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Oro-Tachi Mini-Series

1. A Friendly Surprise

Chibi Karasu and Chibi Hiei meet Chibi Karasu for the first time.

2. First Day of School

The chibis go to kindergarten for the first time and meet some new friends.

3. Swimming

Yusuke takes the chibis to the lake to teach them how to swim in the shallows.

4. The New Kid

A new kid named Yomi just moved to town and Kurama becomes his best friend...much to the dislike of Karasu.

5. Halloween Party

The chibis go to a Halloween party and think the area is haunted.

6. Sniffles

Chibi Kurama is sick with a cold and everyone tries to make him feel better.

7. Holiday

Songfic. Lyrics by Madonna. The chibis get to put on a cute play about the holidays.

8. Valentine's Day

Love is in the air....and Hiei doesn't want it. Karasu tries to make the perfect valentine for Kurama to prove his friendship is better than Yomi's.

9. Snow Angels

The chibis play in the snow and Chibi Yukina shows off her wintery skills....everyone else just gets snowy.

10. The Bullies

Some older kids {Toguro brothers} start picking on Karasu and really hurt his feelings. Can his friends make those meanies stop being mean?

11. Karasu's Hiccups

Karasu gets the hiccups and everyone has their own cure for them. Which one will work?

12. Flowers For Kurama-Chan

Kurama gets to make his very first garden all by himself....but nothing will grow. The chibis all try to find the perfect flowers to put in the garden to make Kurama happy.

13. Hiei-Chan's Checkup

Yusuke takes Hiei to the doctor for his checkup.

14. Mukuro's Boo Boo

Mukuro just got a brand new bike without training wheels and she wants to ride with the others. But, she falls and gets a boo boo. Hiei tries to make her feel better.

15. Cookies

The chibis' class is making cookies. But, what a disaster when none of them turn out. Who made the best cookies?

16. Koenma-Chan's Birthday Party

Koenma is having a party, but everyone gets mad at him and doesn't want to come. Will everything be all better?

17. The Mask

Karasu is taken to get his mask because his sneezes blow things up...and he doesn't want to wear it cuz he doesn't want his friends to laugh at him. But his friends make him feel better about having to wear it.

18. Hiei-Chan's Afraid of Hieghts

Yusuke makes a tree clubhouse for the chibis and is glad they enjoy it...except for Hiei-Chan who's too afraid to climb up in it.

19. Good-Bye, Yomi

Chibi Yomi is moving away. Kurama-Chan is very unhappy about it, but everyone tries to make him feel better....and Karasu tries to be the bestest friend in Kurama's life....again.

20. Can We Please NOT Eat That?

LOL...what is it with little boys wanting to eat wacky things?