1. Obey the Traditions of Caine in all things.
2. Your loyalties are as follows:
#1 The Family,
#2 Lord Christof,
#3 The Camarilla. Although they are in an order of priority, they must all be honored.
3. Unless under extreme circumstances, members of the family may only be of the following three clans: Ventrue, Tremere, or Toreador. In the case of Tremere, they must be Blood Bound to Lord Christof. Lemonts who become Lasombra, Tzimisce, or any other clan exclusive to the Sabbat are not tolerated under and circomstances.
4. The hierarchy of the Lemonts will be as follows
--Ventrue Kindred
--Tremere or Toreador Kindred
--Ghouls (Embrace candidates)
--Any Kindred of other clans
--Ghouls (Servants)
--Blood Dolls
5. Every chosen Lemont parent must have at least three children, preferably more, before they are Embraced. Out of these children, one is chosen to be the next generation's parent, and the rest are Embraced once deemed ready. In most cases this is either the first born boy or girl, in alternating order (if the father was the chosen before, then his first daughter will be the parent, and vice versa with a mother and son)
The punishment for breaking any of the above rules is determined case-by-case by The Elders of the family although violations usually mean Final Death in the case of Kindred, becoming a Blood Doll in the case of mortals, or being disowned.