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15 Memories

Chris And Me Shopping At Wal-Mart
Picked Up A Tablet And A CD Player
And 2 CDS And A Sandwhich

Mind Perfect
Thought Of Words
And Circumstances
Like Later

Brooke Jones Mentioned
Driving At Pentecostal Church

Took A Bike To Wal-Mart

Played Jim Plessinger
A Game Of Basketball

Use To Cash My Checks
At The Greenville National Bank

Clerk Used Can I Help You At The Courthouse

Sarah Used Sorry On Me At Wal-Mart

Gene Wittington Did Army Salute

Danita Asked Me If I Needed Anything

Ate At The Park With Jehova Witnesses

Dropped Off Chart At Pentecostal Church

Showed Affection Towards Cat

Mary's Kid Said Something To Me At The CAC

Ate With The Mackendowney's
At A Restaurant