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Hello, these are the beginning journals of my personal observations. These are the people who sponser my work:

Fuckthemainstream offers punk, gothic, rave, cyber, fetish, freak, clothing and accessories. Customfangs offer exactly that, custom vampire fangs. They range in all prices so it's not really expensive for some. Click on the pictures above to see.

If this is your scene then please(!) buy from them by clicking on one of the pictures on these sites so I can keep researching (if you just type it then fuckthemainstream or customfangs won't know who to pay)... Thank you.

First off:

Vampires are probably the hardest paranormal species to observe. First, they do not have a habitat. They can up and leave properties they've obtained and all material possessions. This makes it very difficult to keep track of vampires. Second, they are dangerous to observe. Strong, even some average, vampires can sense you from half a mile away. They are fast, so it's ridiculous even trying to run after or out run them, they are strong so fighting them if you're caught is pointless, and vampires have sensational vision and hearing. Third, Vampires can easily pass off as humans (I know this from personal experience). We live in such a realistic world that the thought of paranormal creatures is almost an absurd idea, most of us don't even sustain a religion. However, I have traveled to places and recorded evidence of places vampires once lived. I have seen, heard, and felt the presence of vampires and much more. This is my hobby, this is my job, this is my career... this is my life.

November of 2002-

I have met a young female teenager (will not display name) that has the traits of a Born-Vampyre. She has showed me injuries that have been made the night before that were almost completely healed in less than 48 hours. I have noted that she is quite strong for her size (she's about 5 feet, 2 inches). She is affected by sunlight and apparently once had a serious case of sun poisoning. Other small traits have caught my attention as well. I am traveling to see her again to obtain more information. I am observing this case at present and will upload any evidence that I find...

December of 2002-

I have tried several times to contact the teenage girl. I'm afraid that I have made her uncomfortable with the situation by revealing to her that she may be of vampiric blood... that and something else on a more personal note. So many things have happened in these past few weeks that it seems my life has been put on hold, not to mention my research. Now that everything is almost back to normal I hope to accomplish getting some of my work done.

December of 2002-

When observing or following vampires you are at risk of many things, like losing your life for example. It is very important to attempt to protect yourself. Since you can not exactly place a string of garlic around your neck or carry around a holy-water pistol, I am forced to use actual weapons. Here are some pictures of my weapons that I carry with me...

...this is my personal favorite:

This knife is known to be the most popular among the old vampire hunters due to the angle of the blade. They were supposably able to slice a vampire's head off in one clean swipe.

On occasion, I also carry this:

There are two of these weapons that I hold inside of my quarters. However, I rarely do bring these. For one, they are way too heavy; also, they stand out quite noticeably... not exactly the type of object you would bring with you if you were trying to be unnoticed.

December of 2002-

I have been transferred temporarily to California. One of my colleagues has told me that a young, very weak female vampire has asked him for help.

Apparently, an anonymous vampire had changed this young girl into a vampire earlier that night and left her without any consolidation or help whatsoever. My colleague stumbled upon this vampire along one of the secluded beaches on the southern coast while searching for a previous vampire he had observed once before. While he was doing this, she attacked him, biting into his upper left arm. He went to shoot her, but then she drew back and flung her arms up to shield herself from him. Knowing that she was scared rather than meaning harm, he decided to help her rather than attempt to leave her. He has taken her into his care temporarily.

She is very weak, very sensitive to light (she's not used to her new delicate vision yet), and tends to sleep from 3 hours before dawn until 2 hours after dusk. I'm afraid that she would not have lived after that night if it were not for my colleague. She was very confused of what had happened to her and would've not known to find shelter for the morning light.

Here are some pictures of when I first met her. She was willing to let us take pictures for evidence and research:

It has been 5 nights and four days now and the young vampire's teeth have become much sharper and her strength is better. She is still weak, however. Her feeding habits consist of about 12 to 14 pints of blood a night; humans contain about 16 pints of blood on average. Yes, she has had to kill (and has killed) almost every night since we have put her into our custody. My colleague had given her some blood that first night to sustain her since it was much too late for her to find any on her own.

I will upload more pictures when they are developed...

January of 2003-

I am back in Ohio now. Before I left I had sent out a blood sample of the young vampire girl out to the tri-state laboratory. I will not obtain the results for at least 30 days of the arrival. When I got back home the first thing I did was go into the dark room to begin to develope the pictures of the last days of my visit. Here are some:

The last night before my flight back, the vampire girl and I had a talk. She is becoming more comfortable as a vampire now than before. The girl had told me that she didn't have much of a family to miss and not many friends that she was close to. Her life mainly consisted of late night parties and staying out for days. She also confided her age to me, that she was/is only 12 years of age. This is very surprising to me to find out how young she actually was. I feel that I have connected with her and I hope that I will see her again. She still is staying with my colleague, but not out of dependency, but because she "feels she has a family" and doesn't feel like leaving now that she has one.

January of 2003-

I am soon going to explore some of the places where vampiric activity has been reported. My colleague, AJ Madison, will be flying in this week to join me. We will have pictures of the places we observe.

Meanwhile, I had my knife cleansed of rust and dried blood and also had it sharpened. See the difference:

This is what it looked like before:

January of 2003-

AJ Madison arrived earlier this week. AJ and I have been to two of the places that we were to explore. One was located in Lancaster, Ohio. Much damage was done to the house. There are windows broken out and things that were brought in like couches, beer bottles, candles and such. The ghastly weather prevented us from researching too much. I have a few photos that I will have up some time after my colleague and I explore the other places. So far nothing seems to be too unusual...

January of 2003-

Many trips to various abandonments have been canceled due to such horrid weather in this state. Neighbors and other citizens of the community have told me that this is one of the worst winters Ohio has had in a while. I would have such luck, would I? To come to this state when the weather is drastic. Take a look. I have yet to develop my other pictures, but here's what today looks like through the eyes of my handy digital camera (no film needed).

Not only that, but recently the news has said that it is colder here then Anchorage, Alaska! Well, hopefully things will clear up and I will be able to work again.

February of 2003-

The work load has doubled from being behind. I'm finally catching up with some of my studying on theories and facts of vampiric anatomy. My colleague has been stranded here with me and will not leave until we have everything done. Here is one of the houses that we will soon be observing:

The house is not very old. The house was built in the year 2001 during the late spring. There has been three disappearances in this area, not particularly this town parse, but the surrounding cities and near by counties. The record of the previous owner is vague and has obviously been tampered with. I believe that it is a fake record, that the birth certificate and social security number, as well as many other documents, are not real. The previous owner lived here for only 8 months. There has been no activity in this "persons" file since.

February of 2003-

I was searching through various files of vampire deaths and I came across this particular file:

It appeared that he was pinned to the ground through the wrists by wooden stakes as well as through the neck by the pitchfork as shown. When morning came, he had probably been conscious during the first three hours of his slow death. During this time, his skin had most likely burnt black and peeled away revealing the fat and muscles in the body. The sun probably burned his eyes through after burning off the eyelids, then eventually caused damage to the brain and finally died. The rest of his body kept burning until all was left was the residue of the burnt flesh. The cause of the victim‘s death was apparently murder.

February of 2003-

Once again, I am aggravated for being behind on my researching. I'm getting plenty of paper work done, but only so long can last me. I may be stranded here in Ohio for quite some time. Currently, there is a Level 3 Snow Alert into affect. For those of you who do not know what this is, this is the level where they shut down nearly everything in sight (surgery centers, factories, stores, roads, etc). I can't even keep up with how many inches there are. Take a look for yourself, maybe you can take a guess:

You'll notice the pine tree above is slanted drastically. This was caused by the harsh winds and freezing temperatures we've been having. It's probably hard for vampires to find nourishment here since so many people and animals seems to be finding shelter.

If you have any questions, now would be the best time to contact me. I'm afraid I'll have to be indoors for a while. I apologize for not having any information to update you on. Keep checking back, however, you never know when this weather will clear up or what I may find.

February of 2003-

I have finally gotten the results back from the laboratory in Arizona. I studied the results and placed them under "Vampire Blood" in the link below:

Biology of a Vampire

I have found many interesting things about the blood in a vampire. The vampire who donated the blood was the girl my colleague and I treated and helped back in California. She is not entirely a strong vampire, but her donation has helped a lot.

March of 2003-

It has been a few weeks since I have updated and you are all probably wondering why. My explanation isn’t easy to say, in fact, this is probably one of the hardest things I have had to deal with for quite some time now.

I regret to inform you that my colleague, D.M. Kelly, was killed last Sunday on March 2nd, 2003. He was a good friend with a good heart. I remember Kelly, as we all called him, being the one who would always want to risk danger even if he was scared out of his wit. He would always find a compromise in everything just to make everyone happy. On his last day, he was running an errand concerning the part of research he was doing in his area, and as the weather worsened outside so did the condition of the roads. Kelly’s car collided with another. The two passengers in the other vehicle made it, but unfortunately, Kelly did not. He died at the local county hospital an hour and a half after he arrived.

Kelly was a great worker. He was dedicated to his work as well as to us. Kelly was the third one to join this small group of researchers but was the first one to win all of our hearts. I will miss him regrettably.

March of 2003-

Whether it is young teenagers or actual vampires, there are many who actually believe that this book is the "Vampire Book". This book contains the theory of how vampires came to be and who or what started it all. The theory this book contains is what makes vampyres scarce. The fear of Cain or Lilith to come back to take back to the lives their seed has damned is too much for some vampires to even imagine. I have scanned through this book but have yet to thoroughly read this book through and through. I will have more information on this book under "Vampire History" once I am done. For more information and pictures on this book now, go to:

Vampire History

April of 2003-

I apologize for the scarce updating, much work, I assure you.

After about 3 to 4 weeks straight of paper work, research, and analysis, I decided that I needed to check up on my colleague out in California and the vampire girl that is staying with him.

When I arrived, the first thing I realized was how different she had become. It wasn't much in the actual physical appearance, but how she stood, the confidence in herself, and how she had become protective of my colleague; this a huge difference from the timid, scared girl that my colleague and I first knew. Even the way she stood was more upright, she had a more toned body to her, and her face was free of stress; this made her look much older and more mature than the pre-teen inside.

For research studies, my colleague and I had decided to ask her if she would feed on my colleague, nothing big as to hurt him, but just to see her feeding habits. I had noticed that she feed gently, whether this was habit or the fact that she was feeding on a friend, I'm not quite sure.

Afterwards, what I did notice was that she brushed her teeth. I asked her why this was and she responded by telling me that she noticed that if she didn't that her tongue would be slightly stained reddish-brown after so long. She had told me that after the transformation, she didn't brush her teeth and that after a while, the inner parts of her lips, the tongue, and teeth would get a stain like color to them. In order for her to look more natural, she needed to brush away the excess blood that soaked into her mouth.

I know that this isn't something truly breath taking, but it is interesting if you think about it. The small things of a vampire are also the important things.

July of 2003-

I have much to update but so little to tell at the moment.

In April I returned to Ohio. California and seeing my colleague was more of a vacation than an observation, my apologies, but I needed it more than you know. Also, in April, I realized that there were too many cases that were vampire related that I found out were false and unhealthy practices made by people who were against Easter. Much time was wasted there.

In May, I finally found a case that one of my colleagues had brought to my attention. The airport, however, was completely booked (Mother's Day) and therefor, I was forced to take the bus. After spending a little over 22 hours on the bus from Columbus, Ohio to Texarkana (the city that connects Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas) my colleague picked me up and took me to the location we needed to be (Diana, Texas). Diana is a very small town, hard to find on a map, in fact, it is only a mile long, perhaps less. In this small town there's an abandoned trailer that is suspected of being one of a vampires hiding places. What was unusual to me at the time was the idea of a vampire living in such a small town and in such a deformed building. Later on, I found out that only 30 minutes down the highway was an even larger city, Longview, with a high record of missing people. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to record except for underneath the trailer and various other things. My colleague is still there, however.

In June, I had to pack and move to another location, I interviewed several people for the job that Kelly once had, and go out and document a few areas that I said I was going to research before but hadn't had the chance to. Cases of vampiric activity has increased since the heat had increased dramatically in the middle of the month. A lot of work to be done.

In July, I have found two new researchers, K.T. Witte and J.R. Dougherty. I have settled into a new area for now. I am in the middle of training my new colleagues and am hoping that the work will be lightened a bit from my shoulders. Hopefully, I'll be correct.

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