*OCTOBER 31st 2004*



WEDDING DATE/ INFO- october 31, 2004 HALLOWEEN!!! justice of the peace, then a reception combination halloween party. also a wiccan handfasting ceremony that night. the wedding is going to have a midevil/wiccan/gothic theme. and matching tattoo rings that we will design, probably a celtic design- most likely with a rune as part of the design. we will also be getting silver celtic wedding bands. we will still be getting the tattoo wedding bands ofcourse. i am going to be wearing a black midevil style dress and lots of celtic jewelry. trevor will also be wearing midevil clothing. we will both be wearing necklaces of the rune gyfu. we are also going to be wearing celtic zodiac necklaces and i am going to be wearing a necklace with black roses on it. i am going make my boquet with black roses (fake)and 2 purple roses with black and purple ribbon and i am going to have dark red roses at the reception for decorations. trevor's brother is going to be his best man. i am not having a maid of honor- instead i have asked that my brother (my bestfriend aside from trevor) be at the wedding (justice of the peace thing). there will be about 30 people at our reception, 50 at the shower our parents are throwing. and just us at the handfasting. also we are inviting our best friends, stephanie and dimitri for the wedding, and the rest is family.


my celtic zodiac symbol -

MAGICAL ABILITY (Hop Tu Naa) - Isle of Man children even today sing on this festival: 'Jinny the squinny went over the house...Hop Tu Naa, Hop Tu Naa.' A squinny is a witch, whose eternal magical powers find form in the Pentagram. Individuals born under this sign have magical ability and well-defined goals.

trevor's -

ENCHANTMENT (Sidhe) The Faery people, called the Sidhe by the Celts, may be glimpsed as shimmering lights during twilight. Sidhe-born individuals are blessed with enchantment, some having second sight.

the rune gyfu (aka, Gebo - This rune represents a gift being bestowed on you, either material or educational. It may also mean the gift of partnership either in business or in romance. It heralds good fortune, give and take, and a balancing of energies)


the candles we will have at the wedding for place settings are these yankee candles - fresh cut roses (pillars mostly)



my shower dress (velvet purple) "gothic gown":

my wedding dress (black and purple velvet) " Avignon dress":

my cape/wiccan robe i will be wearing with the wedding dress (maybe shower too) (black velvet):


our wedding bands (enternal knot):


my tattoo wedding band ;


my engagement ring (called the celtic rainbow, eternity theme);


the honey moon - for our honey moon, we are planning a trip to japan!



the wedding shower - the wedding shower for trevor and i was september 26th at a banquet hall in town, with a buffet and 50 something people. we received lots of wonderful presents including a deep fryer, new black micorwave, a dish set from pier one imports, lots of black and green towels from bed bath & beyond, a great 4 piece toaster, 2 crock pots, a rice cooker, black wine glasses, starfire glasses collection, a george forman grill, lots of money, etc. its was a great party! a fall/halloween theme.

pix from the wedding shower...


wedding presents from trevor to me - victoria's secret nightie, pentacle with a moonstone in it, and a pentacle worrystone.

i got him an athame, a runestone set, and a book on aura reading.




pix from the wedding... more later

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