trying to arouse Hiei threw up her arms, " I'm never going to get this! He's gonna throw me on the street for sure!"

After they left, Waldo sat up...boxers his only cover, " Man, you owe me big time. What do you want?!"

" I want the tear gems."

" Go get your own!"

" I don't NEED my own!" Hiei snapped. He was brave and held up his own tear gem. Waldo eyed it with confusion.

" How'd it turn black?"

" I'm tainted blood, WALDO. I'm koorime too....just like her...half and half...koorime and fire Ever see the tear gem of the male Koorime, Waldo?"

" Can't say that I have," He was beginning to get nervous.

" Most people think there's no such thing. There is....may not be pure-blooded....but he's still male koorime. Had he been female, he'd cry those lovely aqua gems....being born male....the color changes. Must be a...hormonal thing I suppose. Something about the whole gender thing. I'm not really a big lover of genetics."

" What are you getting at?"

" Male koorime tear gems...are black. Perhaps because males are cursed. Born between a koorime and a male of some other sort. That's forbidden. Perhaps the black color represents that it just shouldn't happen. Poor breeding can lead to behavioral problems."

" So, you're half koorime. So what? What would your gems be worth?"

" Depends. Some might think they are worth nothing....just like me. Some might consider them twice as valuable as female tears."

Waldo's attention was 100% on Hiei now.

" I'd guess so only because Koorime tears...female...are very rare. They normally don't cry. Koorime tears....male...are even more rare. Halfbreeds are uncommon....even rarer still is the birth of a male...who survives past infancy into childhood....long enough to produce his own tears. Survivers of exile are very strong, Waldo. Very ruthless. The world they were born into has turned their backs on they turn their backs on everyone else...and turn off everything that makes them civilized in any way that could be even remotely considered ningen-like. Females...don't cry often. Males....almost never. It takes a cold day in Hell to make a male cry."

" And that yours?" Waldo asked.

" Indeed. Do you know why I broke that never cry?"

" Lay it on me." Waldo laughed. If it were true that Hiei's tears were more valuable, he wanted to know how to obtain more of them.

" Koorime...I suppose...are bred to be a colony...a clan. A group that is very tight-knit. Every koorime tends to look out for the other. Everyone is family. So long as you fit the basic requirements.....being are a member of that clan...that family...and everyone within knows who you are...your strengths...weaknesses. Koorime unfortunately don't have a lot of fighting in their blood. Not to say none...just not a lot. Rather run than fight. But, it's just an innate nature to have concern for family."

" What's your point?"

" Even though I male....I still have that bond and respect for my clan...and my family. Perhaps not from it...but for it. I can't even remember when and if I've ever cried my birth. But I don't count that. That's a given. Didn't even cry when I found my mother had passed away. Why? I knew she loved me, despite the whole exile thing. She gave me one of her own tear gems to prove it. She cried for me, Waldo."


" She cried for me...because she knew I could be severely hurt in the Makai....perhaps even killed. To think that someone could hurt me....and she would never be there to protect me...that made her cry."

" So?" Waldo repeated, getting impatient.

" I didn't cry exactly....but I wanted to." He held up the black tear gem again, " This is only a few hours old, Waldo. I cried because someone hurt my family...and I wasn't there to protect her."

Waldo's eyes got wide. Hiei put the gem back in his pocket, " This morning, my sister was raped and she was robbed of her tear gems...the ones she cried...and the one about her neck...a gift from our mother. You might recognize it, Waldo." He pulled out his own tear gem...the one his mother had given him and dangled it, never removing it from his neck. " It looked like this. There were two. Mine...and hers...from our mother. But, y'know, it's not the tear gem thing that bothers me. I honestly expect a lot of people want to steal our precious treasure....I've even met people who try to steal her freedom. But, she has a strong spirit. She had a lot of pride...a lot of dignity and a purity. She was a maiden."

Hiei paused and grew an angry expression, " With my own powers, I was able to get back her dignity and pride...things you also stole from her...easy to replace with what I got...for her. But, you stole her innocence...and her virginity. Her innocence I can't heal 100%. I can only treat it. And I can never give her back her virginity...and neither can you. I want the gems, Waldo...and then I want you to die."

Waldo leapt to his feet, " Bullshit! That Koorime was your sister?!"

" Why else would you find one small area? I will never forgive you. She specifically asked me to kill you, y'know. It hurt me to hear her say those words. She's usually telling me not to be so violent." He shook his head, " I guess she really hates you. And I want her to I'm going to give my sister what she asked for."

" Hey, whoa...wait a minnit!" Waldo pleaded.

" But, how do I do it, Waldo? Do I use my bare hands? Do I use fire? Do I use Kokoryuha? Do I use my sword? Or do I use my jagan? OH there are so many choices. I just can't decide what would be the most delicious to satisfy my blood-thirsty taste."

" Dude..."

" Oh, what the hell. Ningens aren't worth the extra effort. I'll just use my hands. Might as well make myself as guilty as possible."


Sister, talkin' bout my sister

My sister

You're in trouble

So am I, ooh, yeah

Talkin' about family


Hiei lunged forward and grabbed Waldo, slamming him against the wall and began to beat him miserably. He growled and spat out horrible things to him in the Koorime language just to spite. For an overall gentle species, they had some ruthless and vile words. Hiei was suddenly however, knocked back.

" What the..."

Waldo staggered forward and began to...change shape? A brick colored tail sprouted as well as a muzzle and horns. His eyes became dark and two boney shoulder blades pushed through his skin.

" You've caused me enough problems, Girly-Man," Waldo growled in a deeper voice. Hiei's eyes went wide and then he began to whoop and laugh.

" What's so damn funny?!"

" You're a YOUKAI!!!! WHOO-HOO!" It seemed as if Hiei had gone insanely mad, laughing and cheering. " Youkai! Youkai! Youkai! Arigatou, Kami!!!!!! YOUKAI!!!"

" Nande?"

" That means my ass ISN'T going to a Reikai prison! And I can be as creative as I please in killing you!"

" You are the one to be killed, Girly-Man"

" Give me the gems and I might be merciful....and I stress MIGHT."

" I've earned them."

" Then you've earned my wrath."

Hiei and Waldo began a horrible battle of the demons. He so badly wanted to use Kokoryuha...but he didn't want to waste six hours sleeping away Yukina's birthday. Oh well, guess that meant Hiei got to use his sword. He even transformed out of spite to intimidate his enemy. Waldo was indeed intimidated.

" You have mastered the jagan's powers."

" Indeed."

Hiei didn't let him carry on the conversation any longer. Boy, Yusuke wasn't kidding when he said it was annoying. Hiei almost felt really stupid for doing such a thing in the first place. Talk talk talk...doesn't he ever shut up?!

He summoned up a ball of fire and tossed it, sending Waldo out the window and into the street. Merciless battle finally won Waldo's death. Hiei began to search the body until he finally found the small bag of gems. Unfortunately he had aroused the interest of the entire house. Half-dressed ningens and the pimp were outside watching him.

Hiei approached the pimp, handing him one of Yukina's tear gems, "A trade. One gem to trade...and find a better lifestyle.....for one of your gold chains."

The pimp didn't even have to think about it. Waldo already gave him one tear gem as payment for his services....the one Hiei offered meant he didn't have to work for the rest of his life. He handed Hiei the gold chain with a smile....and an offer for any woman he chose.

Hiei examined them. They were all older women...well past the legal ningen ages....WAY past. Lucky old women...of course...they were all babies compared to him. Not a woman at all under 30....except one.

" Her," Hiei pointed to the young teenage girl.

" Sixteen? She's a good choice."

" I don't want her here. I'm taking her."

" She's yours."

Hiei walked with Sixteen for a long time down the empty streets. She eyed him and rubbed her hands over her bare arms.

" Couldn't you have chosen a warmer place to do this?"

" I'm not having sex with you."

" Then...why...?"

" What is your name?"

Sixteen stammered about, wondering if she should answer, " It's...Chandra."

" Where are you from?"

" Kyoto. Why?"

Hiei smiled at her. " You're a long way from home."

" Yeah."

" Dirty profession for a little girl."

" Well, when you're poor and hungry and homeless...."

Hiei silenced her and put an arm about her. She gave a little gasp. She seemed so intent on sleeping with him. But Hiei had made it very plain that it was never happening. He led her, however, to a McDonalds. Kurama had taken him to one of these a few times before. He purchased her a meal and sat her in one of the farthest booths.

" Why are you here?"

" My family hates me." She said sadly.

" Is that so? What makes you say that?"

" They're always nagging and telling me I can't do anything."

" Can't do anytyhing?"

" Can't go see my friends....can't go to parties...can't date...can't do anything fun."

" Perhaps," Hiei smiled, " It's because the fun things are just not meant to be fun very long. You disobeyed them. I can tell you that I can see that you have no are the party favor and not a guest...and no man will ever take you seriously in your profession. Dates are meant to find a partner for life...not the next hour. Do you find this misery to be any fun?"

" Not...really." She became silent a while and then glanced at him, " If you don't want to sleep with me, why did you buy me?"

" I bought your freedom...not you. How is your mother reacting?"

Chandra lowered her head, " I guess...she's probably crying night and day worrying about me."

" Then why don't you go home?"

" I...can't." Chandra became teary eyed...and suddenly put down her burger and began to cry. Hiei sat back and waited patiently, letting her get it out...sure she'd not been allowed to cry without punishment for a while.

After several minutes, he removed his cloak and handed it to her. " It's cold outside."

" Won't you be cold?"

" Cold is a part of me." He smiled at her and walked her out. She wrapped his cloak about her and walked with him, " Where are we going?"

" Bus station."

" Why?"

" So, you can go home." A brief pause. " A little advice, Chandra...."

" Yes?"

" Families can be annoying sometimes, but always remember that there are people without parents and would give anything to have someone to fuss over them...a mother to be overprotective...and a father."

" I...suppose."

" I've been around a long time. I can just barely remember my mother. She was in my life about...oh...a day at the most. Not her fault. I don't blame her."

Chandra reached over and took the gem in her hand, " This was hers?"

" Yep." He took it back. " Families are supposed to be annoying. That's why they're our family. But, they do what they do because the love you and don't want to see anything bad happen to you."

Chandra blushed, " You'd make a good father. You're very caring and protective."

Hiei was a little surprised and blushed a little. " I have enough on my plate as it is."

" You have kids?"

" No." He smiled. " I...have a little sister."

" She's lucky to have you."

Hiei chuckled, " Maybe."

Chandra took up her ticket and returned Hiei's cloak and hugged him. " You're like the big brother I've never had. She's really lucky to have you there to take care of her."

" I know," he whispered. " She kinda takes care of me too."

" Keeps you in line?"

" That's her job." He began to laugh. " Get on that bus before I throw you in."

Chandra smiled and waved as she took her place on the bus. Hiei waited until it had departed before turning around. " Now, for Yukina..."


I will be there

If you're in trouble

Reach out your hand

I'll help you, Sister

I will be there

If you're in trouble

Reach out your hand

Call on me, Sister


Everyone at Genkai's was about plastered to the table or floor, ready to pass out from boredom. All except for Yukina and Kurama. Yukina was squealing with excitement and bouncing about as Kurama acted out his great adventures with dramatic effects and emphasis.

"...But, we were all surrounded and there was no place to go."

" What about Rose Whip?!" Yukina asked.

" Alas, there was not enough space to use Rose I summoned another weapon....THORN SWORD!"

" Bullshit," Yusuke muttered.

" I've never seen Thorn Sword," Botan finally spoke. Kurama smiled and pulled out a rose, giving it a shake and forming a lovely blade. It looked so sweet to even the touch.

" How beautiful," Yukina smiled, reaching forward to touch the blade.

" Indeed." Kurama replied. " ...And there was no way out. I summoned Thorn Sword and cut my way here....and there...and take this...and that!"

The door opened, starlting everyone.

" Hiei!" Yusuke cheered, " About damn time. If I have to hear ONE more of Kurama's stories....I'm going to hit him so would kill YOU!"

Kurama let out a laugh. He had gone on for several hours and everyone had just about had enough. Youko had far too many adventures to tell them all. Yukina cheered and ran to Hiei giving him a kiss on the cheek and then dragging him in and throwing him in the place beside her.

She sat down and smiled, " Hiei-chan, I missed you."

" Indeeed. Wasn't there something you wanted?" Hiei already knew from his probing before what Yukina wanted. However the poor girl looked confused, " I don't think so. Didn't you have something for me?"

" I did." He pulled out her tear gem necklace and put it around her neck.

" Oh! Where'd you find it!"

" In....the garden. I suppose you dropped it while playing in the flowers this morning."

" Oh, thank you, Hiei-Chan." She felt so warm with that smile. Hiei glanced at the table and then up at her, " Yukina...I have something else."

" Yes?"

Hiei pulled out the gold chain....a black tear gem fastened onto it. Again, he placed around her neck.

" Hiei-chan...what is this?"

" Mine."

She examined it and rolled the gem about in her fingers. " It's beautiful."

He nodded and pulled his own necklace from under his cloak, " Doesn't quite have the same effect as Mom's, does it?"

Yukina grabbed him and kissed him all over his face, " I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!"

The others smiled with "awwwww"'s as Yukina tackled, glomped and pounced all over Hiei. Kuwabara scratched his head, " How did I never notice?"

" We'll explain later," Kurama beamed.

Yukina fijited and smiled, " I'm so happy. I think...I'm..." sniffle, "going to..."

" NO!!!" Genkai shot up. " PLEASE don't cry! I've run out of SPACE!" Hiei shook his head, reminding her that Yukina had no memory of crying earlier. Yukina dismissed the comment naively.

Yusuke leaned over to Kurama, " What ARE we gonna do with all those tear gems?" He whispered.

Kurama thought a moment and smiled, " Why don't we go ahead and use them for good causes?"

" Oh, good idea," Botan smiled. " I'm sure Koenma can find thousands of places to put them to good use.

Genkai shook her head, " I saw we throw them all into the sea. No one should make a quick dollar for her tears."

Kurama bowed his head, " Indeed. Let's keep them rare. We'll throw them into the sea."

"Happy birthday, Yukina," Hiei smiled, finally getting her to calm down and hugging her. She let out a happy squeak, " Happy Birthday, Onii-chan."