The History of Vampires
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The History of Vampires

There are many theories on how the vampire was first born, but what remains the same is the theory of vampires in nearly every culture will you find on this Earth.

  • Christianity/American/Western Europe:

    The earliest of these is that 'in the beginning, God made Adam and Lilith'. Lilith, like Adam, was made out of the earth. Lilith loved the earth, in fact, she seemed to love the earth and animals more than she loved Adam. Adam became furious and told God that he wanted a woman that would love him, so God made Eve out of Adam's rib so that she would love him more than anything else. Lilith was then banished from the Garden of Eden and became the first vampire.

    Another theory is the 'Dracula Theory'. Vlad Dracul was the prince of Romania and was one of the harshest rulers in history. However, he did turn a country that was in poverty and full of crime into a safe, sufficient environment. He would impale his enemies and then hang their bodies around the kingdom showing what could happen to you. This was very crude, but it also kept many enemies away. They say that he had avoided death so often in his life that when he actually expired he refused to accept death and rose from the grave hungering for blood, like he did when he was alive.

    Now some people believe that this also ties in with the Lilith theory. That Lilith was the first vampire and later ran into Cain and made him a vampire as well.

    Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel. If you have read the Bible, you know that Cain murdered his brother, Abel, and was banished into the desert away from Adam and Eve. Cain became hungry and weak from lack of water and food. The sun bore down on him from the hot sun, so he hid from the daylight and would walk and hunt during the night. His stomach ached and became small, so small that he could barely eat small amounts of food. Because water was lacking, he drank the blood of what he could find. His teeth and eyes adapted to his lifestyle and became sharp, his skin became delicate and pale, and his senses quick. Even with all his abilities, his blood was cursed so Cain feared the wrath of God. Eventually, Adam and Eve had many children and Cain, being lonely, made the first vampire "offspring". As time went on, more vampires were made, mostly by Cain. At night, vampires would feed off of animals and humans, and by day they would hide from the light and the humans that hunted them out. Cain witnessed the massacres, the fear in humans and vampires, and death in everything he and those he made touched. He decided to go into the earth, but not before telling his offspring one thing: "I have made a mistake. When the (vampire) blood is thin enough for us to walk in the daylight, I will come back and destroy what I have started." In the Christian religion of human history, they have gone through many generations of being murdered and tortured along the way for what they believe in. Vampires live long and do not go through generations like humans do. Also, they live a life of witnessing and causing death after death, so killing one of their own kind is not punishable like our society. Vampires that strongly believe in Cain's wrath are careful on how many vampires, if any, they make. If a vampire senses a very weak vampire, they kill him/her in fear of Cain's return. This is why there isn't a large amount of vampires, and even less vampyres.

    The Vampire Bible

    This book is said to be The Vampire Bible. Some of you may notice that this is the book published by the well-known vampire game "Vampire: The Masquerade".

    The torturements and "consequences" of being a vampire:

    The rise and fall of Eve:

    As well as vampiric and human conflictions:

  • African/Southern-Eastern Europe/Middle Eastern/Northern Asia: