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News Reports

"Boy Accused In Killing Wanted To Be Vampire"

Matthew Hardman was jailed for life earlier this month after being found guilty of killing 90-year-old widow Mabel Leyshon at her home in Llanfairpwll, Anglesey, north Wales.

A jury at Mold Crown Court heard how 17-year-old Hardman broke into Mrs Leyshon's home last November before stabbing her to death, cutting out her heart and drinking her blood.

The art student was obsessed with vampires and believed he could become one by blood rituals.

His solicitor Michael Strain said Hardman, who is detained at a young offenders' institution in Doncaster, is appealing against conviction.

He said: "Mr Hardman and his family were obviously very disappointed at the outcome of the trial and we have been looking at the possibilities of mounting an appeal for the past three weeks.

"We believe there are grounds for appeal and papers will be lodged with the Appeal Court before Friday."

Mr Strain refused to reveal the grounds on which the appeal would be fought but said it could be under way by next spring. He said: "A single judge will now consider whether there are sufficient grounds for appeal. We are hopeful that a hearing will be held before Christmas.

"If the judge agrees, he will grant Mr Hardman legal aid and the matter will go to a full hearing in London. That hearing, if it goes ahead, could be held next spring."

Hardman, who showed no signs of mental illness during psychological tests, has always denied any involvement in the murder.

Date: June 3, 1967
Location: New York City

Incident: At 6:00 on the morning of June 3, a police dispatcher received a desperate phone call from an unidentified man asking to send an ambulance to 33 Union Square West. Paramedics arrived and rushed to the building's sixth floor to find Andy Warhol on the floor bleeding from wounds to his neck and wrists, the apparent victim of a vampire attack. Warhol was rushed to the hospital, where he actually died twice on the operating table before being revived. He received massive transfusions of blood.

By the end of the day, Warhol was stabilized. The many members of the press swarming around the hospital were told that the artist had been stabbed by an unidentified, deranged woman.

Investigation: Meanwhile, FVZA agents descended on Warhol's apartment to conduct interviews with witnesses. Agents learned that Warhol had been bitten by a female vampire known in the Factory as "Vox Superstar." Vox was actually a mentally disturbed young woman named Olga Kulbis who had developed an unhealthy obsession with Warhol while hanging around the Factory. When Warhol, who was fascinated with vampires (he made two fiction films about them), expressed a desire to make a film starring a real vampire, Vox saw an opportunity to enter his inner circle. She began taking nightly strolls around the Port Authority, an area of the city haunted by vampires, and was eventually bitten.

A few nights after transformation, Vox visited the Factory, where her appearance scared Warhol so much that he locked himself in the bathroom. Vox eventually convinced him she meant no harm, and Warhol set up his camera and began filming. Warhol had Vox sit on a couch and speak to the camera about her state. After several hours of filming, the other Factory regulars had drifted away or fallen asleep, leaving Warhol alone with Vox. The young woman seized the opportunity and attacked Warhol, pinning him to the floor. The artist's screams roused the Factory faithful and they chased Vox onto the roof, where she leaped thirty feet across an alley to the neighboring building and fled into the night.

Over the course of the day, FVZA agents were able to trace Vox Superstar to the apartment she shared with Troy Boy, another Factory upstart. Surveillance revealed that both Vox and Troy had turned. Rather the wait for clearance to conduct a raid, FVZA officers set up a stakeout that night. When Vox and Troy emerged from the apartment, the agents struck, destroying the two vampires with precise shots from their "Migraine Mollys." The operation was carried out with the highest degree of secrecy, and the next day's newspapers attributed Warhol's injuries to a stabbing.

Story filed: 11:55 Friday 6th September 2002

Three year old shoots father because he was afraid of vampires

A three-year-old boy in Brazil shot his sleeping father because he was scared of vampires. The boy's mother has blamed a new soap opera called The Kiss of the Vampire for the incident. In the program, broadcasted by Rede Globo TV station, vampires terrorise a small town. The mother, who asked not to be identified, told Folha de SP newspaper that earlier that day her son had told her that if he ever found a vampire he would kill it.

She said: "It was a huge shock. I woke up with the noise, the bed was full of blood, and I had no idea what was going on. This is all TV's fault, they do all those shows that mess with children's heads."

The police still do not know how the three year old managed to climb to the top of the refrigerator to get the gun that belonged to his father and pull the trigger.

The bullet entered through the man's back and ended up on his left arm. He was sent to the Sao Francisco hospital where he is still being treated. His condition is not life threatening.

The police are still investigating the case, which happened in Sao Paulo.

Man uses silver dagger to 'kill' vampire mom

A man in Transylvania plunged a silver dagger into the heart of his dead mother because he thought she was a vampire.

Nicolae Mihut stabbed his own mother, Anghelina, through the heart the day before her funeral, according to reports from Romania.

It's alleged a local priest in the village in Transylvania, original home of Count Dracula, told him his dead mother showed the signs of being a vampire.

Nicoleae had earlier seen a cat jump over her coffin - a sign showing the transformation of the dead into the undead in Romanian folklore.

He also saw that his mother's lips and cheeks were tinged blood red and fearing she was still alive, called the local priest. He told the grieving son she was a vampire - and Nicolae followed local custom to ensure his mother didn't become a vampire.

Nicolae told Romania's Romnet press agency: "We know from our ancestors that when a soul doesn't leave the body of a dead person somebody has to stab that person with a silver knife in the chest or the stomach."

He added: "When the knife pierced her heart we all heard a very long sigh and the body became rigid and very pale, unlike before.

"It was terrifying but we had to do it. We were told that if we didn't release her soul she would have come back to haunt us or to even kill us."

Story filed: 07:47 Tuesday 2nd April 2002

'Vampire rapist' commits suicide in Florida jail"

A man dubbed "the Vampire Rapist" because he drank the blood of a kidnapped hitchhiker has killed himself in his prison cell.

John Crutchley, who drank the blood of a 19-year-old woman he abducted in 1985, was found early on March 30 at a correctional institute in Bowling Green with a plastic bag wrapped around his head.

Crutchley drained nearly half his victim's blood with a syringe and drank some before she escaped from his home in Malabar, 60 miles southeast of Orlando. Sentenced to 25 years in prison, Crutchley served 10 years before he was released to a halfway house in Orlando in August 1996. He was arrested the next day when state probation officials said he tested positive for marijuana. He received a life sentence after that violation.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has launched an investigation into his death.

Story filed: 17:17 Sunday 17th February 2002

Vampire attacks increase in Colombian capital

Police say up to 50 groups of human vampires are operating in the Colombian capital Bogota.

They dress in black and drink brandy mixed with human blood. They usually obtain human blood from contacts in transfusion centres or buy animal blood from city abattoirs.

But police say groups of vampires have recently begun stopping passers-by at gunpoint and forcing them to bare their necks. The vampires then pierce their vein with a razor and take it in turns to drink their blood.

A police spokesperson said it is difficult to prosecute the groups because witnesses are afraid to come forward. Victims are also worried people will think they are crazy if they report the attacks.

The authorities say they can't do anything about the vampires without hard evidence and Colombia's freedom of religion laws mean the police can't stop and search people just because they are dressed like vampires.

Interpol official Juan Prieto told newspaper El Espectador that he was worried that vampire numbers were increasing. Mr Prieto said vampires could be responsible for several unsolved murders in Bogota, adding: "But we have a problem proving it."

Story filed: 10:53 Monday 7th January 2002

Man accused of killing woman who 'turned into vampire'

A man allegedly stabbed a woman in the heart because he thought she'd turned into a vampire.

Romanian Ion Ionescu had been paid to watch the woman during the night after she suffered a stroke.

The Evenimentul Zilei newspaper reports 36-year-old Ionescu, from Herendesti in Timis county, had been frightened because the woman looked like a vampire. He's reported to have said the 73-year-old woke from a coma and went after him.

He is in police custody and will undergo psychiatric evaluation before facing murder charges.

Prisoner demands 'vampire' diet

THE Utah State Court of Appeals has dismissed Robert Paul Rice's claims that the Utah State Prison is violating his right to practise his religion by failing to provide him with a "vampire" diet.

The court also showed no sympathy for Rice's complaint that he wasn't allowed a conjugal visit when a "vampress" is available so he can partake "in the vampiric sacrament (drinking blood)".

In his appeal, Rice claimed when he was brought to the prison in June 2000 he noted in his information sheet that he was "a Druid" and that "the order of the Druids that I follow is the order of the Vampire".

When he later became a member of Wicca, his "vampiric dietary needs" changed, he said.

Prison spokesman Jack Ford said Rice's records showed he was a Catholic.

Rice, sentenced to one to 15 years for felony weapons possession, theft and burglary, said he could drink milk and eat fruit, grains and vegetables. But he won't eat meat.

"We aren't customising the meals to what each inmate wants. We do have alternatives," Ford said.

As for the kiss of the "vampress", forget it.

"Without any question we do not have conjugal visits in Utah," Ford said.

The Associated Press

Investigator: Murder Suspect Said He's a Vampire

One of the suspects in the killing of a prominent scientist allegedly claims to be a practicing vampire who went into a frenzy after getting some blood in his mouth.

That was among the gruesome details heard in a Leesburg courtroom today, as an investigator discussed the confession of 18-year-old Kyle Hulbert -- one of four suspects charged with murdering Robert Schwartz.

At a preliminary hearing, the court heard that Hulbert allegedly said Schwartz's daughter was afraid her father was trying to poison her. Nineteen-year-old Clara Schwartz is also under arrest on murder charges.

According to the testimony, Hulbert used a two-foot sword to kill the renowned DNA expert in his Loudoun County farmhouse in December.