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  The Griffon's Nest Pub
"Every adventurer knows its name!"

Main Floor:

The Griffon's Nest features a rather small common room, with table seating for about a dozen and another eight stools barside. Three private rooms on the main floor are presently used by the establishments proprietor, Gueedo Tumble and his family.

The Griffon's Nest carries several different beers, ales, and lagers, the local favorite being Black Hill Ale. Gueedo also stocks several wines from the Halfling village of Berryville. As for the menu, the Griffon's Nest offers all-day breakfast and is famous for it's smoked meat sandwiches.

Upper Floor & Ground Floor:

The Upper Floors contain ten guest rooms. and each of these apartments are simple and sparsely furnished --- perfect for the frugal adventurer. Gueedo has gone to the trouble of installing reinforced wooden doors with mastercraft locks for added security. All in all, comfortable accommodations at a fair price.

Most of the Griffon's Nest supplies are stored on the Ground Floor, which also houses Gueedo's own personal freight-wagon and ponies. There is an access to the Griffon Nest's deeper ale-cellars which in turn grant access to the Underdungeons of Griffondale.