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The Court of Nobles
"Because we say so!"

The Skinny: A political body made up of resident nobles and landed gentry, headed by the City Highlord and influenced by outside parties such as the Trade Guilds, the Temples, etc. that has been put into place to govern the city. In short, a colossal waste of time.

Establishment: After the Blood Moon tragedies, the Wizards of Griffondale figured out that they'd rather make money training new wizards than running the city, so they dumped authority on City Council, which then became the Court of Nobles.


Dane Lyonmane (human youth) - City Highlord
Rufius Vale (human gentry) - Lord, Secretary of the Court
Robert De'canton (human gentry) - Lord

*The Court is Nobles has perhaps three or four dozen seats. It is presumed that the head of almost every noble house in Griffondale  is represented.


The City Administration Offices
"Because the Court of Nobles says so!"

The Skinny: A vast bureaucratic network of agencies and support staff that serve the Court of Nobles, ensuring that all local policies, laws, regulations and rules are followed. Most of these offices are redundant and completely unnecessary, of course. The CAO really only exists to create impassible barriers of red tape.


The Office of Taxation & Expiration -
The Office of Permits & Registration - Assistant Director Grizelda Welch (half-sprite)
The Office of Inspections & Compliance - Deputy Director Argyle (human - deceased)
The Office of Tourism & Propaganda - Director Finnigus Crook (gnome)
The Office of Public Works & Recreation -