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[Welcome To Riot Grrrl Online]

Kathi Wilcox Quotes
"I was 19 when I started playing guitar and bass. I've been playing music though, (violin, clarinet, piano) ever since I can remember."---Kathi Wilcox

"We're all strong personality types, which anyone who knows us will testify as truth, it's hard for any of us to sublimate our natural contrary anti-ness reactions, but ultimately I think that's our real power. We're not afraid to be bitchy , which is an important skill to have sometimes, to fight so you get your way. We have respect for each other so that we can disagree and it's not a big deal."---Kathi Wilcox

"I think it freaks people out. People always come up to me after a show and go, 'why didn’t you turn around once?' Why should I face the audience because everyone else on stage does?"---Kathi Wilcox

"There’s this whole thing about 'here I am.' But no, I’m just here on the stage."---Kathi Wilcox

"Girl culture."---Kathi Wilcox

"The whole girl thing, Tobi told me about when we were first starting the band. When girls are growing up, they hang out together. But at some point, 12 or 13 it depends, something happens. Boys come in and it all gets fucked up because of the boy-girl thing. Then girls can’t hang out with girls. "---Kathi Wilcox

"I don’t know how many friendships have gotten fucked up for me just because of dumb boy things. It’s totally unnecessary."---Kathi Wilcox

"Or you can't be calling boys to task at the same time as you're making out with them. Give me a break. Or something like, 'But I thought you hated all men? Like if you don't hate all men, then what are you talking about?'---Kathi Wilcox

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