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So whats the spin? The spin is a new way to look at the Christian Gothic sub-culture , illuminated by the truth. Traditionaly, and in most circles still is the notion that all Goths, including those who profess Jesus Christ as Savior, are morbid and death obsessed individuals. Gothica is not a relgion, and doesn't try to be. Goths must still chose what religion they want to follow. Their culture does not cover that area. Being Gothic can mean diferent things to diferent Goths, but in general its just an out-look on life. Gothic people realy arn't morbid, but verry serious. Thats not a bad thing either, life isn't a game, and second chances arn't common. Manny Christians are Gothic, and I think that by definition, good portions of those who wouldnt claim it are. The younger generations anny-way. Old people get set in their ways; and as I have noticed, tend to get more nieve with age. This trend is common among some of the older folks. As a result they buy into the mass media acount of what they call "Goths". This can't be held against then however, lest we be guilty of the same offences. Christians can not only be Goths, but they have a special oprotunity. They are often the only light in an especialy gloomy world. Did I just confuse the heck out of you? Try out the links below.

Christian Goth Gothic for Christ

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