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About the Bombshells
What are the Bombshells you ask? Why, it's only the best all female TFC clan out there! (At least, I think so ^.~) We have been going strong since roughly March 2001, but our members are no strangers to the game!
The Bombshells is the 'love child' produced by the merging of three previous female only Team Fortress Classic clans. The clans Just a Girl, Babes in Boyland, and American Woman combined their strengths in order to create the arse kicking Bombshells, which is getting stronger and stronger every day.
Our member count has skyrocketed to nearly 20 members, and there has been no shortage so far of girls who enjoy a frag or two, despite what some disbelievers may think. ^.~

Why an all girl clan?
Well, that is a question with many answers and I'm sure all of our members have their own reasons, but there is one thing that drives us all:
The love for a good game of TFC, and a sisterly bond that makes us all part of such a great clan!

But we are not only out to have fun. (Although that's always a happy coincidence.) We are a serious clan with serious goals.
So if you thought videogames where just for boys and magazines, watch your back, because The Bombshells are just warming up!

Infrequently Asked Questions
Q: Does the Bombshells have clan server?
A: Well, right now we've got one in the works, but it's not quite established yet. Keep those fingers crossed though!

Q: Who do I contact to challenge the Bombshells to a scrimmage?

There is a challenge section at our forum, leave a note there and we'll get back to you asap. =)

Q: Isnt there any other way to contact The Bombshells?
Why, yes there is! You can contact us using our clan email.

Q: Like... are you all really girls?
No, we just call ourselves that because it sounds oh so much nicer than "boy". (O_o) Ok, couldn't resist...
Bombshells uses Roger Wilco during all practices and matches, so all members are confirmed females.

Q: Do you have a pic? *distant look in eyes, drool coming from mouth*
A: Um... no. Seek help. ^.~

Don't even think of trying anything funny...