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Your Task

The goals of an archaeologist are to document and explain the origins and development of human culture, understand culture history, chronicle cultural evolution, and study human behavior and ecology, for both prehistoric and historic societies. It is considered, in North America, to be one of the four sub-fields of anthropology.

You are a group of archaeologists. While you are exploring the Valley of the Kings you stumble across an unknown tomb. It was hidden deep inside an unexplored pyramid. In this tomb there is a mummy surrounded by all of his worldly possessions.


Human-headed Winged Cobra
Vulture Pendant
Goddess Isis Protecting Tutankhamun's Shrine statue
Silver Pomegranate Vase

Who is it? Is he a pharaoh? Is he a vizier or advisor to the king?

In order to uncover the mystery you must research and understand the history of ancient Egypt. Together, you will create a journal of your findings. One member of each team will choose one aspect of Egypt.

Your choices for research:

Once you have choosen your research topic you will be using the links provided on each page to guide you in this adventure. You will give a presentation of your findings to the class. You will create your own name written in hieroglyphics. You will also present this to the class.

PA Standards