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From: VidelvsGohan@aol.com, To: mjxero@darksites.com, Subject: Vampire studies, Date: Wed 12/17/03 09:19 PM,

It amuses me how you are capable of writing this and getting others to believe it at the same time. I'm sorry to say but you are just a role player. If you have any questions about real vampires feel free to e-mail me at Kayona_Eriegusha@yahoo.com I do not check this e-mail address often.

~Blessed Be~

Vampire Poem

Curse of eternity, to never die To go on forever... Never known. Hiding from the prying eyes To live a life of no more then alone. Death is my friend Life is my enemy... No religion to save me No one to crave me No one to love me No one.. Just I and the kin As we conquer all. The closer we are to winning The less I think I really care.


You see me as this beautiful creature My alluring eyes glow red like burning fire My chiselled cheekbones and aquiline nose Standing against the moon in coal black clothes My pale skin as cold to touch, as fields of snow My life spans past centuries you will never know.

I feed from the life blood of slain mortal man Living in the darkness; I will never see the sun again. Though I am immortal, such pain it brings me The ones I love become old and die before me.

A crimson tear falls down my bone white face My heart is full of sorrow and murderous disgrace It was never my wish to live beyond mortal death I was brought across by a vampire that stole my last breath

So dance with me my love in my realm of darkness Be close to me, in my arms and lose your fright Under the resplendent glow of the ageless moon To the angelic music of my eternal night

I ask of you, my love, to do one thing for me Let me bring you across so you can be with me I am so alone and desire for your eternal love We shall live together forever, under the stars above.

Merlin written on April 25, 2000

The ultimate magician that we all know by legend. The one and only magician who understood the ways of the world. Chosen by the Earth, he was given the ultimate gift that all of us druids, magick users have ever dreamed of. That gift is the gift of the earth, and the magick she gives us all. To the people during his time, they considered him evil, a traitor, and an untrustworthy person. To the legendary King Arthur, he was considered Arthur's greatest friend and advisor. To the planet, he was their greatest student in the ways of magick. Betrayed by the woman he loved, Vivian, he remained in a tomb of silence and sadness. To all of us magick users, he still remains with us and also teaches us how to really live life. He may have bid farewell to Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. But he never bid farewell to the future magick users of this planet, and to the Earth. ---by Integra Garnet (http://integrahellsing.tripod.com)

The Hidden Evil written August 1, 2000

As I lied in bed in my dark room staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep, unable to dream, I noticed a dark spot in the very center of my soul. I have never noticed it until now. I wonder how it got there, and I also wondered how long its been there, hiding in my soul. I looked at it very closely somehow, as though I was looking at a very beautiful rare gem. It got darker when I saw it and tried to look at it closely. Suddenly, in one flashing moment, I saw the origin of the dark spot that amazingly got bigger in size. I felt the hate running through my veins. I tasted blood on my mouth, tongue and lips as though I was drinking blood out of a chalice made of gold. I smelled burning flesh invading my room, and it smelled like human flesh, not animal flesh at all. I heard the sounds of screams and cries of terror all around me. I saw dead bodies all around me, covered in blood, and I also saw the smiling faces of the ones who killed all these people. I closed my eyes, opened them again, and I saw the blank white ceiling above me. I have seen it all.... I understand it now.... The human race has one thing in common with each other. They all have a hidden evil inside.... A hidden evil that won't ever go away.... A hidden evil that will never die.... ---by Integra Garnet (http://integrahellsing.tripod.com)

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picture done by Buffy

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