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Girl Scout Diary

Here I'm going to post my experiences in Girl Scouts as a diary for those interested...happy reading!

Saturday, August 4, 2001

Well, the open house was today. It was great! The shop was really crowded, but that's okay. I had to stand in a loooooong line just to ask a question, but that was okay too. I can't believe they don't have my uniform yet! I need an XL vest, and they have only gotten 2 in since April...grrr!!!

When we finally got out of the shop, we went to the office and looked around. They wouldn't let me have Stepping Stones unless I'm a leader (which I'm not) which I think stinks.

After we left the office we went to the "sideyard" so to speak. They had a premiere of the new cookies, Ole Oles and All Abouts. They had some Ole Oles there to taste, and boy they were good! I'm gonna tell Mom to buy lots of those next year...hehe!!!

They also let us vote on the prizes and patches we want for selling cookies next year. They had a really cool clock radio, so I voted for that. (You were allowed to vote for 6 prizes and 1 patch).

I also made a "friendship pin". They had a table set up with safety pins and seed beads, and you choose your seed beads and put them on the safety pin the way you want them. It was cool! I made one with white and shades of blue (since those are the Cad/Sr. colors). I'm gonna wear it on my SWAPs hat. It'll be the only SWAP from somewhere besides World Thinking Day 2001!

Right before we left, they had the unveiling of the store's new name. (They had a contest and invited girls to submit a name. I couldn't think of anything good, so I didn't submit one.) A Brownie won, and the name she submitted was Girl Scouts About. The council thought the name was so good they named the council van Girl Scouts About Town and the satellite shop Girl Scouts About #2!

More later!

Sunday, August 12, 2001

Yay! I am officially a member of S.C.A.T (Senior Cadette Action Team)! I'm on the newsletter committee, but we haven't picked a chairman yet...only 2 other girls on the newsletter committee are not also on another committee, and 2 out of 3 want to run (me and another girl). Yikes! I have to call all the girls who signed up for Newsletter and make sure that they come early for the next S.C.A.T. meeting on September 9.

Next meeting we'll also get patches...yay! And Pat (our adult advisor) will take orders for the t-shirts. T-shirts cost $10, but patches are free. (They come with the dues, which are $6 per school year and 50 cents per meeting for snacks.)

I'm so excited! I'll tell you more later as I find out what's going on...yippee!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2001

The teen volunteer party was tonight! It was great. We had sort of this Shrek-themed party, even though that's not what I intended...oh well! We had a giant inflatable "S", sort of like Shrek, and Shrek posters hanging everywhere. It was so awesome! We had pizza and cookies for snacks, and every kind of soda pop imaginable for drinks (and water, of course). At first, since everyone wasn't there yet, we talked about our favorite book, movie, tv show, etc. Then, when everyone got there, we ate pizza and played "I Never". We also played "My Vacation", and "Freeze". It was so cool!!!! At the end, I took home a big bag of balloons, half a pizza, a liter of Dr. Pepper, and the giant Shrek "S"! I gave the "S" to a friend, though, because she has more room for it than I do.

It was a lot of fun...maybe I'll do it again next year!