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black rose's book of shadows
Saturday, 14 January 2006
dragons blood, eucalyptus, midnight rose
Topic: herbs
the newest thing i am working with is dragon's blood. its a great herb. i have been using ointment, ink and incense, candles etc. anything i can get my hands on. i have need banishing and protection and its the best thing for that so i am all about it. its a great scent to and i quite enjoy using it.

i am also using much healing oils and ointments and particularly the bath salts. i love the eucalyptus scent as well. its very helpful and really strong and really clears up your head when youre feelin ill.

i have also found the scent midnight rose that i love. i have a lotion from wind sprites thats scented with it called aphrodite's spell lotion that is amazing. black rose is still my favorite but this is amazing! i love it.

also i love to use ointments now and have a collection of them that i use. my favorite so far is the witches ointment for connecting with the gods and goddesses. i love 'love' and 'healing' as well.

blessed be,
black rose

Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 1:28 AM EST
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Monday, 28 November 2005
altars & supplies
i got the rest of the stuff i ordered for my birthday, so i was able to put all the stuff on my altars etc. i now have a morrigan/morgana le fay altar too. i got a cabinent- a witches cabinent, for all my witchcraft and magick supplies. the top of it is my morrigan altar. here are pix-

my altar
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my morrigan/morgana le fay altar
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my witches cabinent
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Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 6:46 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 28 November 2005 10:39 PM EST
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Wednesday, 2 November 2005
Mood:  happy
for our samhain 1 year handfasting/marriage anniversary we had a bath with love spell bath salts. i burned candles annointed with love oil. and annointed our wedding bands- tattoo and silver celtic bands with handfasting oil. also burned rose incense. and used love oitment as well.

for my samhain ritual i had a small ritual. usual set up, but used samhain oil on my candle for the sabbat and i had a special scented samhain candle and samhain potpourri. did a little meditation on morrigan. samhain is also the feast or morrigan so i did my meditation on her and used my morgana le fay bath salts for my ritual bath. also annointed with black rose oil and used black magick incense to invoke her. in my meditation she told me i needed to concentrate less on the technicalities as i have been and more on her- and the spiritual. she came into me after telling me that. she came into my body. filling me with her strenght. all i could think was my heart was sort of full after that. i dont know how to explain it.

so anyways it was a good ritual :) simple as i like um!

Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 11:51 PM EST
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Letter Spell
Topic: spell
Letter Spell
November 2nd, 2005

Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Coriander

To express your need, try writing a letter as though you were writing to a dear friend. This is good practice for communicating with others and for knowing yourself. Choose paper and ink color that best corresponds to your need. Decorate the paper, making it as visually attractive as possible. Use paint, markers, stickers, colored pencils, drawings, pictures, or use a computer and add clip art. Take the letter outside and read it to the universe or to the deity of your choice. Know that someone is listening and hearing your plea. End with this statement: “I will take action necessary to support my desire. For the good of all and harm to none, so mote it be.” To add extra energy, mail the letter to yourself. After you receive it, place it on your altar until the spell manifests.

By: Ember

Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 11:46 PM EST
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Monday, 31 October 2005
A Janus Samhain Spell
Topic: samhain
A Janus Samhain Spell
October 31st, 2005

Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Rose

Thousands of rituals and spells have been composed for Samhain. On this night when the boundaries of life and death are blurred we honor our ancestors, and we remember others who have passed over that we never knew. What has been part of our past shapes our future. This Samhain we might also want to look forward. Someday we will be the past that helped shape someone else’s future. Janus was the two-faced Roman god for whom January is named. One face looks to the past, the other to the future. Turn to face the west, the land of the dead and the deities, saying:

Janus, who looks into the night toward the place where spirits seek light,
bless all souls who come now as they hear it, and dance in the circle of spirit.

Turn to face the east, the point of the rising Sun, away from death and into the promise of a new day, saying:

Janus, who into the day at dawn’s first glow and Sun’s first ray, bless this circle without hesitation, and fear not the past nor times not yet here.

By: Edain McCoy

Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 9:09 PM EST
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Thursday, 27 October 2005
healing work
Mood:  special
Topic: healing
i've been working with healing lately. i got a healing kit from wind sprites realm. and healing oils and herbal blends. the kit included healing bath salts, healing oil, healing powder, and healing ointment. she sent me a free healing tinture. and i got upset tummy tea. trevor and i have been sick lately so i thought i would try out these methods of healing, natural herbal. the oils and ointments are wonderful, very eucalypus-ey heheh. but anyways, i have been putting it on all day. and we are going to take a healing bath when he gets home from work. also i used green woman spell ink and did a written spell for healing as well. we arent that sick really but i havent done healing magick really so i wanted to try it. the tea also helped trevor a few days ago. so i really am finding herbs and herbal made items helpful. and i suggest their use to anyone intrested.

black rose

Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 11:16 PM EDT
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Sunday, 23 October 2005
Topic: undines
i did an undines ritual today to connect with them. i used undines bath salts and an undines candle. and also oil. i drank faery tea and burned mermaid incense. i feel i saw an elemental spirit. it was a black tailed mermaid with long black hair. it was brief but i feel i made a connection of some sort. i believe she was a dark mermaid. which makes sense for me ofcourse.

heres some info on undines from wind sprites realm -

Sea Sprites ~ Water Elementals

The undines work to maintain the astral body of humans and to awaken and stimulate our feeling nature. They assist in unfolding heightened psychic feelings, as well as emotional ones. Theirs is energy of creation, birth, intuition and creative imagination. They assist us in absorbing and assimilating life experiences, so that we can use them to the fullest. They help us to see and feel the fullest ecstasy of all the creative acts of life, be they sexual, artistic, or the performance of a duty with the right emotion.

Undines often make their presence known through our dreams. Dreams of water and sensuality often reflect undine activity and their urging to greater creativity in our life. Working with them can assist us in controlling and directing dream activity, as well as strengthening the astral body for fully conscious, out-of-body experiences.

They are essential to awakening the gifts of empathy, healing, and purification.

Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 6:26 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 23 October 2005 6:29 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 19 October 2005
oil, bath salts, spell inks, spell powders, herbal blends, teas
Topic: magickal supplies
herbal ritual oils is something i use constantly now. black rose is my favorite and i use it as a perfume as well. i diffuse it, make sachets and bath salts with them, annoint candles and jewelry with them. my other favorites are green woman, and water element. also dark moon, moon,

bath salts for ritual baths is something i use often. i like to take peaceful baths, and always do before ritual. and do most days that i have time to. my favorite is the morgana le fay bath salts. i also love the water element bath salts and moon goddess. also i have new goddess bast and undines bath salts on the way that i am looking forward to using.

one thing i have been working with lately is spell links. i have bought some different ones from wind sprites realm to use. my favorite and the one i use the most is purple dark enchantment spell ink. they are scented as well- this one is scented with black rose. also i like to use the green woman ink, green, and mermaid's song which is blue. i have done several spells with them so far.

i am also using spell powders now. my favorite is the morgana le fay spell powder, for invoking her, as well as dark enchantments. i also like the water elment spell powder, as its my element and i like to attune with it every now and again. i also use protection powder, that is a very handy one. i put in at our appartment door way.

i also use herbal blends now. i use them for my altar and to surround candles during spells. my favorite being ofcourse the morgana le fay herbal blend.

herbal teas are also a thing i have used for a long time, but i have found some great new ones. my favoite is the temptress tea. its for dark enchantments and also lust, sexuality etc. i also use the god/goddess centering tea a lot as well. and i have love tea, meditation, etc.

all for now...

blessed be!
black rose )O(

Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 4:58 AM EDT
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Topic: updates
my tradition is more defined now- i had been flip flopping a bit between eclectic and celtic. and i also have changed my name slightly. heres a little list of my current magickal stats so to speak.

magickal name: black rose

type/ tradition of wicca - solitary celtic, but i also study egypt and dark witchery

*pantheon - celtic- my main goddess is morrigan (celtic). i also sometimes work with bastet (egyptian)

my familars - i have 3. my silver moon, a female gray calico cat with amber eyes. shes also a taurus, and very much like me. and isis, a black calico cat with green eyes, who was born friday the 13th of may 05. and a raven named morgan in the astral plane.

animal totems - black cats , ravens, & bats

Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 2:31 AM EDT
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old entries/re post
2 entries from last month i had in my other journal that i wanted to include here:

sept 22
~cat magick~
i had to do a cat spell. a horrible thing happened her in my area- one of the towns here. a woman didnt want her kitten and threw it out of her moving car under another car. a car behind her stopped and rescued the cat, but she died. its horrible. i called on bastet to do justice for this cat.

i also had another meditation. this time i took a ritual bath. i burned a purple candle annointed with black rose oil. i was going to mediate and meet morgana le fay/ goddess morrigan. to speak with her. i went to my place, the black forest. and when i got there she was so excited to see me and said she had been waiting for me. she had ravens flying around everywhere. then i saw black cats again. she told me bastet too was a dark goddess (which from some things i have read, she is) and that she was there too. we talked for a while. they told me they had chosen me. a lot of times goddesses do choose us, and they both have chosen me. they took me to a black river where they had me bathe. when i came out i felt like i was dying- but i see now i was being reborn and it was like coming out of death. they showed me darkness and told me now i had darkness in me. (not evil darkness- but the beautiful darkness that exists as the light exists.). morgana gave me a raven and told me that she was my familiar in this world (astral plane as it is called) and that my cats were my familiars in life. i spoke with them a while more and they told me i was to choose my ravens name, that it didnt have one. and i am quite sure it was female. the raven was very friendly, letting me pet her all i wanted. and then i hugged them, the cats licked my knees heheheh and then i left.

i think i know what the ravens name should be. morgan. thats perfect! her name is morgan.

sept 20
~full moon ritual~

i had a wonderful full moon ritual tonight. and i learned a lot. the goddess and i had a long conversation. it was wonderful. one of the amazing experiences of my life. so much happened. she told me so much. and showed me so much. it was so wonderful. amazing! i used my full moon kit from wind sprites realm. i annointed myself with the moon oil. used the moon goddess ointment on my forhead. used the white candle. and before it i had a wonderful bath with the moon goddess bath salts. and i used the sea salt to cleanse the circle. it was wonderful. i have to write down some stuff in my book of shadows. the things she showed me. so i will never forget. usually during ritual i speak to the goddess and the god. more the goddess because i associate with her more, but they are both always there. i have a special place that i go to. normally its an autumn forest. now its become an autumn night forest. the images evolve on their own. its the astral plane i travel to. feelings come over me and things happen that i cant explain. at first i was dancing in the night forest. the goddess and god were there with me. and suddenly the forest was filled with cats running and dancing everywhere. then ravens flew over head and stayed in the trees as we danced. then i held the candle in my hand. and i felt the goddess suddenly next to me in the circle taking my hand, and speaking with me. then we were in the night forest again, just me and her. and the cats appeared again. this time sitting and watching us. i mean a fuckin forest full of cats. mostly black. and i could see all their wonderful eyes shining. i asked about them and she told me they were mine. and that i was a cat goddess. i asked about the ravens and she said they were morrigan's watching over me. she told me she was my mother, the sun god my father. but morrigan and bastet were my guides. and that she ruled my heart and they my mind. and she told me to feel her love and suddenly my heart got really hot inside. it was amazing. i wasnt hot at all on the outside, but on the inside i got a wonderful hot fuzziness. then we spoke more. she told me i was her night child. and the she left and the cats all looked at me and then came to me nuzzling me and i fell to the ground laughing as they all came to me. then ckaldean came into the circle. i had heard him meowing but he left me alone till i was done talking with the goddess and he came into the circle wanting attention. what a sweet heart. then isis came along and i think she could see the circle. she paused right outside it then came in and looked around. and then i took down the circle and blew out the candles and incense. it was a wonderful ritual. i had been doing mini rituals lately but i did a full ritual (full for me- being solitary) and it was great. i am glad i did it. later this week i have to do a mabon ritual. thursday night. i am looking forward to it. :)

Posted by goth2/witchgoddess at 2:23 AM EDT
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