Fanfics are well loved by all, including the webmistress and the manager of this page. In this section, please feel free to submit any fics of your own. There are only a few simple rules to follow.
Rules of Submitting Fanfics
- Make sure they are edited (correct spelling, grammar,punctuation, etc.)
- Any kind is acceptable (yaoi, yuri, OCs) but they MUST include Demon/Fallen Angel Digimon in some way. If not, there better be a heavy dose of angst, gore or anything else that would appeal to a site like this.
- Be patient. Your fanfics may take 2 weeks or more to be posted. We can't accept 20 fics at once and put them all up in a few days.
- Include a rating and small summary complete with warnings for violence, language, etc.
- Please add a note in the e-mail stating whether or not you want your e-mail address displayed. Also if you have a fanfiction account on another site and you want it displayed here then please include your pen name and your profile's url.
You can send fanfics to either of these addresses.
The Garden of Stone
Rating: PG
Summary: Takes place before season one. A Gargoylemon retells the crucial events in his life. This fic contains angst, mentions or mild descriptions of death, torture, and blood.
Author: Rook
E-mail: account: Alene Deirbre