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Why I Started...

In my experience with vampires, I have encountered and survived a vampire. I have always been fascinated by the idea of vampires, but never truly believed in their existence until the day I met one.

The first time I met "V" (as I will call him for now) I didn't know what he truly was. This isn't much of a surprise considering the fact that we are talking about a vampire. He appeared very pale, not sickly, but more of a creme. When we made eye contact I found that I was attracted to him. This is the part that surprised me because I was, and still am, attracted to women.

I followed him outside of the place we were at. I said the first words and then made some comment on his apparel. He noticed my sketch book that I had in my hand. (I was working on my portfolio at the time). He asked if he could see my work. Oddly, I was fascinated by him. I wanted to draw him. Then I asked him if he wanted a portrait of himself and, reluctantly, he said 'yes'. He captured my full attention by his knowledge and ideas, the conversation we had was amazing as I drew him. I must've somewhat fascinated him as well, or else I presume I would've died that night, being just another victim. When I was done, I signed the picture and handed it to him.

Luckily, it didn't end there. I found myself meeting him at that same place about once or twice a month, talking about various things. Our conversation would last for hours on end. We were so comfortable with each other, but he never told me many personal things, like family and such... it just never crossed my mind at the time.

One night, I had cut my lip from this retainer I wore when I slept (I had to wear this retainer temporarily to align my jawbone; I had injured it in a dispute). By now, my sleeping arrangements were completely off. If I were to meet him one night, I'd sleep during the day. Due to his "busy schedule" during the afternoons, I made the alternations.

I was standing outside in the parking lot of this place and he noticed that I was biting my lip (a terrible habit of mine really). After a while, it, obviously, begins to bleed. I look up and notice him looking at me, that he got quiet. I felt myself becoming nervous, feeling the attraction rising inside of me mixed with the uneasy feeling of knowing that he was a man. I tried to ignore it but then he leaned in. My breath became quick and low as he kissed me. He began kissing my lips, my face... my neck, it felt like kissing anyway, but something a lot more extreme... bliss, perhaps. Time felt flowy and I'd feel this pleasure, this sensational pleasure... and then it suddenly stopped. Withdrawal. He had pulled away from me and then I noticed a tiny drop, almost unnoticeable, of red at the corner of his lip. I had touched the area where the base of my neck and the beginning of my shoulders meet on my right side. It felt wet, slightly sticky. Before I could examine my hand, I suddenly became tired and dizzy, like I was waking up over and over again.

When I finally came to completely, I was inside of his place. He told me I had food poisoning and had passed out. He had a ride ready to take me home. Everything was still hard to concentrate on, so that's kind of blurry. I remember being escorted down the stairs by "V" and then the driver carrying me into my home.

I woke up 22 hours later, about 3 o'clock in the morning, a lot better than I was before. I tried to remember where "V" lived, a house number, a street, anything... but I was so weak and everything was so hazy that I couldn't visualize it. I haven't seen him since then. I often wondered what would have became of us if that night didn't happen. Even to this day, I find myself going to that place we first met hoping to see him...

I know that I warn many people about vampires, and I still do, but he was a very charming and kind hearted person... well, you know what I mean. I am very sorry that we had lost contact.

To those vampires like the one I had encountered... I do not warn people about you, those of you with heart, with class. I only hope that some of us matter, even if only for a second, in your long life-time of seconds...