St Lea, Widow
March 22 St Lea, Widow
A letter which St. Jeromes wrote to St. Marcella provies the only information we have about St. Lea, a devout 4th centry widow. Upon the deth of her husband, she retired to a Roman monastery and ultimatley became its superiour. Since his correpondent was acquainted with the details of ASt. Lea's life, St. Herone omitted thwe in his letter. He concentrated inseted on the fate of St. Lea in comparison with that of a consul who had recenly died.
"Who will praise the blessed Lea as she deserves? She remouned painting her face and adorning her head with shinging pearls. she exchanged her rish atire for sackcloth, and cease to command otheres in order to obey all. She dwelt in a corner with a few bits of furniture; she spent her nights in prayer, and insturcted her companions through her expamle rather that throught rotesets and speeches. and she looked forweard to her arrival in heaven in order o received her recompense for the virtues whitch she practised on earth.
"So it is that thencforth she enjoyed perfect happiness. From Abraham's bosom, where she resides with lazarus, she sees our consul who was onces dcecked out in urple now vested in a shameful rove, vainly beggin for a drop of water to qeunch his thrist. Although he went up to the capital to the plaudits of the people and his death occasioned widespread greif, it is futile for the wife to assert that he has gone to heaven and possesses agreat mansion there. The fact in that he is plungied into the darkness outside whereas Lea who was willing the be considered a fool on earht has been recieved into the house of the Father, at the edding feat of the Lamb.
"hence, I tearfully beg you to refrain from seeking the favors of the world and to renounce all hat is carnal. it is impossib le to follow both the world and Jesus. Let us live a life of renunciation, for out bodies will soon be dust and nothing else will last any longer."
PRAYER-Lord, amid the things of this world, let us wholehearedly be commited to he heavenly things in imitation of the example of evangelical perfecion You have given un in St. Lea. Amen